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  1. I think the problem Sazed has as Harmony's Vessel, is that he sees his Shard as being made of two opposing powers. Harmony can very well be a Shard that creates with one hand and destroys with the other, as long as one does not exceed the other (a bit like a Ferucheminst not being able to use more speed from a steelmind than he has stored for example). How the Vessel sees the restrictions placed on a Shard, influences these restrictions. In the Epilogue of RoW we see Hoid speak with Taravodium. The Shards have a deal to not harm Hoid. Rayse probably saw destroying memory holding Breaths as harming him, so he could not do this. However, Taravangian does not see this as harming him, so he can do this. This is also why Taravangian can see many loopholes in the commitments Rayse made and he will be able to do things as Odium Rayse would not have been able to. There is a WoB stating that the combination of Ruin and Preservation could also be Discord. This implies that a Shard's Intent is at least partially influenced by its Vessel.
  2. I agree that the imprisonment of BAM led to the singer's losing their forms. This can be explained by the fact that she had given forms of power to all singers and had therefore made a Connection with every singer. By imprisoning BAM, the Radiants severed this link and the parshmen lost a part of their Connenction and Identity since these parts are related to a singer's form. I also agree that there is a likely link between BAM's imprisonment and other events shortly thereafter such as the Recreance and the Radiant spren becoming deadeyes. How and why this happened, is less clear. Was/Is BAM somehow Connected to all spren on Roshar? This is weird, since BAM is, as an Unmade, a Splinter of Odium and Odium might not have been as Invested in Roshar during the ancient Desolations as he is during the events of RoW. Therefore, I suggest that BAM might have been the spren of Roshar before she was Unmade. The Connection to all of Roshar is then older than her status as an Unmade. The ancient Radiants might have torn a part from Roshar itself by imprisoning BAM. How do you know Ado means Light? And do you have translations of Ba and Mishram? Also, small detail, the Sibling lost the ability to make Towerlight, because he couldn't hear his father's (Honor's) rhythm anymore.
  3. I did not want to imply that wat Sja-Anat does is the same as what Raboniel does. Sjan-Anat states in RoW (I think) that she never "Enlightens" a Radiant spren against their will. I wanted to point out that if something that makes up the spren changes, the spren changes and that spren see this as dying or not being themselves anymore. There is a parable of a ship setting sail and during its voyage parts break and are replaced until no part of the original ship remain. Is it still the same ship? When asked this question, humans tend to reply yes or at least admit that there is some semblence. Spren don't seem to have this same permanence of their own conciousness. I think this might be because humans are part of the Physical Realm, but spren are part of the Cognitive Realm.
  4. Interesting idea. I would go a step further and say that their not the same spren anymore. When Raboniel is unmaking the Sibling, the Sibling tells Navani that they see becoming Unmade as dying as they won't be themselves anymore. A corrupted Radiant spren would be someone else from the normal spren they were before. So they don't really change their name, they just get a new name because they are a different spren.
  5. Thank you for the suggestions. I know what I'm getting for Christmas.
  6. I haven't read any non-Cosmere book by Brandon as of this moment. I'm going to read Joe Abercrombie's First Law Trilogy next, but I haven't decided what I will read next. Any suggestions?
  7. It is the very last line of chapter 115. Thanks in advance
  8. Thanks! Quite interesting that Venli sees the Siblings voice as femalen.
  9. Venli swears the second ideal I will seek freedom for those in bondage after she sees Lift being delivered to Raboniel in a cage. The oath is obviously not accepted as she has just seen a kid in a cage and didn't do anything.
  10. Thanks for answering! I probably assumed that oaths, being of Honor, should be accepted by the Stormfather, Honor's most important spren. Shows that assumptions can be dangerous.
  11. I remember reading that the merging of Tanavast's CS and the Stormfather happened, but I'm not sure where it was. Maybe in the scene wherein the Stormfather protects Dalinar from Odium when Dalinar has taken Yanagawn into one of his visions. However, you're right that this might not necessarily be true, especially if Cultivation is involved. The fact that Venli's second Willshaper oath is also accepted by someone other than the Stormfather and described by her as femalen, implies that her oath at least is accepted by someone or something that represents as female, so it probably isn't Tanavast. One important question remains: why aren't these oaths being accepted by the Stormfather?
  12. Tanavast's Cognitive Shadow merged with the Stormfather.
  13. It is indeed a curious thing. This is the quote from the moment Kaladin's oath was accepted. Venli's second oath was also accepted by someone other than the Stormfather. At first I thought it was the Nightwatcher, but Kaladin hasn't met her, right? So her voice would be unfamiliar to him. The Sibling might also be a possibility since Kaladin has talked to them. Venli's oath would then have been accepted by another being, since the Sibling is neither female(n) nor male(n). Another problem with the Sibling being the one who accepted Kaladin's oath is that he has not been restored yet at moment Kaladin's oath is accepted (at least not in the text). Both these options seem unsatisfying to me.
  14. While I agree that most Radiant orders can be paired on the basis of internal/external focus, I think the orders of Radiants are expressions of both Honor and Cultivation. Honor can be seen in the oaths that Radiants swear and the deepening of Connenction between the Radiant and their spren. Cultivation can be seen in the way the oaths shape a person to become a better version of themselves. The Surges should be considered separately from the Knights Radiant in my opinion. The Surges are how the fundamental forces are perceived and are not part of Honor, Cultivation or Odium themselves. Surgebinding, the kind of magic the Knights Radiant use, is the manipulation of these fundamental forces, but it is not limited to the Knights Radiant, as it is used both by the Fused and the Ashynian humans (those who used Surgebinding to destroy Ashyn). While I do not think the Passions are part of the Knights Radiants in the ancient era, I can see some hybridization happen in the future of Roshar, since both Odium and the humans have become a part of Roshar.
  15. I find the idea that Leshwi was bonded to an honorspren or had one in her gemheart very interesting, especially since the Heavenly Ones are basically Odium's Windrunners. However, having taking a spren into a gemheart has to be consensual. I cannot remember to what Odium spren you are referring, Ulim or the voidspren giving her envoyform (although I don't think that one is sentient). Trapping a spren in a gemstone was unknown before Ba-Ado-Mishram was captured. For example, ancient fabrials were spren that came over to the Physical Realm willingly. Also, Raboniel mentions that the Fused only considered that the Heralds could be captured after BAM was imprisoned.
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