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Everything posted by This_Is_Samer

  1. So in this case, Nightblood is "stronger" than any shardblade / honorblade on Roshar? What do you think?
  2. Amazing! Is this mentioned somewhere / WoB? Haha she is indeed! But when she swallowed the gemstone wasn't she taken over by an unmade? Same as what happened to Amaram? Wow. This is interesting. Hope we know more about this is RoW
  3. Hi Everyone, I am continuing my first reread of Oathbringer and trying to ask any questions I still can't find answers for, here on this subreddit. This is the last part (Part #5) Four previous posts gave me some much insight, so I am encouraged to keep posting similar topics The links to the previous question posts are below: Ch 83 to Epilogue: https://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/92532-oathbringer-questions-from-chapters-83-to-the-epilogue-33-questions/?do=findComment&comment=1099577 Prologue to Ch 18: https://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/92700-oathbringer-questions-upon-first-reread-prologue-to-chapter-18-33-questions/?do=findComment&comment=1102910 Ch 19 to Interlude 3: https://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/92745-questions-upon-first-reread-chapter-19-to-interlude-3-end-of-part-1-33-questions/?do=findComment&comment=1104220 Ch 33 to Ch 48: https://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/92908-oathbringer-spoilers-questions-upon-first-reread-chapter-33-to-chapter-48-30-questions/#comment-1113038 Questions for this part: 1- When Moash is being led by the Fused to the camp with the other parshmen, the Fused treat some parshmen very badly. When Moash asks for the reason, he is told this is because they worshipped a "false god". Who do they mean? 2- During Dalinar's first meeting with Odium in the vision, Odium asks him to release him from his bond? / oath?. Why is dalianr theoretically able to release Odium? 3- Why couldn't Odium see Lift in Dalinar's vision? 4- Did Taravangian end up sending Malata's spren to spy on Dalinar as he proclaimed he would? 5- In one of the gems in the Urithiru library, it says: "As a Stoneward, I spent my entire life looking to sacrifice myself. I secretly worry that is the cowardly way. The easy way out". Do we know who is this Stoneward? 6- If Aesudan was taken over by the Unmade, why did she want to execute the parshmen? What is the timeline on her decisions vs. her being taken over by the unmade? 7- Why weren't all spren corrupted in Kholinar? Shallan sees some regular glory spren there that weren't corrupted 8- How does Hoid conjure images without Lightweaving? 9- Who is the group that Hoid mentions to Shallan he used to know and that reminded him of the Cult of Moments? 10- Azure tells Kaladin that she already met Hoid once before he brought them the aluminum sheets to shield their soulcasting chamber. Was it in Warbreaker? If so, what are the details? 11- Why does Azure's shardblade turn the skin of the killed ashen-grey without burning their eyes? 12- When Adolin saves the guards trapped behind the door in the castle in Kholinar, they tell him they have only been captive for a few days because they ate only a couple times, while Adolin says they have been there for weeks. How did they survive without enough food? 13- During the battle of Kholinar, Adolin hears a voice in his head telling him "Sweet Passion". Is that the same voice that Shallan heard while she was on the platform with the Cult of Moments near the oathgate? Was that an unmade? Which one if so? 14- Kaladin was able to kill a voidspren with Syl during the Kholinar battle. Is this something usually possible - for a spren to be killed with a Knight's Radiant shardblade? 15- Aesudan mentions to Elhokar that Gavilar was able to find one of the ancient spren but couldn't bind it. Do we know more details about this? 16- How is Shallan able to repel the black heart from the oathgate in Kholinar? 17- Why is Sja-Anat more friendly than other Unmade towards humans? 18- Sja-Anat tells Shallan that she touched the spren of the oathgate. What did that entail? Were Shallan, Kaladin, Adolin and Azure supposed to be transferred to Shadesmar? What was the deal with this plan by Sja-Anat? / Odium? / the Fused??
