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Everything posted by CRichardThrone

  1. I've played in a Things game on MU. Though I'm not sure if it would work here.
  2. Alright noted. I'm usually called CRich or Rich, though sure if it helps you remember.
  3. Hmm that's slow compared to where I come from regarding my homesite. It isn't unusual for top posters to be in the hundreds of posts where I'm at.
  4. Hello Aon. I haven't played on this website before, though I've heard a little bit about how games are run here.
  5. I'm thinking of joining, though I'm a little worried I might be multi tabbing and that's not a good idea where I'm at.
  6. Proof of why the Golden Ratio is an irrational number. Golden Ratio = (1 + sqrt 5)/2 We can prove sqrt 5 is irrational. Lets supposed sqrt 5 is rational, or sqrt 5 = a/b Square both sides so that 5 = (a/b)^2 5b^2 = a^2. If sqrt is rational, then a and b are simplified to lowest terms. We note that a^2 is a multiple of 5. Let a = 5c 5b^2 =(5c)^2 = 25c^2 b^2 = 5c^2 Note: a and b have no common factors if sqrt 5 is rational and is simplified to lowest terms. Except we have proven that 5 is a common factor of a and b, which can't be the case if sqrt 5 is rational. Therefore sqrt of 5 is irrational.
  7. Hey did you all hear about the recent turbo on Mafia Universe? Completed: Breaking Site Turbo (mafiauniverse.com) Edit: I've also heard of a social deduction game called Blood on the Clocktower. Has anyone here heard, let alone played it?
  8. This is a pretty elegant proof of the Pythagorean Theorem no?
  9. Seems I made a mistake phi^-1 = Phi - 1
  10. Oh yeah phi^2 = phi +1 and phi^1/2 = phi - 1.
  11. Phi - 1 = 1/phi x(phi) x(phi) phi^2 - phi = 1 -1 -1 phi^2 - phi - 1 = 0 Use quadratic formula phi = +- 1 *sqrt((-1)^2 - 4*1*-1))/2 = 1 *+-sqrt((1 - - 4))/2 = 1 *+-sqrt((5))/2 Phi > 0 so phi = 1 + sqrt(5) / 2
  12. Hello. What if I told you that the Golden Ratio shows up in Pascal's Triangle? There is a formula to derive the Golden Ratio too.
  13. 48/24 is indeed the usual cycle length. 48 hour long days and 24 hour long nights.
  14. In case I didn't mention it, the "word of mouth" is from people who play Forum Mafia and they happen to be on this website.
  15. Hello everyone! I found that this website exists by word of mouth. Seems I found a good replacement for Game of Thrones after well how they ended the TV series.
  16. Yes I've played Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask. They're both good games.
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