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About Jaaaaaade

  • Birthday November 11

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    Not talking about FTL anymore
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    Not Telling
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    I write scripts and draw and struggle though university. I love Mistborn. Non-brandon fandoms I am obsessed with include Doctor Who and Adventure Time.

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  1. Still not around to reading Elantris, but you've intrigued me with Adien. However, I can't find a link that explains this topic well enough, so it looks like i'm going to have to write this myself. Disorder =/= disabilty. Don't listen to the dictionary on this, but they aren't even synonyms. It also usually lists disease as a synonym. Thankfully no one's reffered to autism as a disease in this thread, but I have been in conversations where mental disorders were lumped under 'diseases', which I can't begin to explain how wrong that is. See I'm not going to sneeze aspergers onto anyone no matter how hard I try. So anyway, a disability is a 'physical or mental condition that limits a person's movements, senses, or activities.' This does not describe autism as a whole. It implies weakness. it's not a disability until the person in question comes up to you and says 'autism stops me from doing something vital, or it makes me feel disabled', for example. A disorder, however, is 'disrupt the systematic functioning or neat arrangement of.' so basically, it's shaking up the status quo. Now, 'disorder' is fine, but even better would be 'condition': 'the circumstances or factors affecting the way in which people live or work, especially with regard to their well-being.' or even simply, a 'neurotype'. I also would like to point enthusiastically in Sazed's direction for a few reasons, a) To remind everyone it's not necessarily a disability and b ) he studies religion obsessively in order to relax. He doesn't try to avoid people, he enjoys the company of his friends, but it does seem to take more effort than study for him.
  2. John Cleese could be TLR. John Cleese could be VIn for all I care.
  3. Alright, I'll word that better Basically you can never guess what's going to happen in Nightvale. Whenever almost anything happens, a listener could easily say 'I have no idea what's going on here.' For example, in an early episode a child is born. That child is nothing but a severed hand. The parents don't mind. You can say This post has been reported for attempting to skirt the rules now. But in a later episode, that severe hand is a character. For anything that happens, the writers have a plan for what's going to happen later on. There's a lot of things like that, such as the Apache Tracker plot arc, and the Angels no one but Old Woman Jose knows exists. Everything has it's own logic in the end. The fun is that there are so many things we can guess about, even if we only understand a very little bit. In fact, that's why there's forums like these. Imagine trying to figure out how the Cosmere works if you had only the strangest out-of-context snippets out of the books.
  4. I instantly thought of Stargate Universe here. On one of the special features someone says 'It's a show, but it feels like we're filming a 20-hour long movie.' It's one show where you never feel like they've skipped out on anything Would any of us even complain during a 20-hour long Mistborn movie anyway? I think it should take at least as long to watch as it does to read.
  5. I instantly thought of Welcome to Nightvale as an example, because it has a very wide gap. In fact, the fandom generally admits that it has no idea what's going on at all. That's what's so great about it, in fact. The script for an episode is almost as if it's a randomly generated sequence of words where anything can happen, but it still has character development and plot arcs, so we can assume (or hope) that the writers have an idea of what's going on beyond the main characters.
  6. If there isn't any wind, an earring will be enough to keep you pinned to the floor. Helium was isolated on March 26, 1895, by Scottish chemist Sir William Ramsay, thanks wikipedia. Aluminium, on the other hand, was isolated in 1826, so we know that Elendel scientists have a few decades to go until the proper technology is available to them. Although, this might not be right, because chemistry in Elendel must be biased towards metals, so finding a gas might take them even longer. Hydrogen, on the other hand, was isolated a century or two before Helium. And remember before the Hindenburg, blimps were filled up with Hydrogen anyway (hence, you know, the Hindenburg). So in AoL, they've probably already got access to hydrogen. But when I read blimps, I instantly wondered if you can fill up a Cadmium mind with helium or hydrogen? You could adjust the altitude doing that. Not to mention the pitch of your voice, and maybe keep a separate mind filled up with oxygen, so you don't die from a lungful of noxious gas.
  7. Wanna-be scriptwriter coming through The Lord Ruler's compounding doesn't need to be explained visually, he doesn't need any part of him glowing like a super-saiyan. Remember, while he's alive, no one has any clue how he's so powerful. He'll be scarier if he just does what he does, without the explanations of 'He's flaring pewter right now to make himself stronger'. What would need a visual signifier is his emotional Allomancy. It's most apparent the day of the executions, if memory serves. Think the Dementors in the Prizoner of Azkaban film. Say we're looking from Vin's spot on the rooftop. As TLR's black carriage draws nearer, the screen begins shifting to monochrome, the edges become distorted. The sound of the crowd fades, until all you can hear is Vin's pounding heart and some deep, ominous thrumming. Then zoom in on Vin's (I want to say brown) eye, beginning to tear up. Then Kelsier in b+w taps her on the shoulder, tells her to put up a coppercloud. The view goes back to normal all at once, accompanied by a stock force-field raising sound effect (You know what putting up a force-field in movies looks like). If you want to play it for drama, keep a slightly grey tint on the edge of the frame, and have Vin say 'I can still feel it.' The rest of the movie? Honestly beats me, Maybe the scenes involving Kelsier teaching Vin will be enough to explain the system. I know someone's going to groan, but I have to propose video-game vision. Not by putting actual health bars over the screen (blood and bruises and screams show health better in movies), but by putting metal-reserves in the corner of the screen during fight scenes. Say instead of beefing up Vin like a CGI Hulk, you just show a Pewter bar going down as she kicks someone, sending them flying across the room. That way it increases the tension when someone's running low, the equivalent of the screen always cutting to the ticking timer when someone's in a race against a time-bomb. Also, anyone played Kirby Squeak Squad on DS? Kirby gains his powers by eating his enemies. The powers went into his stomach, depicted on the bottom screen while the action keeps going as normal on the top. They could try showing the metals actually burning in their stomachs, if they wanted to.
