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Mom of 4 Boys

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  1. I don’t know that I have a least favorite character. I am going to school to become a counselor and one thing I love about Brandon Sanderson’s books is that the characters struggles all seem so real and relatable so even when they screw up and do something awful you can still look at their life choices and understand that the damage life inflicted on them influenced their choices. Now, if you asked me whose choices made me cry the most, Moash wins hands down.
  2. Hi there! My name is Allie and I am mom to 4 boys who I somehow convinced my husband to be on board with naming, Jordan, Perrin, Kaladin and Elend. The story of that convincing is long so I won't include it here, suffice it to say I have always loved books and unique names so I knew from a young age I would want my kids names to have literary references. I mostly came to the 17th shard to introduce myself because I met some awesome people at the Dragonsteel Mini-con this week and though I spent hours talking to them I did not get their names or contact info and I was hoping to figure out a way to find them. I am a stay at home mom to my small army of exhaustingly adorable little boys and so I have never really delved into the fandom even though I have enjoyed books and talking about them since I was young, I have always preferred in person conversation. Going to the mini-con though I realized how much I enjoy connecting with fellow book nerds. Those I talked to at the con probably remember me most as the crazy lady with very short dark brown hair and the kids with fandom names and the husband who good naturedly tagged along to a book convention. Those I was hoping to find are: Emily and Raymond-we ate lunch with you guys on Tuesday at the Mexican place. Hayden-Board game, nuskin guy, I sat in front of you at the signing event. Connor(I think I remembered that correctly)-In a clinical Psychology masters program at BYU, I sat in front of you at the signing event. The super awesome, I believe siblings? whose names they said so fast I do not remember but y'all sat behind my husband and I at the signing event and told me about the bone-conducting head phones. The Boomslug and Doomslug couple who we sat with in line for the release event and whose names I believe we never even asked. Anyways I am not on social media but I would love to find some of you all again so I can keep talking books and such. So that's me, crazy stalker person looking for more friends who read all the books and love to talk about them with other nerds
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