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  1. I don't know.......... the cosmere just doesn't seem like something that should be able to end.
  2. Hold on. does that mean the cosmere is going to just......... END?!?!??! That makes me so sad The cosmere should just go on forever.
  3. Probably Pewter and Regrowth. I can fix myself and other people. You could maybe call it Healer or something similar?
  4. Finally, I have found a post in which my skill at being really bad at describing things can shine!!! The Stick™: Is a stick. Kaladin: More espresso, less depresso Hoid: Nosy neighbor Pattern: MMMMMMMMMM lies Okay, turns out I'm bad at describing things badly on purpose.
  5. So maybe if you Awakened, say, a flashlight, telling it to make light, it would be as obsessed with that as Nighblood was with destroying evil?
  6. We already know that the Shards (which they call God) Are not actually gods, they are fragments of God. So maybe Jasnah has an inkling of that. Also, something I really like, is that at some point, Jasnah says something along the lines of, "I know I'm a heretic, but I won't try to convince you to be."
  7. I saw a post with a trailer idea for Mistborn, and I thought of one for WoK. Hope it's not too bad. *camera pans around the Shattered plains, probably from the sky.* The screen goes black, and a voice says; "I long for the days before the last desolation." A shot of the Assassin in White, leaping onto the wall of the palace in the prologue. "Before the Heralds abandoned us and the Knights Radiant turned against us." A shot of a battle on the Shattered Plains. When there was still magic in Roshar and honor in the hearts of men." Shallan falls into Shadesmar. Kaladin carrying the bridge. A stormwall. Darkness. Then someone (take your pick) sucks in Stormlight. from a sphere in their hand, and wherever they're standing goes dark. The screen reads, Life before Death. Kaladin flying through the chasms. Strength before Weakness. A shot of the battle at the Tower. Journey before Destination. The Knights Radiant must rise again. Movie title.
  8. This is crazy-good, especially the trailer idea for the first one.
  9. I honestly know nothing of this topic but can I just say, WE NEED A MISTBORN FILM. *mic drop*
  10. Was Nightblood an Awakened sword? Because nobody really knows how he/she was made. If Nightblood IS awakened, that raises some interesting questions, since that means you could really make any inanimate object able to talk to you, and that's kind of fun to speculate about.
  11. Well, honestly, it would be nice to make your lil doggo immortal so he wouldn't die and make you sad.
  12. Interludes seem really annoying until the next book, from my experience. They aren't essential to the main story, but they can be very useful to read. For example, the interlude about Lift tells you about her backstory so that you aren't as confused when she randomly pops up in Oathbringer. Interludes also tell you what's going on outside the usual viewpoints. Also, READ THE CHAPTER INTROS. (especially in Mistborn.)
  13. I don't think we've met all of the Heralds yet, so I can't accurately judge.
  14. In the audiobook it was pronounced MOW-ash. From my experience the audiobooks are usually right about name pronunciations, but it's annoying if you had been erroneously pronouncing a name in your head...
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