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  1. I just finished reading the list of Steelhunters from The Vault. A lot of the post were entertaining, there was even one ketek. A lot of people got their code by wearing a mistcloak and the most frequent quote was "Life before Death. Strength before weakness. Journey before destination." is there somebody else out there that have read the whole list?
  2. Brandon did a reading at the Provo Library signing. It's the first scene of Dalinar in WoR. We just finished transcribing it and here's the link to the google docs. A thunderclast appears at the end and it seemed to come from a "corrupted" spren.
  3. Yup, it worked. I tried to continue it. I also used , (a video of the reading) in the transcription. Someone was also editing the file at the same time as me and he/she corrected the format. I was writing it as one long paragraph since I didnt know when to make a new one. i stopped at 6:00 of the reading since its past midnight here. I'll continue it later if it is still not finished by then. EDIT: its finally finished! Zebobes continued it after i stopped. Wow, transcribing is hard work. about 9 minutes of audio and it took us hours to transcribe it all. there were lots of coughing and there was even a baby crying.
  4. This is an interesting theory, the topic about Surgebinding and Shardwielding have been discussed (here's the link ) but I don't think there's been a theory claiming Shardweilding as the second ability of Windrunners and Stonewards. Here are a few qoutes from the topic. Anyway, just check-out the topic. Here's my comment on the previous comments. What if they cant access the full capabilities of the shard plate because they can't Shardwield? If Shardweilding is a separate magic system, then you cant just train yourself to get better. You have to be able to access that magic. Take for example the mistings, they can use Allomancy but they can't access all of it. Maybe not everyone can use Shardweilding. You can't deliberately learn a magic system, you have to do something to be able to access it (embody an ideal, be born as an alomancer, get enough Breath, etc.) Why are they de-powered? I think it's because the Shardbearers can't Shardwield. Anyone might be able to throw a stone, but even if you train very hard you won't be able to throw as far as a mistborn burning pewter. I think it's not just "inborn talent" that you need to use the shardplates effectively, you have to be able to Shardwield. Here's a quote from the book that supports the theory that only Stonewards and Windrunners can Shardwield. It's the time that Dalinar saw The Day of Recreance in a vision. (I dont have my book with me so i'm using an ebook, i can't give the page numbers.) and Only two orders were mentioned, Stonewards and Windrunners. why? In another of his vision (the one when he was in the body of Heb) Radiants from the order of Stonewards and Windrunner came to help. Again, the two orders. This might be because they are the only one that can Shardwield and thus, can travel far very quickly but in a different manner. I do accept that another explanation might exist why it seems that only Stonewards and Windrunners can "travel" but i like Djando Je's theory.
  5. Its Peter, he wrote all the Ars Arcanum.
  6. if its from the point of view of of sprens, then how will they be "redeemed" and who, among the four, will destroy them?
  7. I'm also reading it. I also appreciate the comments of peter. I dont think so, if they "melt" in pure water or salt water then it would have been mentioned in the book. They are valued as servants and having a servant that melts would be a big deal.
  8. Mad_scientist, nice post. i find your discussions very interesting.
  9. Has it been confirmed that all the three are not from Roshar? maybe they have some local help or guide...
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