  4. Hi Everyone, I am continuing my first reread of Oathbringer and trying to ask any questions I still can't find answers for, here on this subreddit. Three previous posts gave me some much insight, so I am encouraged to keep posting similar topics The links to the previous question posts are below: Ch 83 to Epilogue: https://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/92532-oathbringer-questions-from-chapters-83-to-the-epilogue-33-questions/?do=findComment&comment=1099577 Prologue to Ch 18: https://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/92700-oathbringer-questions-upon-first-reread-prologue-to-chapter-18-33-questions/?do=findComment&comment=1102910 Ch 19 to Interlude 3: https://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/92745-questions-upon-first-reread-chapter-19-to-interlude-3-end-of-part-1-33-questions/?do=findComment&comment=1104220 Questions for this part: 1- Evi tells Dalinar that The One can be seen in the Valley of the Old Magic. Does she believe that the Nightwatcher is part of The One? 2- Why can't Rock see Glys? 3- Did Skar help Rock draw Stormlight? - because after he helps Lyn, he mentions this fact 4- Did anyone from Bridge Four bond with the leader of the Honor spren that Rock and Syl saw on the shattered plains while Bridge Four was training? 5- What were the Rock Formations that Navani saw while she was with Dalinar in his vision and she described as being like liquid frozen mid-motion? 6- What was the main reason the humans and the listeners fought during the desolations? 7- Why did some humans take the listeners' side in these desolations? 8- The Stormfather mentions to Dalinar that the blade retrieved from Taln in Kholinar is not his original honor blade. Do we know what happened to that blade? 9- Do we know when did Honor die exactly? Was it during the last desolation or after it? 10- Why couldn't the Stormfather see into Kholinar after the Fused conquered it? 11- Jasnah mentions to Shallan that a full radiant has armor as well as a blade. Has any radiant we know acquired a plate through the method of soeaking advanced levels of oaths? 12- Jasnah wonders how was Shallan able to find Re-Shephir in Urithiru while none of the soldiers in the tower could. Do we know the reason for this? 13- Pattern tells Shallan that the meeting room in Urithiru has memories in Shadesmar. Jasnah asks her to press him for more info. Do we know anything additional? 14- In the letter that the Ghostbloods left for Veil in her coat, they tell her that Nale either destoryed prospective knights radiant or recruited them to become Skybreakers, because Nale believes that people speaking the oaths of any of the other 9 orders hastens the coming of the desolations. Can Nale recruit a prospective Windrunner or Lightweaver for example into the Skybreakers order or is every prospective Knight locked in the order where he / she might fit in? 15- Did Helaran know about his mother's relation with a Skybreaker acolyte? Do we know who was her lover? 16- Who was the member of Amaram's army that bonded a spren and then was eliminated as per the Ghostbloods' letter to Veil? 17- Is the woman that Teft sees reflected in the water of the well, his future spren? 18- Why does Teft say that he was mistaken about his family, and that they weren't heretics? 19- Why does the Stormfather tell Dalinar that what happened between Lift and the Nightwatcher was "unnatural"? 20- Why did the Diagram want to kill Elhokar, and by doing that, giving the throne to Dalinar, while at the same time trying to murder Dalinar as well? 21- Do we know the status of these 3 shardblades in the Fused's possession: blades of Eshonai, Graves and Moash? 22- How did Renarin know that all the fabrials in Urithiru are just one big fabrial? 23- Why didn't the Fused lash Moash up in the sky while transporting him instead of carrying him? 24- Why doesn't Moash have slave brands like other Bridge Four members? 25- Is Teft light-eyed? - because it is mentioned he has dark green eyes 26- Kaladin was wondering why were the Fused attacking trading caravans? Do we have an answer for that? 27- In Taln's ramblings that Jasnah was reading about, he says that in the last desolation, the humans have discovered something unexpected. Any clue what that might be? 28- Why does Ivory tell Jasnah that if they want to find Taln, they should look in Shadesmar? 29- Jasnah mentions her childhood illness which apparently no one other than her remembers in addition to a single event in her life where she didn't use her brain. We probably will have to wait for book 10 to get this story but do we have any additional details or WoB I might have missed on this subject? 30- Which order is Ivory talking about when he tells Jasnah that only one of the orders survived through Death? Is it the Dustbringers or the Skybreakers? And what does that have to do with Death?
