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Everything posted by Rashekin

  1. Yep, she is Kaise. The Lost Metal chapter 39:
  2. I agree with this. In fact, I think Shai herself says that even though she's not a Scadrian, protecting Scadrial is something that matters on a Cosmere level.
  3. I think with the conversation in SH's epilogue, plus the book on Hemalurgy Spook himself wrote, it's more than obvious that he DID help Kelsier return to the Physical Realm with Hemalurgy. In Shadows of Self and Bands of Mourning there are various parts of said book, and it is noted that Spook was pro-Hemalurgy. Harmony and the Kandras say that he was wrong writing that book, and logically he had to do many experiments with Hemalurgy. Kelsier-mistwraith himself might have been one of his first great experiments.
  4. Axindweth seems much more likely to be a member of The Set, IMO.
  5. I saw it days ago in Macmillan, and today it was also in the Weekly Update video that Brandon always uploads to YT.
  6. Exactly!! Also, it makes sense because in Era 1 the Marewill flower drawing is de facto Kelsier's crew logo.
  7. Nope, Era 2 is set after Stormlight 5 and before Stormlight 6. That is, in that 10-20 year gap between both Stormlight arcs. https://wob.coppermind.net/events/475/#e14998
  8. I think the book would be just as perfect as the other 3 if only Part Three didn't exist. It's the most boring part of a Brandon book, it made Oathbringer too heavy even though the other parts served their purpose, and the book has an extremely exciting ending.
  9. Also Mraize, Iyatil, Gereh, Axindweth, Khriss... and we know that in the past Shashara and Denth were also in Roshar, probably with Vasher. Edit: Edit: There is also a WoB where it is hinted that Shai is in Roshar, but that we have not seen her on screen.
  10. I think it was a much better book than Oathbringer, except for the final section (that Oathbringer's is heart attack, but this one is more relaxed and feels like a transition to the one that should have more action and epicity.)
  11. Allomancy, of course. Although I must admit that the Surgebinding is very broken, it is by far the most powerful and varied magic system by itself.
  12. Wow... you took the words out of my mouth. Exactly this is my thinking about TES, although I will add this: While the rewrite of the prologue was the correct move (and it's amazing that the story begins and ends with Gaotona), it really makes me sad that Brandon didn't include the scene of Hoid talking to Shai in her prison. Literally because of Hoid it is that Shai is incarcerated (and therefore, the story happens), so it is a bit empty that in the official history there is talk about the Fool and Moon Scepter but nothing else. But let's look at the bright side, even without Hoid showing up, the novella is amazing. Hopefully Brandon will write about Shai again—I think I'm much more excited about a TES sequel than Elantris (which I love, but I think it should stay as a stand-alone book.)
  13. January 2022, in ebook. https://www.brandonsanderson.com/state-of-the-sanderson-2021/
  14. Words of Radiance, GOAT Rhythm of War The Way of Kings Oathbringer, sorry
  15. Certain! Now I hope that at some point Spensa comes across a lost vinyl from Let's Dance or Ziggy Stardust.
  16. I really loved this book so much, man. It was a total adventure and the revelations I did like a lot, and everything from the past of the Cytonic, Jason, the delvers, M-Bot's feelings, how funny Chet was, Spensa's personal growth... Well, it has been quite a journey reading Cytonic and honestly it seems sooo much better than Starsight, although a little less than Skyward.
  17. Just a little clarification, friend: I think that no Cosmere book can be considered a spin-off because all the books (long, short or very short) are canonical, everything from Mistborn, Stormlight, White Sand, Elantris, Warbreaker and all Arcanum Unbounded stories. Of course, it is your decision if you want to read them all, but I really recommend that you do so; Not only because of how well connected the Cosmere is, but because Brandon never disappoints, all his Cosmere work (and almost all outside of it) is incredible and you are going to blow away with his other books that you have not read. The order Tglassy says is pretty good, although Edgedancer can read it between WoR and Oathbringer when you reread Stormlight, just as you can read The Eleventh Metal before Mistborn Era 1, and Secret History at the end of that Era. Outside of the Cosmere, I definitely recommend Skyward Series and Defending Elysium (they are in the same universe). I really liked The Rithmatist too, and I liked Reckoners too but it was my least favorite Brandon saga.
  18. I think, after the Mistborn trilogy, Skyward (book, not saga) is Brandon's darkest book, even though it can be classified as Science Fiction for YA (which in my opinion is nothing juvenile outside of the Skyward Flight age.)
  19. I highly doubt that Kelsier's problem is fearing for his sanity and memories, because he has been CS for only 300 years (and add that he was 38 years old when he died). The Heralds have lived for 7000 years, including thousands of torture in Braize, wars and much more, so the situations are not comparable. In fact, if we round figures and say that Kelsier has lived 350 years (counting his life and then as CS), he has literally only lived 5% of the time that the Heralds have lived, and not counting that Kell has never been through so much hell, misery and destruction like them. In fact, I think Kelsier does have Breaths, and also add to that that Kell dominates the Feruchemy with unsealed Metalminds, so he can lean on that too…
  20. I image Prof as Axl Rose from 2019-present, including the thick voice that Axl speaks with, so ignore me… But I do imagine Dalinar as various artwork that appears on Coppermind. Like this:
  21. Sounds like a good theory to me, albeit a little clarification: I think that, based on what Stormfather says in Oathbringer, Honor probably died shortly after the False Desolation, and that he (Honor) was totally insane and delirious talking about the Dawnshards and saying that the Radiants were going to destroy the world.
  22. Thanks for clarifying my doubts! Are they still the same as in SA? You know, Jezrien, Nale, Pailiah... Although I do know that Taln is a PoV recurring character. I find it strange that it does not appear. At that point, Brandon had already created Hoid and put him in Elantris (which he wrote in 1999.) Jek is still the assassin, as well as Szeth?
  23. Personally, I think the contest of Champions will be the end of the first or second part of the book. I don't think Sanderson would make a 1300+ page book to just narrate Gavilar's prologue, Szeth flashbacks, ten days only and an epilogue. I don't know how the contest could end, but I suppose it will leave a lot ahead for the rest of the book ... and hopefully a battle similar to the Battle of Narak or Thaylen City, with a victory for the protagonists but at a high cost. (Dalinar Fused?) I also think the ending could be like WoA, but related to Ba-Ado-Mishram obviously.
  24. Well, I have not yet fully learned English, I am far from level enough to read a manuscript as long as this book is. So I wanted to see if someone could help me by answering various questions about the book. (I don't care about spoilers for this one, because it's non-canon and besides, I'll still read it one day.) The questions are: In what places does the plot take place? (TWoK takes place in Shattered Plains and Kharbranth.) What important or recurring SA characters don't exist here on TWoK Prime? What is the role of the Heralds here? Are the Shards or Adonalsium named? (Very improbable, I know.) Hoid appears? And if so, what role does he have? What is the climax of the book? (In TWoK it is the Battle of the Tower.) Does Stormfather exist? (I know there is no spren in this book, but it is still a doubt.) Which characters are better here than in SA, and vice versa? I would be infinitely grateful if someone could clarify all those doubts for me!
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