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  1. Then I guess maybe Sazed merely means Trellium is wrong because that's not Autonomy's name? No matter which naming method you use (Shared vs vessel), Trellium is wrong, either Bavadium or Autonomium works, but Trellium is flat out wrong. I do wonder if Taravangian made the nature of the metal changed, since he would likely be a very different Odium
  2. Which is really weird by itself, because if Sazed wants to be a stickler for proper technical term, then shouldn't harmonium be sazedium too?
  3. Okay okay, with Calamity's hints, I'm sure I got it now! I kill people, I bring death. and my name starts with de...? I know, my name will be DEAF! It pronounces like death and starts with de!
  4. [spoilers] I guess this kinda makes Prof the strongest Epic in existence, bar the unknown that is Calamity? Since in the books they basically thought that Steelheart was the strongest, and clearly Prof is miles ahead of him in full power. Now I know this series is non Cosmere, but I'm kinda curious what would happen if someone try to attack Prof with a Shardblade. Or honestly, anyone of the High Epics with a Shardblade [/spoilers]
  5. Umm..0? The no killing policy ispretty much one of his defining feature. Heck, the one time he breaks his no gun policy actually use a gun against Darkseid, he didn't even manage to kill him. Unless you mean Batman is evil because he's too busy sticking to his "codes" and not finish Joker off, even knowing that he will eventually gets out and kill more people.
  6. I highly doubt it. I still don't think Stormfather is just a splinter of Honor. From his words, he's who he is not because he's some leftover part of Honor, he is who he is because the humans on Roshar share a certain belief in their concept of "the Almighty", and this powerful belief created a powerful spren in the Cognitive realm that is kinda like Honor himself but not quite. When Syl talked about how Honor himself gave the Heralds the Honorblades to give them his power, she mentioned the sprens then tried to imitate the powers. This means sprens exist even when Honor himself is around and they are not splinters of a Shard. I highly doubt that Stormfather, who in the end is just a spren can become a Shard of Adonalsium.
  7. So it seems his powers is pretty similar to what Atium does for a Mistborn. I am wondering what would happen if Fortuity tries to fight someone that is also a precog? Would it be kinda like two Atium users and both powers just cancel out?
  8. To be honest, this weakness is kinda a paradox too. So, if it really takes someone that doesn't fear SH to take him out, SH knows full well that he himself could be a danger to himself if someone set up a scenario where SH would hurt himself and checkmate him, this means SH would fear himself so it wouldn't work...
  9. At first I really thought the bullet works because it passed through another person(or maybe even has to be an Epic) before hitting SH.
  10. should also add Atium and Lerasium I would assume that would be basically Ruin and Perservation.
  11. Since AoL and the upcoming trilogies are set in a world where guns exist, I have been thinking how Coinshots would really work with them. I've been wondering, if say you line up a whole bunch of riflemen at the front line, can you just use one single Coinshot sitting at the back and then as they fire, the Coinshot just push on all the bullets together? Or better yet, a Mistborn that pushes with the help of duranium. If this works the effect would be terrifying, can probably even turn a old musket inti something that can matches a modern anti material rifle.
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