  5. Maybe we will get more info in the back 5 about the Sunmaker? Do you feel the Diagram is also opposed to both groups or do they lean more on the side of Sons of Honor? But in that scene, Kal saw one of the Fused not Rayse. What do you think? It would be very interesting to know more about this specific order. They seem to be less "good" than the other 9 What is the difference between a proto radiant and a radiant?
  6. This was illuminating! Especially the referrals to WoB. Thank you! Regarding Malata, does that mean in your opinion that all Dustbringers have ulterior motives / their spren want vengeance for the recreance?
  7. Hi guys, As I mentioned in a previous post (https://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/92700-oathbringer-questions-upon-first-reread-prologue-to-chapter-18-33-questions/), I am rereading OB and taking notes of things I missed or I didn't understand completely. I already made a post about the first half of part 1, in addition to a previous questions post covering chapters 83 till the end of the book. I received amazing answers and explanations from the community here on both posts, which I am grateful for I am planning to continue these posts in order to learn more from the knowledgeable SA fans on this forum and hopefully provide a discussion that is informative to all members. My questions for this part are: 1- During Dalinar's flashback when he meets Evi's brother, her brother exclaims when he knows Alethkar has soulcasters, and says Iri doesn't. Any reason for this? Is soulcasting related to the Vorin church / Vorin kingdoms / East Roshar? 2- When Shallan sees Mraize in Ialai's room, he tells her that he wants her to expunge the darkness from Urithiru so they seccure it in preparation for the Voidbringers. What did he mean? Why does he want to secure it for them? 3- Is it 100% confirmed that Kaladin killed Helaran? Or might he still be alive? 4- I seem to forget the exact details but why did Amaram try to kidnap Taln? And why did Iyatil try to assassinate him? 5- Did Iyatil appear in OB? Do we know where is she? 6- When the voidspren speaks to Kaladin, he notices that she has eyes like the Shin. Do we know of any connection between the Shin and the spren of the Fused? 7- It is mentioned that Taravangian lost his intelligence due to an illness. In fact, his fluctuating intelligence levels are due to the Nightwatcher's boon/curse, no? 8- Is Malata a knight radiant? If so, how come her spren bonded her when she has ulterior motives not in the best interest of her KR order? 9- Dalinar questions whether Malata holds a honor blade or a sprenblade. Do we know which is it? 10- Any mention in OB on Redin, the bastard son of the departed king of Jah Keved? 11- Navani tells Dalinar that old magic never goes away. So what Cultivation did on Dalinar was not the old magic. What was it? 12- Pattern tells Shallan that the Dustbringers don't like being called by that name. Any reason for that? 13- Why do the voidspren scream upon the use of fabrials in Kholinar? 14- In Chapter 27, before going to the bottom of Urithiru and discovering the Midnight Mother, Shallan and Pattern notice sketches in her sketchbook that she isn't aware of drawing before. Is it something that Lightweavers do? Or is something affecting Shallan's memory? 15- The Stormfather informs Dalinar that he has the ability to show the visions to whoever he wishes to. And then he tells him, I have the ability to choose bondsmiths that way. What does he mean? When he shows Navani, Fen and Gawx the visions, does he mean he made them Bondsmiths? 16- In which cases, in which realms, and under which circumstances do shadows point in the wrong direction? 17- Are the black forms unleashed by Re-Shephir in Urithiru similar to the ones Dalinar fought in his visions? 18- Do other unmade have the same black forms that can materialize, or are they just unleashed by Re-Shephir? 19- Do all lighteyes on Roshar get soulcast into stone statues (such as Shallan's family members, Gavilar, etc...)