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  1. This is my first time posting here, but I wanted to share some of my reactions and musings after reading this book! I don't think this is my favorite Stormlight book, but I enjoyed it quite a bit. Navani's and Kaladin's arcs were a little predictable, but I didn't find them any less enjoyable. The reveal with Shallan's past was predictable from early on, but the distrust of her crew and Pattern made it a suspenseful and interesting. I was very shocked with the Taravangian reveal and also a bit surprised by Restares true identity. I was glad I had read the preview chapters as they released because it was very fun to ponder all of the possible implications of Mraize saying "You'll know what to do when you see him" for over a month and then laugh out loud when I got to that part and realized what he really meant. Venli is not the most engaging character for me, but I enjoyed seeing some scenes from her perspective. I have a few more reactions and questions, but I will put them under spoiler tags for length. On Odium: On where the story can go from here: Misc:
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