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Everything posted by IAmTheStick

  1. Trapper: First of the Night (wow, a lot of firsts) Vorin: Hadidiej - almost my name backward, fairly symmetrical Unkalaki: ... I don't know the language so I guess it'll just be Kurunukuraki'ailaki'aiana (I tried way too hard on that one) Jedidiah son Tim Korathi: Eondin Returned: Willseeker (I don't have a procrastination problem, why would you ask?) Threnodite: Idk lets just say William Thordin Kandra: KaLaan
  2. Navani said it could be a simple fix... was it? Having read all of stormlight archive I can't find a reference to it, and I'm assuming it wasn't fixed due to Mraize saying that Shallan still owed them a soulcaster, how fortunate you are one yadda yadda. ...just a thought I had
  3. Kaladin. He needs a hug. Lift would be cool too, as well as Shallan and Rock
  4. 95% of my thoughts while reading cosmere books
  5. Don't amberite aethers leave dust behind? That could be a potential source for it. But I guess it could also be Mr. Sandy trying to get this type of reaction from us
  6. I think that Ishar was probably able to do this because of all the unknowns related to being a "bondsmith unchained." I mean, if he can steal Dalinar's bond to the stormfather, create an undetectable perpendicularity, and Connect windrunners to Roshar, why can't he Connect spren to the physical realm? (Obviously it's probably a little more complicated than that, and he's probably had a looong time to figure things out)
  7. Interesting... (shattered plains?) Also, does this mean a bondsmith could weaken whatever is theoretically limiting the surges? (Uh, thinking about this, I don't think a bondsmith could do that. Maybe a certain "bondsmith unchained" could, but probably not the Urithiru couple) Does this also mean that both powers of a bondsmith existed before the rest of the surges? (If I'm terribly wrong don't murder me with your cosmere-aware words please)
  8. I found this WoB... (by the way you better appreciate this cuz I dunno how to quote them and I only had a screenshot of it so I had to type it all out on my phone lol) Kalanit Taub: when Jasnah picks up the bead for the palace, is that the same bead Shallan picks up in oathbringer? Branderson: Yeah. Kalanit Taub: Is that a coincidence or something else...? Branderson: So, whenever things like that happen you can assume there's little bits of Connection going on that's changing the probability a little bit. You're not meant to read much into it, but the probability is increased because of things like that. And you'll find, if you look really closely, there are connections between the characters that are really subtle that I'm doing, that anyone who's touching the Spiritual realm or things like that. For instance, in the second book, Syl turns into Shallan while Shallan is washed up on the beach while Syl is talking to Kaladin somewhere else. There's enough connection going on that you see Syl change shapes and Kal's like, "It looks like she's walking on a beach!" It's just Syl.. because through all of that, is turning into... you'll find things like that <happening> all through the books, really subtle, really small. There's just meant to be, one of the things in the Cosmere is Connection. Your Connection to people, Connection to things, places, influences probability a little bit.
  9. When I read the title, I thought it would be about that WoB where he points out the little Connections (Syl looking like Shallan on the beach, Jasnah and Shallan picking up the same palace bead)
  10. Is progression immune to the surge suppression? I thought that was just cuz of Lift's weirdne--- I mean awesomeness
  11. Sorry, leeches, you know? I just... yeah. *remove/dissipate/whateveritscalled
  12. Hmm I forgot about that! ...wish I had something more to add here, but all I can say is... interesting...
  13. That makes sense to me, and if it doesn't turn out that way, I might be sad :l When? Are you talking about when he spoke to Kaladin through the storm? I feel like that's a little different than just Connection manipulation as the Stormfather is a somewhat unknown element... He needed physical contact to talk to those soldiers, and to make those maps with Shallan Ishar needed physical contact to forge a connection between the Windrunners and Roshar
  14. If Odium can see the hearts of men, and the hearts of men are important to the Shards, well, I think that could explain why he's so dangerous to the other Shards
  15. ...could a leecher steal breath? I think in the coppermind there's a WoB where he says that stealing breath would be fairly effective...
  16. I... don't think voidbinding is of cultivation and odium. We have voidlight, stormlight, and lifelight, right? And voidbinding uses voidlight, not... whatever a combination if the 2 would be called
  17. Oh! I finally remembered the other big one... the bridge 4 salute seems to be the sign for "protect" in ASL!
  18. I point you all to this excerpt of RoW: (heavily paraphrased) Ulim: They were strong, yadda yadda Venli: How'd we lose, then??? Ulim: Couldn't break the last herald, we got stuck on Braize. Unmade decided to fight alone. BAM decided to try and grant forms of power, giving out too many, connecting herself to the whole singer species. Became a little god. Too little. Venli: ...wat Ulim: People relied on BAM too much, who got imprisoned in a gem- everyone's [singers?] soul got messed up. To restore the singers' minds, we'll get a buncha stormforms and pull a storm from shadesmar. So obviously BAM got too deeply connected to things (likely over the course of years) and every singer BAM connected to was unable to hear the rhythms after they were captured. This also affected the spren somehow, which is not explained in the part I'm looking at. To me, this indicates that BAM is related to investiture somehow-- all three types, or possibly just honor's and cultivation's. So the spren of lights seems like a good bet to me. And what BAM did in becoming such a fundamental part of roshar seems very familiar to what odium has done. Not necessarily manipulating connection to become a part of the planet, but slowly permeating it, until the two are inextricably linked. :0 If this is the case, maybe renarin, venli, and lift will be related to ba-ado-mishram. We have honor/odium, odium/honor, and honor/cultivation... They'll obviously play a big role in the story, as it seems they're all outliers in the history of roshar. Also, as more spren get corrupted, the nightwatcher will become more strongly connected to... radiants?
  19. That's what I've been thinking for a long time. To me it seems Hoid is trying to use every type of investiture so he can have some sort of connection to each shard.
  20. Uh, yeah. Just give me all the little things you noticed in Sanderson's books! I have a couple... Kaladin repeatedly refuses to give up his emotions! (Learning surgery with Lirin, not going cold and emotionless during battle) In First of Dusk, I believe krell are mentioned. In first of dusk there is also a technologically advanced race that sails the stars.... (probably not related to skyward, but still!) The number 1173 appears a couple times in some of his books (Skyward, stormlight archive), probably because it rolls off the tongue. Fun to say. ...probably some other things I don't remember right now
  21. I believe in the books transportation is called the surge of motion and realmatic transition. To me, this implies that elsecallers should be able to use it without moving between realms.
  22. It's not likely. For a redemption arc, the character has to be, y'know, redeemable. I think the closest we'll get (if we do get anything of the sort) is Moash dying and apologizing or saying he was wrong or something. And again, not likely.
  23. I think Zahel can easily breathe in Stormlight, with the similarities to Breath. Let me clarify: while I don't think the similarity is necessary for him to use investiture, it does make it easier for him. He's used to breathing in power, only now this power isn't locked to a specific individual until its given away?! Sweet! As has been mentioned above, the real mystery is how he connected to a different magic system, if he even needed to
  24. *hits 18 yrs* *stays the same* Hol up I thought I was supposed to become an adult here
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