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  1. Correct, I'm referring to just this book. This is from the Brandon Sanderson Newsletter that they send out in an email He says ch. 80 is his favorite in the book
  2. In the illustrations why does Shallan's sketchbook have different script than Navani's notebook?
  3. In chapter 26 when Shallan is talking to Beryl and seeing if she is a spy, there is a part that says "Veil said". Veil has been adamant about not taking control and making Shallan do all the talking. It should be Shallan said. Here is the passage from the book: By the end,” Beryl continued, “I had a lot of control over the men who came to me. I liked becoming the woman they wanted. It wasn’t until you came searching for me, though, that I realized the truth.” She looked straight at Shallan. “That I could walk away if I wanted to. Nothing was keeping me there. Not any longer. I could have left months earlier. Odd, isn’t it?” “That’s how it always is,” Veil said. “Pardon, Brightness, but it’s not. A lot of the women are worse off than me. They couldn’t simply leave; it was the moss for some, threats for others. Some of us though…” She looked at her hand and let the seeds drop into the pile. “We talk about transformation. The Almighty’s greatest blessing to humans: the ability to change. Sometimes we need a seed too, eh?”
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