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The Aspiring Archivist

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Everything posted by The Aspiring Archivist

  1. Not really much. The surprise is a combination of my feelings not aligning well with the way such things tend to be talked about, and mostly the fact that someone was interested in me at all.
  2. Terrance was near her, also silent though not unalert.
  3. Happy Eclipse Day, everyone!

    Remember that even if the sun is mostly covered, use eclipse glasses! Even at 90+% totality, it can and will damage your vision.

  4. This is awesome, I like it a lot. At least to me, it feels kind of like something that could have happened to my Death when he was new to his job. Overall, it's very interesting and thought-provoking
  5. "I don't know. It's nice not carrying the aura of Death along with the healing thing."
  6. "I died in the fight with Kaos and Death took me up as an avatar. It increased my natural having powers a lot, in addition to some other things. Anyway, I'm basically on leave right now."
  7. He shrugged, though he was silently relieved.
  8. Terrance strongly considered letting go of her hand, but decided to wait until Elsie did.
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