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  1. Gemstones are a weight on the end.
  2. The majority of the magic systems on the planet Sel rely on the Dor to function and can not be used on other planets in the cosmere, but Aons are seen being used on many other worlds. Is another source of power needed for them to function, or is there some other way that they function?
  3. I had a similar thought about what would happen if an aluminum feumachist had a nahel bond and then stored Identity.
  4. The radiant would easily win. Stormlight gives the healing abilities of a gold compounder, and shardplate would be very difficult for even a pewter compounder to break, and the radiant could heal anyways. The shardblade could also one hit a gold compounder.
  5. When an object has a lot of energy it weighs more, so the same should be true of investure.
  6. I understand Moahs's motivations so I don't completely hate him, but Vyre is just the worst.
  7. 1) would like to be friends with most - adolin. He's really chill. 2) feel is most believable in terms of motivation - Honestly, it might be Taravangian. 3) enjoy reading about most - Kaladin. 4) find most confusing/intriguing - Hoid. 5) find makes you laugh the most - Also Hoid. 6) would like to punch in the face - Hoid again. 7) personally relate to most - Kaladin 8) feel is emotionally most realistic - Also Kaladin 9) shamelessly crush on the hardest - Syl 10) is most like someone you know IRL - Lopen.
  8. It mentions somewhere in the books (i cant remember where) that shardblades are difficult to wield with one hand without plate.
  9. I just assumed that the fused couldn't survive for long in space because the vacuum of space was killing them.
  10. the stormlight archives. I can't decide which book is my favorite
  11. I am a long-time Brandon Sanderson fan. I am very surprised my username has not been taken yet and if I was a shard I would be Odium.
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