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  1. Cool to know I'm not the only one that saw that possibility! I just was really wondering about the name Fused. Yes they're "Fused" to the bodies of new singers, but is that the real reason for the name? And why no new ones? Fair point that it might be unrelated to the Recreance though. It does seem a bit of a stretch, especially considering how well the current theory seems to be working - the worthiness, the guilt over BAM/Singers, Honor going loopy and accusing them of repeating the past... If that is the case, I really wonder if sealing BAM did something to/killed Honor somehow... that would certainly explain even more why they felt so guilty Ah of course, Yunfah! Hadn't thought of him, very good point. So seems like this chunk of theory isn't right, unless Yunfah is an exception to the rule for some reason... (I doubt it lol) I think that's a fair assessment, and humble of you to say, but it's literally your thread and I was looking for other viewpoints, so thank you! I kinda picked up this possibility because I could combine it with my own theory. And also because I really really like the idea that the screams Szeth & Dalinar hear are real, not just psychosis/PTSD/guilt, etc. When Argent said it on the cast it blew my mind xD Oh brill, thanks! Makes sense!
  2. This is theory of an alternative motive for the Recreance, so felt like it would fit in here. If not, please just let me know and I'll move it! SPOILERS for MISTBORN ERA 1 (all of it), if there's anyone this deep that hasn't read it It's a bit of a whacky theory, but I liked it, so thought I'd share. Would love to hear your thoughts Also, my apologies for rambling a bunch, and for the excessive use of parentheses. I'm really too fond of them.
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