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  1. Tragically, I *am* in a PhD program... but studying methane-eating bacteria genetics. And since bacteria don't have eyebrows, I'll be hard-pressed to work this into my thesis >.< That said, I've been increasingly considering that eyebrow analysis may be my new calling... I just finished the Nevernight Chronicles by Jay Kristoff and there were a lot of raised brows in that series too. We may be onto something
  2. Good job winning the day with a single post :P 

  3. I know this has been discussed before, but I had some fun doing a goofy data viz project poking fun at the number of times characters "raise an eyebrow" at each other in the original trilogy. After collecting some basic eyebrow interaction data, I made some plots analyzing: The most frequent eyebrow Raisers vs Raisees Changes in eyebrow raising frequency over time The social network among characters as defined by their eyebrow exchanges I wrote up some analysis claiming that characters' eyebrow behaviors mark key moments of personal growth in their character arcs and dumped a set of interactive visualizations for all 3 books here. I thought this forum might get a kick out of it Here are some viz previews: (Nodes are sized proportionally to the total number of eyebrow interactions in which that character was involved; Arrows are sized proportionally to the number of directed eyebrow raises from the source to the target)
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