? 20- Why doesn't Amaram hear Oathbringer scream when he holds it while Dalinar does? 21- On her way down to the tunnels under Urithiru, before the fight with the Midnight Mother, Shallan sees a room with a mosaic depicting the heralds and the spren. She is surprised at the pagan symbolism in the Knights' Radiant city. Why does she considers these depictions to be pagan? 22- In the tunnels, Shallan tells Renarin that they both can feel the wrongness there but Dalinar can't. Does that have to do with their orders or with them specifically? 23- Do we know if there are 9 or 10 unmade? 24- Before attacking Re-Shephir, Shallan summons Pattern and she feels pain inside, describing it as "the pain of an ideal sworn but not yet overcome", what does that mean? 25- Can only Knights Radiants capture the unmade (Like the lightweaver who captured Re-Shephir and Dalinar caputring Nergaooul)? 26- Is Ulim bonded to anyone? 27- Why does Ulim ask Demid to raise his palm before he took the shape of a human and stood on Demid's hand? 28- Are the voidspren or the Fused the listener's gods? 29- What happened to Eshonai's shardblade which Venli took from the chasm? 30- When Kaladin sees the Fused for the first time in Revolar, he thinks they are the same as the Parshendi that Bridge Four fought in Narak. Is this correct? 31- What is the difference between the Parshendi who killed Gavilar, the Parshendi after the Everstorm, the regular parshmen after the Everstorm and the Fused? 32- Shallan theorizes that Re-Shephir might have been human in ancient times. Why does she say that? 33- Puuli mentions the Secret Island of the Origin. Does he mean Aimia? And why does he think Kelek lives in the Storm? Which religion teaches this?
  8. Hi guys, I am "rereading" OB on Graphic Audio after physically finishing it just to make sure I understand all the intricacies of the plot before DS and RoW. I am having some questions which I am sure you guys on this board will be able to help me with, being the subject matter experts I want to try to finish the reread before November 17 in order to evade any potential spoilers while I post my questions. I know the number of questions is somewhat large but I am giving it a go. Any answers are appreciated. I am planning to make a similar answers request post every 20 chapters or so in order not to have too many questions in the same post. So for the chapters from the Prologue to Ch 18: 1- How was Odium previously captured in a gemstone and how was he released? Was this part of the plot alluded to / explained or not yet? 2- Do we know why did the listeners escape their gods? Or will it probably be addressed in RoW? 3- We know now that the 9 shadows of Odium's champion are the 9 unmade. When Amaram was overtaken by one of the unmade he was given access to all surges. So what do you think Odium's champion will have access to with all 9 unmade at his disposal? 4- What is the difference between the surges given by the Nahel bond between higher spren and humans and the "voidsurges" provided by the bond between voidspren and parshmen? 5- Knowing that the humans are the actual voidbringers, does that mean that Kalami's story about the voidbringers and Dalinar's visions where he fights black shapes are false? In his visions, Dalinar thinks he is fighting voidbringers, while in reality the humans were the transgressors. So are his visions wrong? 6- Who was the parshmen's god before the arrival of the humans to Roshar? Did Honor, Cultivation and Odium exist on Roshar before the humans's arrival? 7- In chapter 2, Dalinar tells Renarin that Renarin and Shallan will have to lead the radiants. Do we know what he meant by this? 8- In chapter 4, Navani is writing her memoirs. Do we know if these memoirs will be the name of a future SA book or whether we will see them in future chapter epigraphs? 9- Why doesn't the everstorm charge spheres with voidlight? 10- Is there a significance to the moment Dalinar was able to hear Evi's name for the first time? Why at that moment precisely? 