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  1. It's Welsh king, who's wielding mystical powers, has sword that no other can use, and also named after bear. You know the answer. Black Bear is Arthur of this world.
  2. Very intriguing and game-changing chapters. Are Ghostbloods connected to Sazed? Someone supposed (in Stormlight forum section, IIRC) that Ghostbloods could be Southern Scadrians intelligence, and i just thought: what if Harmony and Kelsier were conspiring all this time and Ghostbloods are their own intelligence troops? And now i'm dying of curiosity about this harmonium piece...
  3. w h e r e i t i s If you have a link or file, i humbly ask for spark of knowledge.
  4. As I said, I have my doubts; Taln is one of the reasons to them. On the other hand, he's anything but dependable now. But neither he's resourceful, yes, and it's a weak point of my musings. Another weak point is Jezrien: yes, he wasn't a protector of any sort when he was Ahu, but neither a leader, even to beggars - and my main thought was about missing Primary Attribute and corrupted Secondary. Maybe - just maybe - we just don't know something important about him, or he was hit by madness stronger than others, but yes, it's a major theory hole right now.
  5. Yes, I agree with potential link between Heralds' decline and people perception of them; maybe that's one of points. Also, when I searched for similar topics in case that I might be not the first with such a subject to discuss, I met an interesting theory about link between Radiant oaths and Divine Attributes; than I remembered this famous theory about Unmade somehow originating from Heralds. And I thought this: maybe - just maybe - Unmade and Attributes are connected? But it's another thing to think about...
  6. Well, greetings to the Shard. Today I was suddenly struck by realisation so strong that I brought my thoughts about it here. A note: English is not my native language, therefore sometimes I probably will sound like Huio speaking Alethi; please forgive my occasional mistakes. So, what's this all about? I looked on Divine Attributes, then looked on Heralds, and I saw this: most Heralds lost their so-called Primary Attribute, but kept their Secondary Attribute. Nale is unjust and even psychopathic, but he's definitely very confident in his own motivations and actions (at least when there's no Lift, Szeth or Dalinar around). I'm not sure about Shalash's creativity, but her obsession with destroying Heralds depicting art sounds to me like something opposite to creativity. However, she's very honest wuth herself and others about Heralds' - and her own - guilt and responsibility for their lie. Kalak is not resolute in any way: we saw him in RoW as totally indecisive person, and he's getting worse. But he's still a builder - at least he built Sons of Honor IIRC. Ishar is claiming godhood and making abominations, so, I think, he's not counting as pious. But is he guiding? Yes; we saw him guiding Nale and Kalak to killing potential Surgebinders, and he possibly led Heralds to betrayal of Oathpact. If Taravangian is right, and Dova is really Battar in disguise, we see another example of madness: she cares about people and Desolations, but suggesting Death Rattles is not wise at all, rather quite opposite. I'm still not for 100% on Chanarach Davar side, but if it's true...well, we see probably obedient, but not so brave woman. About other Heralds I have doubts or no important information about their madness. What do you think?
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