  8. I've always wanted Feruchemy, but mostly for therapeutic reasons. I'd love the feel of being weightless more than the feel of launching myself through the air with coins. I'd love to go as fast as I want, or be as slow as I want, and think as fast as I want, and be as strong as I want. I could eat as much as I want and whenever I want. It would be relaxing and liberating, not to mention flawless memory during exams.
  9. One last post before I swear to never utter another word on FTL until the third trilogy is out. A compounder would still need more than a thousand years of constant compounding, and of course all the steel in the world. One might need more steel than is in the whole Cosmere to get about 0.99c. but then that's just off the top of my head. Wolfram/alpha wouldn't understand my wording. You're getting confused when you hear "unlimited speed". It's unlimited, but that's because it literally requires all the speed in the universe. A parallel example, you're trying to get colder than absolute zero. It's a lot less useful than breaking the light barrier, but hell it seems like a good idea to test it out. Imagine you're a drunk Feruchemist trying to win a bet. For reference it's −273.15° Celsius, or −459.67° Farenheit if your country hasn't gotten around to this century yet. No offence. So you get your hands on all the Brass you can find, and store every last drop of it in an instant. Your friend sticks a thermometer in you, and tells you that you're pretty cold, but not there yet. Also probably dead when your blood crystallised but let's ignore that. So you ask questions, like "Has my feruchemy been watered-down by mixed breeding outside the Terris community?", "Do I need more Brass?", "But I thought I could put in unlimited coldness all at once?" Someone tries to tell you that you can't get any colder, so you try to think of loopholes to prove them wrong. "What if I put myself in a fridge powered by an allomantic engine and then try storing heat?" and "What if I put myself into a time bubble and touch a source of brass outside a time bubble, right on the edge so I can put in a lot more heat in a shorter time?" and yes this is exactly what the FTL theories sound like so far. Turns out that you actually can't get any colder. You're made of atoms, and each atom has to follow a guideline. A very small guideline, because they're only little atoms and they can't remember that much. It goes something like this: "As an atom, I solemnly swear to never go colder than absolute zero, and never go faster than the speed limit." It's not hard. You can not get colder because atoms can not get colder. Reality stops once anything hits that temperature. Reality also stops when you hit the speed of light. Getting colder than absolute zero, and faster than the absolute speed, is having a straight line that is straighter than straight or being slower than standing perfectly still. This explains it very simply I'm sorry if this is response is going overboard, except on a scale of measuring annoying questions this isn't like asking "Why didn't Gandalf use the eagles to get the ring to Mordor instead of walking?", It's more like going to the LotR forums and asking "Why didn't Gandalf use his magic to nuke Mordor into dust?" Sanderson is smart, he does an insane amount of research into his magic systems, it's really great. Like no one in Way of Kings is going to use Lashings to make a black hole and suck in half the Cosmere (We hope). His FTL solution is going to be very well thought out, and is not going to use any kind of speed at all, at least not in the way we think about it, as in using force to displace mass over distances. Unless I'm wrong, and the book which breaks relativity comes with a free solid brick of Handwavium to beat out our brains with. Thank you for your time.
  10. Relativistically, it should never go over. Ever. Not even with magic. Speed is how much distance in how much time. You can not store up negative time, because there isn't any of that to store. However, you can get close, only if he stores up a ridiculous supply of mass while he's doing it. It's probably more steel and iron than there is on Scadrial. Carrying that while running? Imagine the pewter you'd need, too. Oh, and you'd have to live longer than the Lord Ruler to ever have enough speed and strength. That's not counting that an entire planet is a) covered in air that either slows you down, makes you catch fire, or tears you apart hitting the sound barrier, which is... 1/873 500th of the speed of light. Too fast and the air is a brick wall. Not to mention the actual brick walls. or b ) an entire planet is much too short of a runway to get close and my favourite thing to say is c) you can't run in space. What do you think it's made of? To reiterate; slow down. Breaking the sound barrier with feruchemy might not be possible even in the modern-day trilogy. There is a way to go faster than light built in to the metallic arts, but this is not it.
  11. Is Hoid a Terrisman? I've read here that some of his powers are feruchemy-based. He could be from Scadrial pre-ascension, but then isn't he probaby from Yolen?
  12. Don't worry I'm not certain. Although any moment now someone's going to jump in with the appropriate interview quote.
  13. Compunding was the most dangerous thing of all to let out, besides maybe Hemalurgy. To him, stamping out Feruchemists wasn't nearly as important as keeping track of them and ensuring that they never mixed with Allomancy. If word got out of that kind of power, that people could be born with simialar powers as TLR himself, then they would want to experiment with it.
  14. I assumed Pushing or Pulling on Aluminium was akin to doing it to wood. Not even Harmony could bend the rules that much. I still might be assuming too much though.
  15. My interpretation was that it was only a small ring of pure atium touching his skin, but the rest of the bracers were another metal. He didn't need much metal, his other metalminds were just rings and he could still manage his impressive feats. Hell, the smartest thing to do would have made atium bracers with an aluminium outer shell, so they couldn't ever be pulled off. It's not like he didn't have the cash.
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