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Everything posted by WandererNearby

  1. ROW had the Nale flashback where he's protecting a child from dark monsters as well. Even if you don't count Teft protecting Lift, this would count.
  2. It needs the hard J because it should kinda sound like the word "jargon". As a side note, I don't really buy the arguments that it should be pronounced like a Scandinavian would. This story is thousands of years into the future which is plenty of time for words and pronunciations to slide around and morph.
  3. @isilel, That's a great idea. Another option would be the last day on Ashyn.
  4. I'm listening to the most recent Shardcast and they brought up what the new prologues will be. We don't know much about it beyond the fact that Brandon has said that he wants to do something similar. A major inciting incident from 5 different POV's and revealing more each time. I have a suggestion for what it could be and who the POV characters are: the imprisonment of Ba-Ado-Mishram with Melishi as the first POV and Ba-Ado-Mishram as the last POV. It would be an important inciting incident that could have been witnessed by 5 major characters. It involves several of the Heralds. It lead to a breaking of the union between spren and humans like the first prologue lead to the war. It would even be done as a way to stop Voidlight entering Roshar because Ba-Ado-Misham granted the forms of power and Gavilar got Voidlight into spheres. What do you think?
  5. The best part about this episode was following it up with one of the White Sand episodes where Ian says something like "There maybe a major announcement between recording and release. We can't know for sure."
  6. I can't get onto Backerkit so I'm not sure what the answers to this are. Is the new secret project a part of the Words of Radience campaign? Is it a different thing? What's going on here? https://youtu.be/X9HEKnswsy0?si=Q0ey59icPbMvLH-W P.s. to the mods. I'm sorry if this the wrong spot.
  7. This is explained by the Cinderking knowing how to recharge sunhearts or by the Beaconites using their sunhearts up faster. I can come up with some reasonable guesses based the second alone. Lets say that every sunheart starts out with 200 BEU's. Beaconite usage requires permanently staying aloft in a thunderstorm so it uses 1 per day for flight, heating, lighting, and etc.. Normal usage requires less heating for the ships and much less flight time so it only uses .25 per day. At those rates, a regular city would need to produce a new sunheart for every ship every 800 days and Beacon would need one every 200 days. Assuming 18 people per ship and the older person dies every time this would mean about 39-40 years of life on a regular ship and about 10 years of life on the Beaconite ship. The regular life would be possible. It isn't fun but it's possible especially when you consider that they're are invested so disease is less of a worry and they have access to a lot of modern conveniences like indoor plumbing and heat.
  8. Super Awesome Danger will be the first and only Sanderson adaption to screen that we get because no studio with the money to do it well would do it well. Should my theory that Sho Del are evolved axolotl's count? Because I actually think this.
  9. When are the videos from it going to be released? I get that there'll be some delays, I don't even mind intentional delays, and I would love to know which videos, if any, are being officially released. P.s. I'm not sure where to put this so I'm asking in the "General Brandon Discussion" topic.
  10. Can we please have David's rant about erosion on Roshar or soil on Canticle? I'm hoping that he's a secretly a geologist hoping for a Cosmere book with well made soil science. tagging @Windrunner
  11. Today I was thinking about how the highspren interact with their knights differently than any other order that we've seen so far. For one thing, they hang around in the Physical Realm to observe the squires. This seems weird to me because, if they are like the other radiant spren, they're running the risk of losing their sentience by hanging out too long in the Physical Realm. Second, the knight-spren relationship seems closer to a veteran-rookie relationship than a partnership based on the fact that the spren chooses when the knight completes their Crusade, the knight must get to the Second Oath before bonding a spren, and they seem to hide from their knight even after bonding. The biggest difference is how much control Nale has over the order. He can choose who joins and is the only 5th order knight around. I think there's a potential explanation for these differences: Nale has (maybe by accident) formed protobond with all of the highspren currently found in the Order which allows them to hang around like this and gives him more control over all of them. I think the timeline roughly goes like this: Before Nale joins the order, the differences are mentioned above is minimized outside of the fact that they're concerned with justice as police officers, judges, and etc. Nale joins and immediately has enormous influence due to the fact that he's the Herald of Justice. Nale ascends to the Fifth Order. Every Skybreaker after this feels weird about ascending to the Fifth Order because it would be strange to be his peer. The result is that Nale now is the Skybreaker Herald and routinely commands everyone including the highspren. The highspren get used to him commanding them over the centuries and may even view him like the Honorspren view the Stormfather. Eventually, Nale's "metaphysical mass" (for lack of a better term) as Herald, the centuries spent shaping the order into his own image, and the fact that the spren are used to him bossing them around, they develop a protobond with him which allows them to hang around much longer in the Physical Realm. Because the spren can spend so much time in Physical Realm, they walk into every bond after this with the assumption that they know more than their Radiant and should be treated as the senior member of the partnership. What do you think?
