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JustQuestin2004 last won the day on March 31

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About JustQuestin2004

  • Birthday March 25

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    Aspiring Fanfiction Writer
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    Writing, reading, video games, the Cosmere, polite but somewhat witty discussions about the previous 2.

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  1. I dunno, Marsh just sounded so sure... TLM Chapter 28 Like, this doesn't sound like someone who doesn't know what they're talking about. Marsh sounds really sure and really relieved. As for Harmony keeping stuff secret, he's been explicitly lying to Kelsier about making Lerasium. He probably trusts Marsh more then Kel, since if Kel had access to all this knowledge, he'd become an even bigger wildcard for the Cosmere than he already is, could you imagine if the Ghostbloods on Roshar has access to Lerasium and Atium? Not very Harmonious. Marsh though, is pratically Harmony's hands, for when Harmony needs important stuff done. He has been for centuries. Heck in BOM he let slip about advanced technology to the Kandra, what makes you think he hasn't let slip about Hemlaurgy to Marsh? Especially if it's meant to help him save the world. Sounds plausible. Heck you might be able to make this easier by just taking one spike and splitting it up into 4-5, maybe even more depending on if drained spikes still stick to that same limit. Stick 5 Pathian earrings into someone then control them. Compounders can indeed be game-breaking, there's no getting around that, C-Steel alone is ridiculous. But as shown with Miles, they aren't unbeatable just tough to bring down. Plus not every type of Compounder is going to be OP, C-Cadmium for instance. As for the second part, I wasn't really thinking of societal. Since this is probably the kind of thing anyone would prefer to keep to themselves for the advantage. But if it did, you'd need to remember that Metalborn are still rare, and in the Terris Village there was only one Steelrunner who Bleeder killed. So if someone wanted to do this they'd need to find and kidnap a Misting and Ferring who match metals, then go through a difficult cumbersome process to forcibly blank their Identity so that the Spikes become Unkeyed, preventing identity contamination. If it became public knowledge, then most Metalborn would probably just hide their powers if it ever became a trend to hunt metalborn. Overall what you prescribe would need Hemalurgy to become public knowledge, which sounds like a whole other can of worms, the idea of gaining 1/16 of the power the Lord Ruler had would just be putting chum in the waters.
  2. Probably not, but Sazed knows pretty much all there is to know, and Marsh has been his top agent for centuries so if I was going to bet on anyone who was going to be aware of it, Marsh would be near the top of that list just due to proximity. Khriss isn't in direct contact with Harmony, she isn't omniscient so she wouldn't know everything about it. She had an interview with Marsh so she could learn more. I do agree though, even if we're unlikely to see another Lord Ruler, even just normal Compounding with the right metals would be pushing it. But I do think it'd be rare for the simple fact that you'd need your 'donor' to be somehow blanking their Identity while they are spiked to death. Since the Set were mostly limited to Scadrian resources and had no access to off-world Magic Systems, would require either a spike or medallion that had Feruchemical Aluminum, both of which would be difficult to get. Which would require the 'donor' to willingly store away their entire Identity even while dying. Which would be made even harder if the donor was an unwilling kidnapped victim. So yeah I agree it'd be pretty rare for this to happen, just by using Scadrian methods. Unless Harmonium can be used to forcibly Blank other people's Identity which is just pure speculation. It kind of is, since if you split that same spike and shared it with someone else, you wouldn't e able to tap their metalminds since their own Identity 'muddles' the Spikes.
  3. Marsh implied in TLM that there was a trick to compounding with Hemalurgy, he was relieved that the Set hadn't figured it out. So it is implied to be possible, it's just that there is probably some extra steps, likely having your victim somehow Blank their Identity to prevent 'Identity Contamination' which is noted as the main problem towards compounding with Hemalurgically granted powers. My guess is that this is related to how you could theoretically use another Feruchemist's metalminds by spiking his powers, with the spike also picking up part of their Identity. So there is potential, it just hasn't been discovered yet.
  4. Somehow, up until this moment I never questioned how Seons, Splinters of Devotion, could leave Sel when most other Splinters like Spren cannot. There doesn't seem to be any special method, since if there was it would probably work on Spren and yet we know that no Spren has managed to leave Roshar as of ROW. So it must be innate so Seons, but why? What makes them so different that they can break the rule of Splinters being unable to leave the planet they came from?
  5. There's another Death Rattle that might have some relevance: Maybe if the Stormfather is killed, as he nearly was in Oathbringer when Dalinar forced him to become a Blade to open an Oathgate, that will severely screw up the Highstorms, maybe making them disapate all together, maybe temporarily or maybe forever. Leaving the Radiants with no Stormlight, and only the Everstorm. Which could lead to the Radiants needing to fight fire with fire and utilize Voidlight and Voidbinding to keep fighting, turning Odium's strength against him. Which might be part of his plan to get the Radiants to slowly become Connected to Odium so he can manipulate them. Or maybe not.
