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    Brandon Sanderson's books. Obviously.

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  1. Thanks, Joe! Good luck on fixing it.
  2. I did a quick search and couldn't find anybody else having this problem, so I decided to start a topic. Whenever I open the wiki on my iPhone, the everything seems fine for a second, then everything at the top of the page gets completely messed up, and the rest of the page becomes an extremely narrow column that is extremely difficult to read. Is this a known problem, or is it just my phone being weird?
  3. This was actually what I was thinking of, though they basically say the same thing: Q: Will Allomancy affect Shardblades? A: It cannot affect Shardblades. Well, cannot is a strong term. Things with innate Investiture are much more difficult to affect by any of the magics at all. Which is why it's very hard for Szeth to bind people or lash people whering Shardplate to the ceiling. In the same way Allomancy wouldn't be able to push on it without some help. Duralumin with a strong Push would probably do it.
  4. I believe there is a WoB (I'm too lazy to find it) that says the reason Szeth can't affect people wearing Shardplate is because none of the magic systems can affect something with a lot of investiture very well. He didn't say anything about Szeth not being able to wear shard plate though.
  5. This is total speculation, and most likely wrong, but for Soulcasting to work, the Soulcaster has to convince the thing to change. What if they had to convince the molecules to change? That's probably not how it's going to work, just a thought.
  6. Yeah... I don't want cookies. No thanks.
  7. Ravage Very powerful telekinesis. Secondary would be super reflexes. One of my favourite techniques would be to telekinetically pull knives out of my belt and make them hover around my head, randomly shooting forward to stab my opponent. Weakness would be if I feel fear, my powers stop working. For fun, I randomly collapse buildings around me.
  8. Well, several years ago, I posted an introduction topic on this forum. I posted 3 more things, and left. NOW I AM RETURNING. And yeah. Figured I needed a new one. Yeah. Anyway, my favorite series by Sanderson is Mistborn, with a close second of The Stormlight Archive. I have also read the Rithmatist and the reckoners
  9. Ummm... None of those disadvantages go away with just Rithmatist. You still need a bigger circle, you still have a obstacle always in your way, and you're still a bigger target.
  10. Shardlet, if you look at the picture of the Taylor Defense, the illustration states the lines that border some of the outer circles are LoFs. It's possible the part where it says A LoF in the outer circles refers to those lines, not the Mark's Cross.
  11. Ender


    Yeah, I just realised that today while skimming through the book. So, right now, I'm not convinced symmetry is in anyway significant.
  12. I think we're over thinking things and "The Rithmatist" is simply a title. There doesn't need to be any reason at all. I could be wrong but I doubt any author would such a incredibly vague hint on the off chance someone might think with that much paranoia. No offense.
  13. Ender


    If one thing (nine point circle) doesn't fit, I don't think this idea means nothing. The nine pointer doesn't fit, so I don't think this is a good theory. On the other hand, I don't like being close minded. I guess maybe it could be for LoW (lines of warding) that only the shape that the bind points are based off of(4 pointer: square 6 pointer: hexagon) has to be symmetrical. The triangle of the nine pointer IS symmetrical.
  14. Uhh... I'm not great at math but are you trying to say that no triangle but the line would work on an ellipse? Or am I missing the point?
  15. Okay, so are we supposed to be playing this with the circle big enough to stand in or just on a scaled down size??
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