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  1. Shallan is healing, she is coming to terms with the different sides of her personality and getting over the traumas of her childhood, and you would rather have her splintered and broken?
  2. I think he definitely saw the death of Taravangian and I think he glimpsed more. I don't know if he knows Taravangian ascended, I think he knows more, but maybe doesn't know what he knows - his visions are not linear, they are fragmented and sometimes symbolical. He may realise what happened later. Hopefully not too late.
  3. I read this bit as Odium reading in Wit's mind how he expected their meeting to go, and them playing his part in the replay to meet Wit's expectations.
  4. I think this is the best place to be - utterly confused, baffled and perplexed. Wit would appreciate it. I first believed Wit was bested, and despaired because Odium deleted his memory so he'll never know it. Now I believe he was bested, but that Odium left enough evidence so that he'll figure it out. Either way, I'm not happy how the book ended. If I wanted to be left with the feeling of desperation after reading a fantasy book, I'd still be reading Martin.
  5. Both the island gods of the Reshi and the senthid...santid... the big swimming bugs are intelligent, it's not that far fetched to assume the chasemfiends are too.
  6. I like both of these, I think it's the logical step, sort of like a father protecting his kids - he protects, then he has to learn he can't protect them from everything, then he should teach them or let them protect themselves. Yes, and I also think Kaladin would be more satisfied by an Ideal that would let him be actively included, so something like "I will teach others/everyone who asks me/ to protect themselves" This would also fit with the large numbers of squires that Windrunners have, the idea that they want to share their knowledge and empower others.
  7. How can it end in a tie when it's to the death? They both kill each other at the exact second?
  8. Permission to board the Kaladin+Leshwi ship I think that would be awesome. I don’t see a relationship for Kaladin as a necessary addition to the story, but if he was to have one, Leshwi would be my first pick. They respect each other they share the same passion for flying, they have similar morality, they could work as a couple. What are we calling this? Kaleshwi? Leladin? Kashwi? Ledin? Also, with Leshwi being a splinter of Odium taking over a body of a Singer, if she had a child, whose genes would mix? We know they can influence the skin patterns when they change bodies, are they also somehow rewriting DNA as well?
  9. I remember reading something about the three moons of Roshar being significant in some way - blue for Honor, green for Cultivation, and purple for... not Odium. Odium is red-gold, not purple. We did see some violet-purple colour here and there, maybe whoever the Shard is with this colour is also someone who was involved on Roshar, and left?
  10. This is an interesting point. As Cultivation, she could see Odium as a necessary force that should not be confined to one planet, only with another Vessel driving it.
  11. I think Ruin got the end of the curve where he's only capable of destruction, and other shards can destroy, but don't have his... single-mindedness and complete dedication, so to speak. I think she's capable of destroying to create. She's Cultivation - if you're cultivating cabbages and some snails are eating them, you'd absolutely get rid of the snails. I think her goal is in what RayseOdium said once, and I'm misquoting heavily here: "Cultivation would keep you changing forever." I think she's looking for a way out of the cycle of destruction, one that's going to leave her free to return to messing with her chosen planet(s) - changing them or evolving them or something similar. I can see how the Odium "I'll use Roshar as my base to launch the war on the Universe forever" version 1.0 is less desirable for her that the Odium "I'll save everyone" version 2.0.
  12. I think we'll have a new villain. I keep thinking how there's always another layer to Brandon's stories, and a sort of slight of hand to position an unexpected new antagonist. Now at this moment Odium (regardless of Vessel) is the Big Bad, but I can't stop thinking, is this too obvious? So I believe we'll see a new villain arise, and I hope it will be as shocking and amazing as in all Brandon's books.
  13. I think the Unmade didn't originate with Odium. My personal pet theory after reading ROW is that the Unmade where already present on Roshar, connected or grew out of the nine surges, before Honor and Cultivation appeared at all. I think before Odium unmade them to serve him, they were Investiture that "was left lying around" and grew consciousness according to the dawnsingers view of Roshar, unaligned with any Shard or its Intent. With the appereance of Odium and the switch of allegiance, where the dawnsingers sided with Odium, their spren were unmade by him, basically recreating them as splinters and making them his from that moment on. So for example, if BAM was the Connection of Roshar, unmade by Odium, disturbing this basic surge to imprison her could have consequences for all, not just the singers (especially with Honor gone). It could possibly influence all connection of Roshar, and explain why the bond between Knight and spren causes events like deadeyes from that moment on, something they did not expect.
  14. I think he knows. We know that people on Roshar generally do not trust anyone with visions of the future, and that Renarin himself often does not trust his visions. So, I'm not sure if Odium shows him a vision he's going to trust it immediately. I know, me too at first, but then I was, hm, that a strange way of putting it in words... So I don't know if I am on the right path with this, but it's fun to speculate! But yes, it can totaly refer to enlightement, since that's how Sja-Anat sees it.
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