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Menden Atal

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About Menden Atal

  • Birthday 04/16/1990

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    Reading (Of course). Also intent on being a writer, if I could ever master the art of discipline. Video games and tv are fan favorites of mine.

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  1. Ah, well, so much for that. Hmm;.. I just don't know what would cause the reaction to those words. Maybe I'm just reading way too much into it.
  2. I call this a mini theory, because I do not have enough faith in it to call it a true theory. The evidence is very lacking as well. I was on my third re-read of Way of Kings, and was incorporating the audio in this read through. It was actually during the audio that this hit me as a very odd passage: Bold emphasis mine. "Legitimate" is originally emphasized in the book. Now to give a little reminder of what happened leading up to this phrase: Dalinar just woke from his vision of the KR abandoning their Blades and Plate. He was tied to a chair and watched over by Adolin and Renarin. Adolin and Dalinar begin to argue about the validity of the visions. As I said, listening to this struck a chord in me, and I suddenly had an epiphany: Adolin and Renarin do not have the same mother. Now, hear me out before you completely tear this down. Adolin is described as having black and gold hair, like highlights. Dalinar later explains that streaks in the hair are a sign of foreign blood, and thus many Alethi Lighteyes dye their hair to hide it. As far as I remember, Renarin has black hair like Dalinar (feel free to correct me, I don’t feel like slodging back through the entire book find this detail, something to look for on my next read through). So here’s the situation as I see it: Dalinar was the Blackthorn, a soldier and warrior. Soldiers indulge in prostitutes. An undeniable fact. Dalinar bore Adolin with one of these women and kept him, for reasons unknown. Perhaps he was already married and they both didn’t mind because he was born with light eyes. I feel that this would do much more to explain Adolin’s actions when defending the whore from Sadeas’s men in that Kaladin chapter. It would also explain his not taking advantage of the whore’s offerings. Remember he’s been struggling with his father’s strict upholding of the Codes, and he’s a young man with a libido. I can accept he withheld himself because of the Codes and his father, but if his mother was a whore…well, I think that lends much more weight to the scene. This would also, I think, explain a little more his hesitancy to take over for Dalinar when Dalinar wants to abdicate. What would this change? Not much, apparently, except perhaps give us a deeper understanding of Adolin and his lack of desire to seek a single/permanent courtship. I don't even know if it would change whether Adolin COULD succeed Dalinar. Maybe bastards are very much accepted in the bloodline if they come out with light eyes. A lot of conjecture here... Now, like I said before, the evidence is weak, and the whore defense is more like changing the facts to fit the theory, which leaves a bad taste in my mouth, and is the only reason I’m not more confident in this theory. Sorry if this has been brought up before, but I’m new and I could not find anything like this. As a counter to my arguments, Adolin could just be what he appears to be. Dalinar’s wife could have been a foreigner and had blonde hair. Ahem…so in short, if you’re going to bring torches and pitchforks, could you at least light my fireplace and toss the hay in my barn?
  3. Wasn't expecting that much mindless slaughter from Sanderson. And a baby too! Can't wait to have the finished product in my hands. I don't like the idea of the bullet hurting him because the father was trying to save him. It feels to simplistic and too complicated at the same time. Also, I don't think David is going to be wanting to save Steelheart anytime soon. I'm jumping on the Vault bandwagon. Something in there, or maybe the nature of the metal it is made of, and that David now has a residue of it within him. Kind of like radiation? Of course, I expect a very Vin/Lord Ruler type of battle to happen, where everyone thinks they know what is what, then David faces Steelheart, only to reveal they don't know ****! I already have an Epic power. It doubles as a Smedry power. The Power of Procrastination.
  4. Thanks Joe. Uh-huh... That does not discount bloodsealing...
  5. Finished this today and quite enjoyed it. Loved it? Aspects of it for sure. Unfortunately, having been spoiled by big books like Mistborn, Warbreaker, Way of Kings, even Elantris...It just felt lacking. I know, I know, YA novel. Fine. I was hoping Nalizar would not be a Snape clone, and was very pleased that Sanderson avoided that, though I really should not have been worried. United Isles of America. Very neat idea that I liked. Have a feeling the continent was broken up to better defend against chalklings. Hope to find out the reason. All in all, satisfied with the book. Great work, Sanderson. You astound me, sir. Now get back to work! *cracks whip*
  6. It's hard to pinpoint the BIGGEST moment for me. Each book seems to have them, but three in particular stand out. In order of experience: Kelsier, Denth, and Taravangian.
  7. Joggers and parks don't seem to mix well...

  8. Thanks. Hope to be scared out of my shell.
  9. I've been lurking on the boards for a while. Ever since Way of Kings came out, really. I finished that book and wanted to get a taste of like minds and what theories were bouncing around. As you might have guessed by the simple fact that I've joined, I am a huge Sanderson fan. Totally impressed by that man's talent. Continuously. Anyways, just thought I'd say hi. Don't know how much I'll get into the actual discussions or anything else. Just wanted to finally join up and see how things were from this side of the screen, so to speak.
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