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  1. Um ... hi I guess. I've been reading Sanderson for many years (around 6 years I think) but only decided to join here recently. I read The Final Empire on my own and had no clue about the rest of Sanderson books. An English teacher recommend The Way of Kings to me, and now I've basically read everything except Dawnshard. My sister also reads cosmere but none of my friends do sadly. Stormlight is probably the best, but I like Mistborn (era 1) more since that just has a special place in my heart. Stormlight isn't hard to get through for me, but I feel like I'm missing all the wider connections. Whitesand might be my least favorite cosmere series. I guess that is because I have trouble remembering the characters in it sometimes. My favorite characters are Vin and Jasnah. I'm not sure about least favorite. I'm not as into the tiny details of the cosmere (intent/command/investure) but I am curious about the marco things like the shards or planets. Also I am terrible at spelling, so sorry for writing any books or names wrong.
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