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  1. Because Szeth had no choice in what he did. Of course we know he did have a choice he could have said F you and your truthless at any point, but in his mind he didn't have a choice. He felt immense guilt for every single person he killed, he was depressed and couldn't close his eyes without seeing the people he had killed, he blinked as little as possible. The most evil thing he did was being willing to kill Adolin even though he didn't have to, this was only because he hated Adolin for not being able to kill him and free him from his hell. On top of that the guy who gave him nightblood let him die for a reason, so he could be reborn with a fresh slate, they always say if your heart stops and you are brought back to life then it is a second life and you are literally reborn sin free.
  2. I think its obvious why they make such a difference, they bring back each time forgotten knowlege, such as battle tactics vs the voidbringers for example.
  3. The Chalkings came out of hard hardings mouth. Harding must have only had control of a small portion of the chalkings. Nalizar has the rest I agree, i think only people with rithmatic abilities can be transformed into chalklings, it makes sense that a person can be transformed in this way since they share a common connection (the power that makes rithmatics and forgotten exist) It clearly has something to do with the forgotten, i think they have an agenda to eradicate man kind.They drew the first wild chalkings, think about how different melodies chalkings are to other peoples. And at the mele at the end nalizar was fascinated and said he needed to keep his eye on BOTH of them. Why would he say that if all she was doing was tracing.
  4. Who didnt like this book? I love everything sanderson touches, but this book was written in a completely different style. I know it was aimed at a younger audience but so was the rithmatist and i loved that also. The plot was good and i know for a fact if it was written in the same style as the rest of his books it would have been great, it just seemed cheesy to me and really cringey in a lot of places. The characters seemed really cliche to me and the humour seemed forced like the whole metaphor thing was so unfunny and super annoyed after like the first 50 times and i kept find my face in my palm. Really dissapointed, hes my absolute favourite author but this just didn't seem like him, almost like he outlined the book and got a minion to write the thing.
  5. I have a feeling by the end of all this sazed will hold all the shards, since hes like the only person who can do it because of his metalminds, and he already has 2
  6. Stay off the forums then until you have finished the book! What the hell do you expect. So many threads about nightblood is a spoiler in itself, should people start just making threads with the word spoiler as the title now
  7. szeth wont be the same without his powers to manipulate stormlight
  8. I was thinking this the other day but i think a big budget film would be better, there will be a lot of effects needed because brandons books are really action packed and magic based, a tv show wouldn't get the budget to make it look as cool as it is. 3 hours per movie and im happy Lord of the rings wouldnt have been as good as a tv show with far less spent on CGI and Cast and a cheaper directer.
  9. My favorite part was when Kaladin saved Dalinar, when he got shot up into the air i was like oh no, i loved how it was written like how the other guy screamed like a bitch and Dalinar didn't make a sound he just accepted his fate. I could just picture Kaladin falling miles to try and get there before anything happened. Such a cool scene . When Kaladin challenged Amaram to a dual i inwardly cringed and face palmed.
  10. That was my other theory, and could actually be right. I just remembered a scene from TWOK where Dalinar is in a vision, one of the KR is speaking with him and is impressed by his swordplay (i think he is in the body of a farmer or something). Dalinar looks away then looks back and says something in his head like wasn't he wearing a helmet just now. As though the helmet just disappeared. It definately doesnt involve bonding because spren dont have a problem with it and we know honorbladess don't involve bonding so we know its possible. Also i remember the scene where dalinar is doing worker stuff in his shardplate and asks himself why they never created plate for anyone except warriors. Its a good question and indicates to some extent thats its not as simple as being a fabrial. On the other hand though the answer could just be that it would cost too much.
  11. When the heralds return they educate people on how to fight the voidbringers because much is lost, they likely know how to createshard plate.
  12. No just think about it, the helm got hit like 20 times, the gemstone would have ran out of stormlight after 2 blows normally and then smash, but the gemstone in the helm was feeding on kaladins stormlight making it be able to last much longer than it would have for anyone other than a KR. Its 100% a fabrial designed and created for the KR, think about how hard they would be to kill wearing plate as long as they had a good supply of stormlight. Also note syl has never had a problem with plate but she has expressed her dislike for shardblades multiple times.
  13. No i dont think thats true, at the end of the book she appeared from nowhere as if traveling from one realm to another. Spren appear out of nowhere when they temparirily cross over when something happens to trigger them. When you say the knife went through her back she was lying on the floor so it could have passed straight through her because she was half in shademyr like i suspect. I know it can be done because shallan does it when she tries to light a fire. Also if stormlight was involved with jasnah she would have been glowing as the cabin wasnt lit. Jasnahs body wasnt in the doorway when shallan exits, i think she assumed the men took her body up onto the deck but i think she transported herself into shadesmyr.
  14. I think i know how jasnah survived. She was half in shadesmyr and the blade passed straight through her. Then she fully went into shademyr to escape. I remember the scene when she killed those people in the alley, she transformed them all in an action sequence, i dont see how she could have done it if she went into shadesmyr each time, time would have to be a lot slower there which cant be true because she finally comes out at the end of the book and is too late.
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