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  1. Ahh thanks for the answers. I just plain forgot about Yolen and it makes sense that Brandon doesn't let it hold him back from using some idioms for the sake of storytelling.
  2. So in RoW, there was an point where Mraize was talking to Shallan/Veil and he used the phrase "prime the pump." This is an interesting idiom because it originates from recent English history, 18th century England for use in fluid dynamics and 19th century United States for use in Economics which popularized general use colloquailly. Between this, and the Dog & Dragon story told by Wit, where a traditional barn with a silo was mentioned, I'm wondering if these are these purposeful Earth references by Worldhoppers? Could it be that Hoid, Mraize, and other Worldhoppers originated from a version of Earth and the Cosmere stories are set in the future? Or is this just an unintentional literary fluke by Sanderson? I'm curious what phrases were used in the translated versions.
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