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  1. There's no reason why that couldn't change over time. Especially since his name was taken from him and his songs were taken for some reason.
  2. There's also Elithanathile which is one of the names of the almighty and maybe refers to El? The name seems very singer like with he "he/she who <does thing>" meaning `He who transforms`.
  3. What if it's the other way around. The shards co-opted the colors of the moon to represent them. We know from a WoB that Ruin and Preservation did not have to be black and white.
  4. That comes from Hoid being a dawnshard so he would have been able to do harm before that. Though to be honest that part was mostly a joke. However the text still hints at something nuclear going off on Yolen.
  5. Oh that's true. I probably got confused writing that and I just remembered that Stonewards surges are Cohesion and Tension, not Division.
  6. *TInfoil hat on* According to the ars arcanum in RoW microkinesis, or Stoneshaping, was present on Yolen with more destructive abilities: So there are now two Surgebinding abilities on Roshar that also was present on Yolen. The second one being Lightweaving which is something Hoid already is able to do. According to a WoB microkinesis is not capable of splitting atoms however Brandon also says that it was capable of doing that in his original dragonsteel books. So what leads me to believe Hoid has been a stoneward? For a while Hoid was going under the name `Topaz` in reference to him being the bearer of the first gem. Topaz is also the gem associated with stonewards. Now this doesn't really make a strong point and could just be coincidence. However in chapter 68 in OB when Shallan and Hoid is talking he mentions this: This is also the subtitle given to the Stonewards in the quiz about the ten orders. However he says `vow` and not instead of `oath` but that could be Brandon making sure he doesn't set off our cosmere alarms too easily. *Second tinfoil hat on*
  7. So El means something like divinity?
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