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The Titan God

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About The Titan God

  • Birthday January 22

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    Somewhere on Mars

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  1. I was reading through Elantris' Ars Arcanum and reading through the list of Aons and noticed some of their meanings that had very direct correlations with specific shards. So, I decided to see if I could find corresponding aons with each shard. I failed. But, I did find some interesting connections that I figured I'd share so I don't feel I wasted half an hour. To be clear, I don't think this actually means anything, it's just something I found interesting. Devotion: There aren't any Aons that specifically mean "devotion", but there is Aon Seo which means Loyalty / Service, which is close. Dominion: There aren't any Aons that mean "dominion" or any synonyms. But, some Aons that are correlated with dominion are: Dao (stability, security), Eda (superior, lofty), and Ope (nation). Preservation: The closest Aon to preservation would probably be Aon Edo, which means Protection / Safety. Ruin: The closest Aon to ruin that I could find is Aon Sheo, which means Death and is a rather tentative connection. I also want to mention the obligatory Aon Ati namesake connection. Odium: There aren't any Aons along the lines of Odium / Hatred. There are Aons such as Teo (royal, majestic), Rii (wealth, affluence), and Eda (superior, lofty), that sort of correlate to personality traits of Odium, but they more represent aspects of Rayse's personality than the shard Odium. Cultivation: Much like Odium, there aren't any Aons meaning cultivation. But, there are many Aons representing something to do with life, such as: Dii (wood), Eto (body, flesh, muscle), Kaa (plants), Opa (flower), and Tii (green). Also, yes, I am aware that Cultivation doesn't equal life, but these were the closest connections I could find. Honour: This was actually the one that inspired this whole post as there is a perfect correlation with Aon Mai, which means Honour. Endowment: Just like Honour, Endowment has a perfect correlation. This time with Aon Eshe, which means Gift / Endowment. Autonomy: There aren't any Aons along the lines of autonomy / independence / mastery. But there are the Aons: Soi (order, organised) and Are (unity, cohesion), that are similar to traits we see Autonomy resemble. Ambition: Ambition was very difficult to find any connection for. The closest was Aon Ati (hope), but that is tentative at best. Invention: Invention was difficult because we don't really know what its Intent is, and there aren't any Aons meaning invention. The closest ones were: Sao (intelligence, learning), Shao (transform, change), and Ene (wit, cleverness) (in modern usage, Ene is used much the same as Sao). Mercy: Mercy is another one with a perfect correlation. That being Aon Ido (mercy, forgiveness). Valour: Aon Aeo means Bravery, which is close enough to valour. Whimsy: I couldn't find anything for whimsy, feel free to leave anything you find in the replies. The Survival / Wisdom / Prudence, etc... Shard: We know virtually nothing of this shard but Aon Ien (wisdom) could be a good fit. Secret Project 3 spoiler below:
  2. word_thief What would happen if a Mistborn ingested the metal of a Shardblade/Plate? Brandon Sanderson A Shardblade is Invested. A Mistborn isn't likely to have a tie to that type of Investiture. So probably nothing would happen… General Twitter 2013 (Oct. 24, 2013) This WoB implies that in order to burn some God Metals you already need a Connection to that Shard, so it doesn't make a lot of sense (or at least it wouldn't be noticeable) that burning those metals established a Connection. Tbf though, this is an old WoB so things may have changed.
  3. Brandon has stated in the past that a Shard's intent is filtered through the vessel, and the vessel can have an effect on how the Shard's intent is portrayed. My idea is that Honor's broad intent, without the filtering by Tanavast is that it wants to form Connections. We can see this in Surgebinding (an art which, while being of both Honor and Cultivation, seems to be mostly Honor) is initiated by forming a Nahel bond. I also remember hearing somewhere (although I don't remember where) that because Honor violated the pact the Shards made not to settle on the same world, that they mustn't have been clearly defined well enough. This seems to imply that Honor at least follows oaths and Connections by nature of its intent. If this is true, then I think it is a reasonable assumption that Odium, without the filtering by Rayse, is about severing Connections. If these both apply then I think that the method of initiation to becoming a Voidbinder requires you to severe a Connection of somekind. We also know that Voidbinding is usually related to the Unmade, so you might be able to come up with a more detailed theory including that. Note, I do not think that you necessarily have to break Radiant Ideals or severe a Nahel bond to become a Voidbinder, just that it requires some Connection to be broken.
  4. We also know that (spoilers below for Tress of the Emerald Sea): This means this magic has special people who can use it (or maybe people who use it better / stronger).
  5. It is well established in Mistborn that Allomancy is Preservation's magic system, Hemalurgy is Ruin's magic system, and Feruchemy is a combination of both shards. But wouldn't it make sense if Feruchemy was Preservation's magic system as the whole concept of Feruchemy is preserving your attributes for later use. And also, Allomancy would make more sense being a combination of the shards as it is a NetPositive magic system and it is established that combining Preservation and Ruin creates something. Hemalurgy makes sense as Ruin, though.
  6. I also think there could be Feruchemical Parlors of sorts were Feruchemists can have a safe place to store their metalminds.
  7. It has been stated with enough training, determination and strength a seeker could "hear" the storing and tapping of a metalmind. So, I believe, this to be entirely possible. Of course, as you can tell by the other comments, this has neither been confirmed nor denied. And, if it were to be possible, I believe the same thing would apply for Nicrobursts, forcing a Feruchemist to tap their metalminds.
  8. Spook likely would've assumed he was talking about the external enhancement metals (Chromium and Nicrosil), so those would be what they were looking for, because, unless Sazed stated otherwise, they still believed Atium and Malatium to be the external temporal metals. It is possible that in the search for chromium and nicrosil they discovered cadmium and bendalloy, but it would not have been what they were looking for.
  9. Bendalloy is the alloy of cadmium, not the other way around. If they did discover bendalloy first, then they would have to find which of the base metals were also allomantically viable, cadmium or bismuth.
  10. Brandon has said that the Mistborn: Adventure Game is canon until he makes it otherwise.
  11. In the section of Shadows of Self and Bands of Mourning's Ars Arcanum talking about the three Metallic Arts it says: Does anyone know what the other names for the Metallic Arts are?
  12. Do we have any idea of what the spiritual realm looks like beyond "spiritwebs"? Because (I don't know why) but I always imagined the spiritual realm as having little gems or orbs for every thing in the cosmere, these little gems or orbs would contain the identity, fortune and intent of everything. The orbs would be surrounded by little threads wrapping around it (investiture) and then some going to wrap around other orbs (connection). I also believed that events that took place in the spiritual realm wrote the destiny of each orb. Obviously, much of this is completely false, I was simply sharing what I imagined the spiritual realm like and asking other people to share what they think it's like.
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