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About BeatDownBlvd

  • Birthday 03/05/1993

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    Bridge Four
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    Fantasy, gaming, esports

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  1. That's an excellent point and what I actually should have said in the original post! It's true soulbearer ferrings store and tap the ability to use investiture. So the attributes themselves would still remain in this situation. It would also explain that lack of visual reaction too. If she was really working with the Malwish she could easily just put the ability to access it back now that it's in their possession.
  2. Yeah it's kind of a coin toss regarding nicrosil ferrings since investiture isn't the same as physical attributes where we know you can see the effects of them storing. Also I think minor characters can do significant things, I agree she will likely not be relevant (or even alive) in era 3 but if I'm right, what she did will be.
  3. Yeah I see what you mean. Even with this theory I think there is more to the plot of the malwish getting the bands. I just think Adawathwyn was only a small (albeit crucial) part of it
  4. I wrote this as a reply in another thread but I'm somewhat confident about this theory. I believe Adawathwyn is a traitor and drained the bands. She was the one who insisted that they use them and pushed hard to be the first one to hold them. In that moment if she used the bands the normal way it's highly likely we'd get some kind of visual reaction from her because of how much power they hold. What if she drained them a different way though? We know she is a ferring, she claims to be "one of the mind" which likely means Zinc. But what if that was a lie and she was a one of the soul, a soulbearer ferring. We know they can store investiture in Nicrosil metalminds and because feruchemists can control the rate of storing and tapping metal minds it makes sense that she could do it so rapidly and without any visible reaction. That combined with Steris' and TenSoon's belief that this was some kind of play means its possible Adawathwyn was a traitor working for the Malwish. What do ya'll think? Broke or woke lol
  5. Honestly a switch of the bands is inconceivable to me and it seems like a stretch to say there was a traitor Kandra, unless Autonomy was specifically part of that there's no way harmony wouldn't know of something like that happening since his blindness extended to his future sight alone. I actually think it was the vice governer and she was a traitor working with the Malwish. It was said more than once by Steris that it seemed like the Admiral knew this would happen and that it was a plan from the start. The vice governer was extremely eager to get her hands on the bands before anyone else and she got them. The way I think she drained them so quickly is this: her name (Adawathwyn) sounds Terris so it's possible she's a feruchemist. I think she's a soulbearer ferring and that she can store investiture. It's possible once she handed them she stored everything the bands had as raw investiture in a nicrosil metal mind and then claimed they were empty. Anyone who held them afterwards would of course agree because they were.
  6. So I read Secret history a couple of days ago and it appeared to me that leras did move on from the cognitive realm, since that was the only way Kelsier would have been able to take the power of preservation with the glass gem. However with technology like that gem existing, I wonder if something could have just pulled his consciousness elsewhere. Maybe I'm reaching cause I like the theory that Leras is Trell haha
  7. Ohh I never thought of that! As far as I've seen there shouldn't have been a way for the kandra to know, I don't believe Keslier even interacted with them at all during HoA and as you said, the human characters who he did interact with didn't know it was him.
  8. Oh! Thanks for sharing these I never saw them! I suppose it is on a more personal level then, instead of being a way to describe dying shards. Also wow I did not know there was a theory about Trell being Keslier but off the top of my head it seems odd cause "Trell" existed LONG before Keslier was born, unless it implies there really is a shard like power and Keslier ends up snatching it
  9. Ok so this will have spoilers all the way up to (you guessed it) Shadows of Self and secret history So I'm reading mistborn for the second time and HoA this exchange happens between sazed and the first gen kandra: “Preservation’s power remains, for power cannot be destroyed. His mind however, was all but destroyed-for this was the sacrifice he made to imprison Ruin.” “The sliver remains,” another reminded. “The shadow of self.” I found a post from like 6 years ago discussing it but nobody touched on one point I thought about (sorry if this is the wrong place for this I'm new here ><) So it seems to me in the context of HoA the "Shadow of self" refers to what was left of Leris after he created ruins prison. Slowly fading eventually leaving the power up for grabs. Reading Shadows of Self the first time I figured the title more leaned towards being about Wax as in this book we learn the bulk of his past (or at least the key moments like his childhood with his uncle, meeting Lessi etc) and where his identiy is in question. But what I wonder this time around is that maybe it's a hint about Trell too. Trell atm is not confirmed to be a shard however it must be shard like at least. This book is where we get confirmation that Trell is actually real. It has it's own form of hemalurgy, a more refined version maybe given what Lessi/Paalm was able to do with it which implies investiture in some capacity in my eyes. Trell must be something big being an object of worship pre-dating the lord ruler and being able to control/influence others. Even Miles was a follower and seem to have been influenced in some way by it? Anyways where I'm going with this is what if something similar is happening to Trell where only a sliver remains of them and they are trying to act with whatever time they have left. At the very least they have a plot in motion and if my previous thought is true they have a power that cannot be destroyed. Whether Trell is a shard or not that could have interesting implications in the cosmere especially if Trell isn't a shard. What do you guys think though? I'm mostly just eagerly awaiting The Lost Metal to come out so my brain is spinning trying to figure out whats gonna happen.
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