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Everything posted by Hyoukane

  1. Hyoukane

    Stormlight artworks 2023-2024

    My humble Stormlight Archive drawings in 2023-2024
  2. From the album: Stormlight artworks 2023-2024

    I present to you my favorite men from Rhythm of War (from left to right): Dabbid, Teft, Kaladin and Rock! Bridge Four artwork in progress~ p.s. Syl is the best girl So, a little background: I promised to draw a big art piece every month, but February flew by unnoticed (let alone half of spring lol) and I had this sketch lying around for a long time, simply no move from a dead point. Today I decided to work on it and this is what it turned out so far! Dabbid turned out to be very difficult because he has no official reference other than the description in the book, but I imagined him as a sad-eyed, slightly intimidated, but attractive young man (younger than Kaladin). His backstory brought me to tears and his moments in ROW are simply wonderful With Teft and Lunamor everything is easier, thanks Brotherwise!! I plan to add other characters (except Renarin and Moash). I hope you enjoy it & hope to finish it by the end of the month
  3. Thank you for your kind words, it's much appreciated! Thank you! Blue color is sometimes hard to play with, but I love designing dresses for Syl. Kaladin get a simpler outfit this time Thanks!! Thank you~!! Thank you!
  4. From the album: Stormlight artworks 2023-2024

    A couple of days ago I celebrated my birthday! It was one of the best days in recent years, despite all the difficult life situations and unstable mental state (I can relate to Kaladin so damn much, love him). But it’s always so nice to come back to these two, so I did another sketch with Kal and Syl where they sit and look at each other (like always lol) So this little sketch is my birthday gift for myself p.s. I hope you noticed the cameo of the wooden horse from Tien and Wit's flute
  5. Hyoukane


    From the album: Stormlight artworks 2023-2024

    I always miss them, so I made a quick sketch! Somewhere in Shinovar (kinda lol)
  6. Hyoukane


    Thanks so much for your kind words!!
  7. Hyoukane


    Thanks a lot! I imagined that Syl called Kal to show him something funny to cheer him up (and took his hand)
  8. Hyoukane


    From the album: Stormlight artworks 2023-2024

    Just a small sketch for the mood
  9. Thank you so much! Yes exactly, its Tower in WOK! Kinda happy that's recognizable on my messy artwork
  10. You are too sweet, thank you
  11. From the album: Stormlight artworks 2023-2024

    Happy Valentine's Day! And since my real name is Valentina, I wish you all happiness & love. Let there be people nearby who supports you, real friends like Syl to Kal! Don't forget that love begins with love for yourself So, post Book 4. This scene takes place, perhaps, in Shinovar? I hope you enjoy this little illustration with a gentle vibe. I wonder where Kaladin is looking?
  12. From the album: Stormlight artworks 2023-2024

    I'm starting this year of Stormlight fanarts with Kaladin and Syl, my interpretation of the scene where Kaladin sees her full size, learns about her essence, and make one incredible decision in his life. Since the long-awaited fifth book is coming out in December, I want to present one big fanart every month that depicts different scenes from the books (not only with Kal & Syl, but no promises). I hope you enjoy this first piece, which arrived a little later than I wanted lol See you very soon p.s. I really wanted to draw Kal with a bare torso someday, and the time has finally come! And also to depict scars. But he ends up looking like a barbarian (I need to play less Baldur's Gate 3 pfff)
  13. I really enjoyed their relationship and bonding in RoW, can't wait to see their journey in SA5!! Thank you very much, your comment warmed my heart! Let's root together for some hugs in SA5 Thank you very much, I am very pleased! Happy holidays & thank you!
  14. Since SA5 chapter previews screaming for me that Kaladin wants to hug Syl, I couldn’t help but draw something for hehe~. Thanks for your comment, I'm glad you liked it!! Hoping for them to embrace each other in SA5 Thank YOU!! Merry Christmas
  15. From the album: Stormlight artworks 2023-2024

    Merry Christmas This is the last Kaladin and Syl doodle for this year! Thanks to everyone who was with me all this time, who supports & love my little artworks. Since the long-awaited release of the fifth book, “Wind and Truth,” will take place next year, I have a lot of plans and ideas that I hope to realize. So see you soon! And on this festive evening I wish you to spend it with your loved ones, take care of yourself~!! And I wish Kaladin to find peace and be able to hug Syl like this (a reference photo was used for the drawing, Syl is sitting in Kaladin’s lap and they are hugging each other cutely)
  16. Thank you very much! I'm sure that SA5 will have a lot of trials & difficult moments for Kal & Syl, so I hope that there will be something dorky, like dancing and playing the flute. Thank you for your comment, I am very glad that you liked it!!
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