  12. We can also reasonably assume that many original parts of the machine were made from spirits. The spirits have some level of sentience so could theoretically handle what we would need to use AI for; they're such a key part of society that it would be weird to not engineer using them; we would need to speculate that just one of the 12 reformed yoki-hijo to also be one of the scholars; and most of the parts were later replaced by spirit components so we know that spirits could actually make most of the components. This would mean that the scholars would need to fine-tune and coordinate a few dozen spirit components instead of secretly inventing AI and robotics more advanced than our own.
  13. The closest historical example I could find for 300+ mph winds is the 1999 Bridge Creek-Moore tornado which conveniently (for this question not for the victims) went through Oklahoma City. It flattened basically everything so I would guess that no city would stand up well at all.
  14. I really like this two options. I don't really think that ViV (Virtuosity Vessel) actually killed herself. Suicide could end up being a theme he chooses to explore but through a vessel intentionally destroying the shard. I don't have any hard evidence that she didn't but it just doesn't feel like it based on what Hoid said at the beginning.
  15. To be completely fair @Treamayne, that WOB didn't exist until after we all said that stuff. You're completely correct that it would invalidate some options like dual swords for instance. Sword and scabbard would still fit and I just feel like spear and shield would to. They are two different purposes to make a complete whole, defense and offense.
  16. I wonder if the Scar is where Adonalsium was shattered and the red color is foreshadowing that the stars nearby were corrupted as a splash effect of the shattering or the weapon they used.
  17. I think the most obvious combination would be sword and scabbard because it's two pieces that function extremely well together. However, I bet a hijo could also make paired weapons like dual-wielded swords notably found in the Book of Five Rings.
  18. I think the way around this for the theory is that dragons are ageless shapeshifters. They could give themselves all sorts of abilities under those circumstances and could even (maybe) change their own reproduction so that their offspring naturally have flight, fire-breathing, and etc. It's also a little difficult to believe that the ecology that they currently live in is the same one that they evolved in. It's pretty reasonable to assume a lot of evolutionary drift occurs during the lifetime of one dragon and much more happening in the drift within three or four generations. It would be a better question to ask what ecology produced dragons tens or hundreds of thousands of years ago and how the dragons may have guided it and themselves since then. I think that looking at the first images coming up on my Duck Duck Go search for axolotls will illustrate my point. They are ethereal and alien looking. They have gill structures that are flat looking and vaguely resemble hair that is much broader than human hair. They are pale with creepy eyes. This close enough (for me) to the description of Sho Del in Lost Metal Epilogues: "[Jan Ven] was a creature with four arms, chalk-white skin, and large almost reptilian eyes. Her white hair was wide, like blades of grass." This is also a guess that the Sho Del get along with humans enough to split up the planets like that despite the fact we know of fain life is that it is competitive with human based ecology. We don't know much about the history of inhabitation of the system because so little was transmitted to Yumi and Nikaro but, since they were hostile to another in the past, I'd rather assume that they were at least uncivil with one another now/then. I don't think the Shroud is a good enough answer because Nikaro described his job as mostly mundane early on to Yumi. That suggests that the Sho Del could have figured it out too, especially if they got along with humans well enough to split up the planetary systems like that. However, it's a very very difficult problem to add oceans if you need them to live or thrive and one that isn't really needed since there's a water world nearby. Considering that we have no evidence of the Sho Del moving onto Komashi, I think that a very very large problem is a better explanation compared to just a large problem. I have no idea why humanity chose Komashi. Maybe they arrived later than the Sho Del and the Sho Del had already colonized UTol? Maybe it's a Skyward situation and they just needed a planet? No clue.
