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About Durrin

  • Birthday July 14

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  1. Cole’s question was answered in a matter of seconds. As he watched a table get flipped and a man holding a strange device run out the door, Cole knew that things just got worse. First, Cole knew that the big guy would be extremely angry. Nothing makes him angrier than the loss of customers, and with the assassin earlier and now this man taking down one of the bouncers, the amount of people coming to this venue would drop almost half. Second, Cole knew that if that man wasn’t caught then the big guy’s anger would be taken out on the little people. Specifically Cole. With this knowledge Cole knew that he really only had 2 options. To catch the man or to run. Now Cole knows his strengths and if a bouncer, who happened to be a Pewter Feruchemist, could be brought to his knees, literally, then Cole didn’t have a chance. So Cole could only run. Now this also has its downfalls. By running Cole could be seen as an accomplice, causing him to not only be hunted down but also making it hard for him to get into any other jobs like this. Cole was truly between a rock and a hard place. But then a third option came to his mind as Cole rushed out the door. If Cole could just follow the man then he could tip the big guy off and all will be well. So Cole turned into a small alleyway so that know one would see him as he steel-pushed onto a nearby roof. Hoping with all hope that he didn’t lose the man.
  2. “You’re probably right,” said Cole. As he looked closer towards the body he saw that the man wore a golden watch. “No use leaving that for the worm’s.” thought Cole as he slipped it off. Cole was about to start going through the many pockets in the strange fine-quality coat this man was wearing when something caught the corner of his eye. “Rusts” he whispered. It was the projectile that had killed the man. Cole originally assumed that it was a poison dart or something similar in making but there was something different about this. It was glowing. Faintly and with the tiniest bit of light but glowing nonetheless. Now Cole didn’t know very much about projectiles and such but he did know that he had never seen one glowing. So doing what pickpockets do best he reached down to take it. Sure he might have been messing up a crime scene but no officials were going to come by and everyone else who might care were looking for the person who did it. Besides, something about the glowing just made him want to look at it closer. Something with the… Cole’s thoughts were cut off as he heard a voice behind him, “Sir?” Cole turned around to see a woman who seemingly came out of nowhere and was now talking to the bouncer, “My b-brother and I—” Then with tears cutting off her sentence Cole see’s her get up see the corpse and then faint. “Ah Rusts,” said Cole, “Can this day get any worse?”
  3. Cole sighed. “You caught me,” he said while setting down the drink. He’d taken long enough of a break anyway and needed to collect the last of the item’s before that bouncer got any ideas. “It’s strange,” said Cole while picking up a red leather purse, “There are always people saying that something bad is coming and somehow this was different.” By now Cole had made his way over to the body on the stage. “The way this guy was killed,” he said crouching down to get a closer look at the body, “It kind of validates what the guy was saying. Makes a man wonder if the rumors floating around are true, eh?”
  4. “And thank you,” thought Cole as he steel-pushed his latest victim's coin pouch into his hand. Thievery was becoming way too easy now day’s. With the economy good and the DA, TUBA, and Ghostblood going more into the background everyone has seemed to be falling into this lulling sense of false peace, but Cole knew better. You don’t get rid of the rot just by painting the apple red. Corruption is everywhere. Cole ducked his head as a bouncer passed by. They won’t stop him since he promised 1/3 of what he earned to the venue's owner, but Cole didn’t trust him one bit. Eventually the big guy would break his promise and Cole would be betrayed. Besides, the big guy probably has about 4 other thieves doing the same thing in here. Cole wasn’t that important. Just before Cole goes to swipe another purse his victim stands up to yell at a certain disturbance on the stage. Cole looks up in time to see a man get shot in the neck on stage. “Ah Rust,” whispers Cole, “There goes my lulling sense of false peace.” Just then the room erupts in chaos as people bolt for the door, but chaos is a thief’s friend. So Cole started going through the crowd in hopes of stealing items that he knows people will have left behind in their hurries. Through his searching for forgotten item’s Cole sees the tiniest bit of the heel of a ladies shoe poking out from beneath a table cloth. “How strange,” he says, “Shoes are worthless anyways, always making noise and blocking your feet from feeling. I’d best leave it.” With that Cole sat down to drink something a guest left behind.
  5. Cole jumped as he heard a voice next to him, “I’m just a small nobody just passing by looking for um… nothing. Yeah, nothing.” Cole started backing away from the sound of the voice while pulling out a vial of metal. This was sloppy, he should have downed one before he came too close. in case he met someone dangerous and needed a quick escape like perhaps this voice. Where did this voice come from anyways? Well the only thing left for him to do was perhaps find out what happened here and where the voice was before it decided to kill him. “You wouldn’t know what happened here would you?” he said, preparing to dive away from the voice and down the vial in a moment's notice.
  6. Cole cursed as an explosion sounded nearby. “Just my luck,” he thought, “The one day that I work up the courage to join a secret Anarchist Organization some lunatic has to go and blow stuff up.” His instincts told him that he should hide like any other half-brained low life in the region but no, this was too important. So Cole pressed on until he finally made it and found that the Anarchists were under attack. “Rusts”
  7. Haha ya, the device I'm on has the worst autocorrect.
  8. Like 0. I just end up playing Tuna music. Though I actually prefer playing Tuba music since its usually lower than the contra-alto part and the contra part usually is right on the break between the upper register and the lower register.
  9. Hope this works. (Also I’m pretty new and haven’t used a spoiler tag until now so sorry if I did it wrong.)
  10. Life before Death Strength before Weakness Journey before Destination Windrunners rule!
  11. Ah yes I have finally found my people. Granted that's what I said to myself when I found this website so I guess I found my people within my people. Also I said I play clarinet but I lied as I actually play the less known Contra-Alto Clarinet.
  12. I don't think simply touching the sphere would be enough as Raboniel was able to touch the sphere of anti-voidlight with out being actually harmed but Anti-stormlight leaking could be a totally different story. Although Raboniel was shocked when she touched it so that initial shock might be something that someone could use against radiants and such.
  13. Well I was originally thinking of the use of Raysium as it would probably be more effective but now that I think about it early gun development used little metal spheres as ammo not unlike the spheres holding the gemstones.
  14. So if a Scandrian Engineer got their hands on some Anti-stormlight and assuming they had the knowledge of what it did, do you think it would be possible for them to make a gun utilizing its power? If so how would you think this would affect the battle between Scandria and Roshar?
  15. I first heard of Sanderson when my dad was telling one of his co-workers about a book he read where the character got magical powers from eating metal and as I love magic and eating I was immediately interested. So I went to the library and checked it out. I loved it but I was also into some other series at the time so I probably would have stopped with Sanderson after mistborn. But then some of my friends who were big Sanderson fans saw what I was reading and immediately started telling me about the cosmere. I've always wanted to read some books which had great plots by themselves but also had a much great plot that included all of them. So when I heard that there was an author doing basically the same thing I was hooked. So that how I found out about Sanderson.
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