11- Why did Navani say that the Azish were "almost" Vorin? And why do they put the Heralds above the Almighty? 12- When talking to Dalinar before their marriage, Navani proclaims that she is more religious than most other women but then tells him she doesn't mind if a "confused dishwasher" marries them. Does that contradict her proclamation? 13- During the ceremony between Dalinar and Navani, why did the Stormfather tell Navani that she broke oaths before? 14- Why doesn't the vorin church accept the notion of spren having religious authority, for example to marry people? 15- Why did Kadash willingly accept to be a slave as an ardent? 16- When Kaladin visits his parents, Syl tells him she remembers them. When he presses her for more info, she says "there was a voice pure with a song like tapped crystal". What does she mean? 17- Why did the Stormfather summon a highstorm against the first everstorm? Was he instructed to do so? 18- When Shallan and Dalinar feed off each other to create the map, it shows the first synergy between two radiant orders. Do we know of any effects of similar interactions between different orders? 19- In the preface of his book, why does Dalinar say that the heresy thoughts were with him since he was a child? 20- What was the issue with Renarin staring weirdly at the murdered body in Urithiru? Does it have anything to do with his corrupted spren? 21- When Kaladin asks the ardent in one of the villages about what they saw during the everstorm, she tells him that they saw red dots in the night, but that those were not the eyes of the parshendi. What were they? 22- Are knights radiant the only ones who can hear dead blades screaming? 23- When Dalinar asks the Stormfather what happened during the Recreance, why did the Stormfather refuse to answer and told him that there are things better left unsaid? 24- Did anything come out of the alleged negotiations between the Azish and the voidbringers? or between Iri and the voidbringers? 25- Before the discovery of the oathgate at Narak, did the people know that the monuments in their respective cities were actually oathgates but they didn't know how to activate them? 26- Isn't Thaylenah one of the Vorin kingdoms? How come they follow the "passions"? 27- In his first meeting with Queen Fen, Dalinar tells her that he expects Knights Radiant to start appearing all over Roshar. How come we don't see anyone new other than Malata? 28- What is the difference between Khen and her people from one side and the parshendi that fought in the battle of Narak? Why the difference in carapace color and the difference in powers granted by the Everstorm? 29- Pattern tells Shallan that if he dies, "they" will send her another spren. Who does he mean by "they"? 30- Are the honor blades and the Stormfather both a part of Honor? 31- What is the surge that Dalinar uses to bind Kadash to the ground during their fight? It is the same one that Szeth and Kaladin use. Can Bondsmiths, Windrunners and wielders of honor blades use a common surge? 32- In the card game that Kaladin explains to his parshman captor, he tells him "if the king is captured, the game is lost", do you think there is foreshadowing in that about Elhokar? Dalinar? Jasnah maybe? 33- Do we know how were the copycat murders done?
  9. That's very interesting! Do we know that Shashara and Shalash are Cognitive Shadows from WoB?
  10. Many thanks for your answers. I really liked how you explained questions 11,12 and 25!
  11. Many thanks on the detailed answers!! For your answers to questions 3, 4, 9, 15 and 24 were specifically eye-opening! One question - what do you mean when you say Shashara and Shalash are cognitive shadows? Answering your question, I am not following the preview chapters. I am preferring to wait for the release of the full book to indulge in it I will try on the reread (audiobook) to take some notes for the chapters from the beginning to chapter 82. Thank you for your help!