  19. I was using my iPhone SE and downloading using the email link from my ProtonMail and Safari apps. P.s. I know it's embarrassing to still be using that thing. I just haven't gotten around to buying the latest one yet.
  20. What have you done? I downloaded the EPub file for Kindle on my phone then sent it to the Kindle App which put on the Kindle library.
  21. @Oltux72, you're absolutely right and it's one of the biggest potential problems with this. It could be a coincidence because of that fact and because Sho Dels' abilities in navigation, and the resulting reputation, would allow them to charge a lot more for their services giving them a stronger incentive to be sailors. However, I think the fact that they look an awful lot like axolotls, didn't land on Komashi when they could have, and the story of Yolen being two competing ecologies suggest differently to me.
  22. Dragons view themselves as deities per this WOB: https://wob.coppermind.net/events/515/#e16142 Maybe what the Komashians thought were boats were reverse submarines or "supermarines" or maybe they just need something above water. I.e. maybe they like freshly grown tomatoes and need to use barges to grow them. Alternatively, their species now can go back and forth between land and water so a fleet of ships on a water world would allow the best of both ecologies. That's neat about the gills of the axolotls!! Plus they can be very pasty and have rudimentary lungs. It looks more and more like Sho Del are inspired by them. https://axolotlnerd.com/how-do-axolotls-breathe/ Edit to prevent double posting: @Pagerunner, I just realized that I forgot to respond to you. I'm sorry. The short answer is that I don't weight world building from a 20 year old, non-canon source very highly. I also don't think it's a very persuasive piece of evidence against the theory because the effectiveness of skullmoss, if anything, suggests that it could have been altered. Plus, the fact that the legend itself suggests it comes from deities which is also would make sense if the dragons made it.
  23. You're right that a lot has been lost. However, Yumi did travel all around and, apparently, visited one village every day or so. That's a lot of villages. Plus the villagers tell her what they want and why they want it. I personally find a bit of a stretch to suggest that she wouldn't have come across something destroyed by the war with the fainlife, something to help fight the fainlife, a Sho Del asking for something, and/or a Sho Del specific item requesting by a human. Then again, maybe the Sho Del just didn't arrive until after the machine was set up and decided just avoid the planet covered in sentient nightmares in favor of sunbathing in a canoe. I don't think this is hard to explain at all. The whole premise of the conflict is two ecologies colliding so fain land based organisms would be required as a part of it and could be a result of experimentation of the dragons and/or Sho Del. We know that dragons are interested in ecology research, very powerful magically, and view themselves as deities so it seems like they have the means, opportunity, and could have the motive. . I agree that the drag is a weird thing. Maybe the hair is more of a sensory structure? I'm not sure how it would fit. The biggest question is the lack of gills mentioned. I doubt the hair would be the gills considering it would be a terrible design to have important organs just floating around outside of the body instead of in the middle with everything else.
  24. There had to be enough of a similarity to allow for the reading of the cave graffiti. I grant that there was definitely linguistic differences due to the time passage but there must have been a bunch of similarity due to the fact that one is the source of the other.
  25. That's right, I had forgotten about that. However, I do think it does increase the strangeness of the Sho Del never visiting the planet with out a biological/geographical reason for it to be more inhabitable to humans.
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