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Everything posted by b4dave

  1. So by this logic anyone who snaps, or is broken enough to have Investiture flow into them to fill the gaps in their spirit web, making them mistborn, or a knight radiant, had this Investiture funneled into them by direct intent of the Shard?
  2. I believe Szeth states he had the honor blade before he was truthless somewhere in Oathbringer. He also said he was trained by the Shin in its use
  3. Would Taln be subject to the same madness as he was the only one to uphold the oath pact? I think he would be the only one exempt from it...
  4. It kinda makes sense when you remember that Odium may be bound to act through a champion as per Honor. It seems feasible that a bond smith could bind the spren of odium since the Stormfather was more or less bound against his will.
  5. Im pretty sure you're thinking of Elokhar, around the time Dalinar kicks the crap outta him
  6. Yelig-Nar almost kinda sounds like Nightblood to me...he can speak like a man, and he is confirmed to consume lifeforce when Investiture isn't available...
  7. There was another WOB that Spren can be combined, so I think that might be part of where he was going with this
  8. I think it's odd that no one has said anything about the confirmation of Ryshadium being linked to Spren. Last I saw this was a RAFO
  9. I think I saw a WOB that we had misinterpreted this. I think he said it's not a Survival Shard, but a shard that just wants to survive...I could be wrong though, wouldn't be the first time lol
  10. He didnt post it on here, that I've not been able to find. But I did find it on tor.com when i googled "stormlight archive jasnah short story", it was the first link that popped up.
  11. 2 questions, the first is twofold, so I guess it's 3... We know that Returned on Nalthis are able to substitute Stormlight for Breath. Does this mean they consume Investiture? If yes, theoretically if. Returned used a bead of Lerasium, would they then be able to use the Investiture released when they burn a metal to bypass their need for Breath? 2. Apart from the Listeners and their experimentation with Forms, have we seen anyone (human or otherwise) who has Bonded more than one Spren? Thanks!!!
  12. "The visitor always has to wear the medallion. Its filled with Connection, yah? Blank Connection, to no place. But Connection cant be connected to nothing, so when you tap it, it reaches out and connects you to the place where you are. Makes your soul think you were raised in this place instead..." In this instance it is used to reference language, but my thought is, if someone from Sel came to Scadrial with the Moon Sceptre, and got a hold of one of these medallions, could they not theoretically use their power on scadrial?
  13. I was wondering if someone could ask if a Shard has to be Splintered for humans to have access to it and use the magic system. So far we have seen magic systems from worlds where the Shards have been Splintered by an outside force, or of their own volition, but I don't think we've seen a human using powers associated with unSplintered Shards...
  14. Just a thought...but perhaps the Purelake and the Horneater Peaks are called the water of life due to the fact that they are major sources of fresh, drinkable water. On a continent surrounded by salt water, any source of drinkable water would be seen as life giving.
  15. Im going with that The Ones Above are members of the Seventeenth Shard, and are not one specific people, but rather a collective of them
  16. He could be ingesting some bacteria or spores...we do know there's a world where that happens
  17. It tells you at the top, just below the banner where it tells you welcome to the shard hunt. It looks like this: 444 codes unlocked 6 to go until the next unlock.
  18. Does anyone else see a connection between the Sea of Lost Lights, and the Vorin Kingdoms, which went through the Recreance; the Sea of Souls, which is the same region as the Valley of the Nightwatcher, and the Purelake, which is supposed to be a Shardpool; and the Sea of Regrets, which is where the Shin live, as well as where it seems there is more knowledge of the Heralds and Voidbringers?
  19. I love the idea that Shardplate is a physical manifestation of the Spiritweb. It makes sense to me. I wish I could up vote this so many more times. I'm espousing this. This is now my head canon until I'm told otherwise.
  20. Brilliantly thought out and articulated. Kudos. I'm not sure I completely buy into it though, though I can see where your going with it. I like it, but there is still something that seems a bit off about it, like it doesn't quite fit for me. Part of me is thinking that these 8 you propose would be better suited towards the parshendi, with the final 2 surges representing things about humanity that drew towards them instead of the Listeners. But that's just me. Metalbinders for cohesion maybe in Part 2?
  21. I will listen to those who cannot be heard
  22. if overall the overall concept of cosmere magic = something resembling mitochlorians, I'm out
  23. I have my usual set of questions for situations like these . 1. Is entering a Shardpool of a Splintered Shard different from entering the Shardpool of a non-Splintered Shard? 2. Can Shardpools function in the same way as an Oathgate, transporting someone where they wish to go? 3. Are Shardpools a gateway between the Cognitive Realm and the Physical Realm, or can they function that way? 4. If all of the Aons in existence entered Devotion's Shardpool, what would happen?
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