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  1. Hello everyone! I have a question regarding the Dawnshard novella, I just finished it an hour ago and it was as good as I expected it to be! However, there is one detail in the epilogue of Dawnshard that really caught my eye, and that is colors. There is a scene with Rysin in her cabin when she drinks tea, and suddenly - "...did this tea taste extra good? She inspected it, then glanced at the sunlight pouring through the porthole. Was it... brighter than usual? Why did the colors in her room look so exceptionally vivid all of a sudden?" And then someone knocks on the door and Captain Drlwan enters the cabin. I have read Warbreaker so I'm familiar with BioChroma but I still have Rhythm of War to get to. Doeas anyone have any solution for this hint that Sanderson placed here? And if there maybe is an explanation for this particular scene in Rhythm of War feel free to tell me to be patient and read RoW Thanks in advance!
  2. I forgot the details but I suspect that it was probably last year through a few booktubers that I subscribed to, particularly Daniel Greene and Merphy Napier. I firmly decided not to read him because of a huge number of books he wrote for Cosmere and I'm a kind of completionist, so it would be a huge commitment. However, this summer I was about to finish Joe Abercrombie's First Law trilogy and I needed something new to dive into. And then it happened that I ran into The Way of Kings ebook on Amazon and the price was iirc discounted to $4, so I thought oh well, let's do it. At first I wasn't immediately sucked in, but then I watched a few interviews with Sanderson, and in one he said that he asks his new readers to trust him and be patient, and that it's all about journey before destination. So I decided not to hurry but just relax and enjoy and treat it like a marathon, not a sprint to the book's end. I read slowly and carefully and immersed myself in Roshar, and then gradually it stuck to my mind in a way I couldn't unstick it anymore
  3. It really is fast, I kinda surprised myself there I don't usually burn through books so fast but goddammit, Sanderson is good and I can't help it. I read before sleep, in the bathroom (yes, I admit) and an occasional 12-hour night shift also helps a lot My wife was like "What are you reading?" I said "Remember that guy I told you about, Sanderson, the one that finished The Wheel of Time and wrote another fifty novels since?". She said "I remember, but you said you don't want to commit to reading his stuff". "Yes, well... I just finished his second doorstopper." "Oh, ok. So he's good?" "Yes. Yes he is." "Cool. Just don't forget to feed our children."
  4. Thanks Aon, I found it a few days ago and it's really great, I'll use it a lot when I start OB
  5. Thanks Bearer! I'm not reading the preview chapters since I'm still an Oathbringer away from the RoW, but as soon as I'm done with OB and Dawnshard I'll start RoW. As for my favorite Sanderson book so far it has to be The Way of Kings, and my fav character so far is Shallan, with Szeth and Jasnah as close seconds. I still have yet to see where the story goes in OB so the stuff I wrote here might change.
  6. Heya everyone, brand new Sanderson fan here. I started reading Sanderson somewhere in september 2020, I began with The Way of Kings, then after a 15 minute break from my first Sanderlanche I went straight on to Words of Radiance, finished the Edgedancer this morning and now I'm on chapter 4 of Warbreaker with Oathbringer and Dawnshard already bought and ready in my reading queue... meaning I pretty much didn't read anything else but Sanderson these past few months (I managed to squeeze in one Joe Abercrombie, but that's about it), and being a dad and having a job, that's really something for me. However, surfing the internet and looking for high res maps and various Cosmere tidbits during these last few months I see that this kind of obsession with Sanderson's works isn't really a rare thing. Anyway, I'm glad I found this forum and just wanted to say hello to the community. Stay safe, enjoy Rhythm of War tomorrow, and I hope I'll join you in Stormlight discussions with RoW finished as soon as possible!
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