  6. At first I thought you were trying to talk about using Hemalurgic Spikes to power machinery, but using Metalminds makes more sense. I can imagine jobs for people, like Firemothers/fathers, people who's job is to keep filling Unsealed metalminds to use in powering machinery. All you really need to do is figure out how to bring out the Investiture within it and turn it into something more usable, which sounds very complicated. Melting a metalmind has an effect on the Investiture inside of it so maybe that could be a lead? Maybe some knowledge from Roshar might make this easier? It helps that the Ghostbloods have probably sent a bunch of reports back to Scadrial so they can have some of this knowledge, of using Rhythms and Tones to manipulate Investiture. Thinking on it more, this probably won't work not since the Investiture of the Metallic Arts is too different from Stormlight, too rigid instead of flowing like the Lights. Though maybe the Ghostbloods will learn to store some of the Mists into gemstones and use that to power machines? They're bound to try at some point since the Mists do have power in them that can be tapped into, they just need to know how.
  7. To be fair Dalinar basically is Gavinor's dad at this point, or step-grandad/uncle anyway.
  8. Gavinor is Elhokar's son. But yeah I've seen this theory before. What we know is that Odium is looking to make sure that no matter the outcome of the Contest, he will win. So forcing Dalinar to do something incredibly heinous like murdering an innocent child that he loves or let Odium win seems like a probable plan. Odium might even be able to convince Gavinor to do it since he's so young by offering Moash's life in exchange, since Gavinor wants revenge for Moash murdering his father. Gavinor could be tricked. Though how Odium would reach out to him when he's in Urithiru with the Suppression Fabrials on is a mystery. Maybe through Sja-Anat? Maybe Odium gets her full cooperation in this by promising a place for her and her children to live like she so desperately wants? But either way, I don't think Odium is going to be dumb enough to bet it all on a powerful champion against the Blackthorn, he'll pull something tricksy.
  9. Thanks, so whether it was from Preservation or just the Well, it was still by design. Probably as a way to counter Ruin, just like how Allomancy was used to burn away his Atium at the end.
  10. I always had the impression that Preservation trapped Ruin not long after their deal was made. Which would have been not too long after creating Scadrial, which would be not too long after the Shattering. I'd imagine that Preservation set it all up before a certain stormy planet got infested with the most invasive species in the Cosmere. Which was about 7000 years ago, more or less. So about 4-5 Heroes of the Well before Rashek. I also just really like the idea of Scadrial being stuck in a series of Cycles for thousands of years. Almost Preserved in that way. Poetic.
  11. Beat me to it. Lke Syl said, a rock can be broken and the rock is still there, a Spren can be broken and its still there, when a human breaks there's nothing but meat left. The Kandra can consider whatever they want but that ain't changing without a Spike.
  12. Don't think so, Kandra can't eat an Aviar and gain its powers, they can't eat a Dahkor Monk and gain their powers, eating a physical body doesn't let a Kandra access any Spiritual stuff. Hemalurgy is primarily Spiritual.
  13. TenSoon used Oreseur's Blessings and gained their effect, so Kandra can gain the attribute boost from a Blessing, but they can't share the 'sentience granting' part, which now seems distinct from the actual Hemalurgic Effect. Identity is definitely a part of it somehow, but how? Mistwraith suffer from a 'Cognitive Blockage' that prevents them from being human, the Blessings effect that. There's just not enough info to make any real guesses.
  14. That's why I said most Internal Allomancers, like Tineyes and Pewterarms. Stomach-Shields would be a rather niche use. I also like your idea but the Harmonium in those watches would run out eventually, aluminum doesn't. And aluminum is going to be a lot cheaper than Harmonum on Scadrial pretty soon. Yeah, hot-swapping spikes seems like the logical progression. Especially since it's now well known on how to prevent Hemalurgic Decay. I didn't think about Blessings but you're completely right, if a Mistwraith were to eat a Koloss and get their spikes they wouldn't gain sentience, so the Blessings might be the way to go. Era 3 will probably have more info on them, since we've never seen if they can be used on humans. Or maybe making Unkeyed Hemalurgic Spikes? Blanking the donor's Identity in some way, could that be how the Blessings are made?
  15. Cycles, when you think about it Mistborn has some interesting parallels with Dark Souls. A constant cycle to hold back the dark, power needing to coalesce in one place to achieve this delayal, the 'good' god sacrificing himself to ensure the world continued. The only thing we're missing is a few cryptic serpents trying to manipulate things and we're set. Edit: Heck, we even have that one guy who shows up everywhere, even entirely different worlds! I can't agree with that personally, I don't think the Terris had access to naturally occurring Full Feruchemists, the Southern Scadrians didn't have them only Ferrings, the Full Feruchemists originated from just the Terris. Like how Mistborn originated from the ancient kings that burned Lerasium. That cannot be explained as a coincidental 'Scadrian Magic Physics thing', because then why were Mistborn non-existent before Lerasium? The pieces fit a different picture there, an intentionally designed one.
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