  12. Hi guys, I just finished the first reading of Oathbringer, just in time before the release of Novella 3.5 and Book 4, and I am delving through this forum to read theories now that I am caught up on the SA books. I am planning to listen to OB on Graphic Audio soon but starting with the last 35 chapters or so, I started taking notes on some of the unclear things to me. I am reading analysis articles about the book and the various events, but thought to ask you here the questions I have in mind because I am sure I have missed most of these answers. So thank you again for those who have some answers to the below: [SPOILERS BELOW FOR OATHBRINGER] . 1- Interlude I-7: Venli mentions that the Alethi mistakenly thought that the greatshells were the gods of the singers. Has this been discussed elsewhere? Is there more info on this point? 2- Interlude I-10: Is the Hog that attacks Sheler a greatshell or a new animal? 3- Interlude I-11: Did Venli bond two spren: the voidspren in her gemheart and Timbre? Can humans and other singers do the same or is it a unique case for Venli? 4- Ch89: Are Nightblood and Vivenna / Azure's sword shardblades? Do swords on Nalthis and Roshar contain the same type of Investiture? 5- Ch 89: Can a certain type of shardblades be summoned / used in Shadesmar: Honorblades, Dead Shardblades, Sprenblades? 6- Ch 92: Why do some people call Szeth by his dad's name (Neturo) and others by his grandfather's name (Valano)? 7- Ch 92: What does Szeth mean that he knew a voice similar to Nightblood's in his youth? We probably have to wait to his flashbacks to know more? 8- Ch 92: Why does Nightblood only burn eyes on Roshar? 9- Ch 92: Is Shashara from Nalthis the same person as Shalash on Roshar? 10- Ch 92: Is Nightblood's consumption of Stormlight on Roshar the same mechanism as him consuming Breaths on Nalthis - as both are types of Investiture? Is Nightblood a spren on Roshar? 11- Ch 99: Do the Spren use the copper on the ship in Shadesmar to communicate through vibration? Is this related to some Cosmere metallic quality (Should I find something in Mistborn about this)? 12- Ch 100: Why can't Dalinar use the Stormfather as a shardblade? 13- Ch 100: What is the metal that falls from the sky and can block a shardblade (is it also a reference to a metal from Mistborn)? 14- Ch 100: Why do Vedens look Alethi but speak a foreign tongue? 15- Ch 101: Are screaming blades only the ones left during the Recreance by the Knights Radiant? 16- Ch 101: Do we know who Ico's daughter is? 17- Ch 106: What does Nin mean when he tells Szeth: "The others must interpret what they have sworn before and I hope they will see the truth?" 18- Ch 108: Mythica book mentions that the Midnight Mother was destroyed at Aharietiam. How is she still in Urithiru? 19- Ch 109: What does Venli mean when she says that the spren betrayed the singers for the humans? 20- Ch 114: Why did the Nightwatcher call Dalinar both son of Honor and son of Odium? 21- Ch 114: How does the Nightwatcher know about Nightblood? 22- Ch 114: When Dalinar returned after meeting Cultivation, he hears only leaves rustling and thinks he should hear something else. What should have he heard? Screams of children? 23- Ch 115: Does Odium change his appearance depending on who sees him - Dalinar sees him human, Venli sees him as a parshman? 24- Ch 116: What are the yellow spren leading the Fused? 25- Ch 117: Why did Lift say that the Nightwatcher lied to her? 26- Ch 119: In the battle of Thaylen Field, there were 3 Un-made? The 2 in the Thunderclasts and Yelig-Nar as the Black Smoke, or there were any additional ones? 27- Ch 120: Amaram's transformation of the ground to liquid after ingesting the crystal (Yalig-Nar??) - is that some form of Voidbinding? 28- Ch 121: Why did the Fused instruct Moash to kill Jezrien? 29- Ch 122: What does Adrotagia mean when she tells Taravangian: "The Herald's insanity prompted us?" 30- Ch 122: Is Renarin's spren, Glys, still corrupted after the end of OB? 31- Ch 122: How did Jezrien's honorblade go from Szeth to Leshwi (who then gives it to Moash?) 32- Ch 122: Nohadon knew how to write and read. When did the men stop reading and writing? 33- Ch 122: Why did Dalinar "accept the sword "only through the cloth"? What does it mean? Thank you for answering any of these; I know they are too many to be all answered by one contributor
  13. Hi guys, I discovered Brandon's work ealrier this year and I have just finished Oathbringer before Dawnshard and RoW are released A plethora of info is on this sub and I will try to use it to get more detailed info from more veteran readers of the Stormlight Archive books. Best source online for this I believe. Great community!
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