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  1. What if, instead of adapting Stormlight or Mistborn or what not, when the Cosmere finally comes to us as a movie or a show, it’s a whole new series. New world, in the Cosmere, rules of investiture that we know and love, part of the Cosmere’s canon, but not a book we’ve already read. Think it could work?
  2. As for the Unmade being normal to them, they’re probably associated with phenomena that people take for granted as being a part of the world they live in. As Treamayne said, good deduction. I can really only think of one other phenomenon off the top of my head that you’ve seen by this point. I wonder if you’ll put it together before it’s explained….
  3. My wife is almost exactly where you’re at in Oathbringer audiobook.
  4. Sazed did find Mercy frightening. But, Sunhearts seem less like a product of a Shards intent, and more like an unintentional byproduct. The skin based transfer of heat seems far more indicative than sunhearts to me.
  5. What does the behavior of the investiture tell you? Endowment’s all about the giving of Breath. Honor is about oaths and bonds. Virtuosity likes rock stacking and Dramas on TV. Ruin is about impaling people There’s usually some clue in how power is transferred and obtained. I need to go through this again. I’m not certain but this power seems like it’s something that is easily taken. The planet draws investiture into itself. The Cinder King drains people, Zellion drains the Cinder King, etc. people can’t touch each other without some sort of transfer. Makes me think: Ambition, Endowment, maybe someone we haven’t met yet.
  6. There’s No Perpendicularity. That’s a decent indicator, though not necessarily a decisive one. I’m trying to figure out what the intent of the local investiture is. I haven’t yet come to any conclusions.
  7. I thoroughly loved Yumi. and…… more….. answers…… coming!
  8. So…… close…… to…. answers….. “There’s always another secret.” you will get some answers soon, and then later you’ll get deeper ones, and you’ll realize that what you’ve got is still not the end of it.
  9. Mraize infiltrating Sadeas’ camp and their enmity with Amaram.
  10. Crazy idea: Hoid eventually (not necessarily within the scope of this book) realizes that he messed up here with Jasnah.
  11. Yup! Personally, I latched on to Dalinar in this one far more than Kalladin. I love seeing the contrast between who he was, who he is, and….. well, no spoilers. Shallan’s story in this one surprised me with how much it pulled me in. But yeah, perspective changes always left me wanting more.
  12. Emeralds definitely are used to soulcast grain. Jasnah also has the benefit of an Ink Spren to help her learn the ins and outs of Soulcasting. And a few years to figure it out. Finally, despite being made of different substances, a human body is cognitively a pretty cohesive unit. It may be something more of a battle of wills when it comes to soulcasting people.
  13. Dalinar the Diplomat is always interesting to see. Elhokar is in an interesting place after WoR. I think he maybe has finally realized he has room to grow, and that he can change. And that’s a difficult but good place to be.
  14. I wonder if there might not be more to the title he briefly claimed in Oathbringer: Unity. Bear with me here: Honor has been splintered. What if putting a splintered shard back together changes it? Modifies its intent into something new. Harmony is something new. He isn’t just an alloy of Preservation and Ruin. He has his own stated intent of maintaining balance between the two, despite Ruin being stronger. As opposed to Discord, which would be made of the same Shards and yet would not be the same. Granted, neither of Harmony’s constituent Shards were splintered. And we really don’t know what Unity is. All three of the Roshar Shards? Reconstructed Honor? Refined Honor? War? I mean just because the Light is called Warlight, doesn’t mean the Shard is named that. Storm and Void aren’t Shards. Though, War is also the name of the Rhythm. Here’s an idea: What if Unity is the Anti-Light of War? Also makes me wonder if Harmony might be the Anti-Light of Discord, or Vice Verse. Unity would be a much better match for what Dalinar is already becoming than War. Maybe moreso than mere Honor.
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