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Truthwatcher Artifabrian

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Everything posted by Truthwatcher Artifabrian

  1. Or Progression of Illumination. How the appearance of things will progress (because all of his visions are visual).
  2. It looks like your function is equivalent to this image. Perhaps your set of functions is just polynomials plus that extra term at the end?
  3. I think the radiant or spren can still break the bond, but other people can no longer break it for you (not sure how that works). I think the 5th oath will grant both that, and more intelligent cousin spren. Since at the 4th ideal you now have cousin spren following you around making shardplate, maybe they are smart enough at the 5th oath to look and and report back. With their spren organizing them, Radiants could have constant reports on everything going on within a large distance. For any order, that would be very beneficial.
  4. Imagine a caste system, but rather than directly inherited castes, you inherit the opposite caste based on your magic power. Those who happen to be in a low magic generation of their family will be a lower caste, but also encouraged to have more children. In very serious countries, there might be laws prohibiting inter-caste marriage, so that magic strength isn’t diluted into half as strong people.
  5. This seems to imply that you would eventually fly off into space. Interesting question!
  6. The phrase “we can all agree” implies an audience of multiple people. Either God doesn’t know their religion, or there are multiple religions represented by the audience.
  7. Leaf lakes? I can definitely imagine certain animals evolving to live up in the leaves, away from the danger of larger creatures. This can then lead to leaf tribes, people who live up there eating those animals. Their problems would be less giant creatures stepping on them, and more giant creatures shaking them and causing leafquakes. Maybe one of your heroes encounters them?
  8. It’s definitely between Aondor, Surgebinding (Truthwatcher of course), Feruchemy, and Awakening. Any of these would easily win over any other option. I want something that can run without me, because that would allow me to set up whatever I want and let it run, like a computer program. That leaves Awakening and Aondor. Aondor just seems like it has more capability than Awakening, even if it is harder to program. Illusions are always among the top few of my list, because there’s so much potential to them. Truthwatchers have the most ability with them, but Aondor also has a small amount of capability. Ultimately, here are my priorities: 1. Aondor 2. Truthwatcher 3. Awakening 4. Feruchemy
  9. Every hopeful hopping happy hippy hungry hippo who gets too disappointed, writes award-winning Rosharan movies, and is confused at the unending sky of the 17th Sharders (plus some bloodthirsty kittens) is accurately named President President President the President.
  10. For action scene, I agree that the most important would be Kelsier fighting the inquisitor, and Vin realizing that iron and steel are his specialties. For character scene, we need the moment in the carriage when Kelsier offers Vin a lot of money, saying that he can’t have crew members who aren’t invested.
  11. F-copper for sure. Depending on what compounding memory does, maybe double copper. Alternatively, A-tin would be good.
  12. Wasing the liking of this for the thinking. Wasing the wishing of more nips knowing the say. Brighting the thinking of nips notting the knowing of saying the say. To get enough people’s inputs on whatever those topics are, we’d need to include an English translation for whatever we say. Edit: Or wasing the having of links to the this. Nips wasing the needing of learning the say.
  13. Using progression to grow food is a much better way of using Stormlight for food. Or soulcasting food. Or healing animals. So many options that make it easier to sleep at night. Maybe you could spike animals to have gold compounding? Train them to use it? I like that idea a lot more than using people.
  14. I think it looks like they just by coincidence, because I spaced out the surges weird. You could space them out differently and get a very different look. edit: sorry for the double post.
  15. Thanks. Just wanted to get these checked so I could balance the rest of the character. I’ll use the other thread in the future.
  16. That’s true. I didn’t notice that. Division doesn’t necessarily have to fit in, since we’ve already lost symmetry when the left side has more surges than the right side.
  17. Adhesion is Honor’s Surge. Progression is Cultivation’s Surge. Odium does not have a Surge. No other shard has a Surge. Here is the circle of the surges, with the surges of Honor and Cultivation bolded: Adhesion Tension Gravitation Cohesion Division Transportation Abrasion Transformation Progression Illumination However, if you force Adhesion and Progression to be on opposite sides of the circle, you end up with this: Adhesion Tension Gravitation Cohesion Transportation Division Transformation Abrasion Illumination Progression If you then imagine Cultivation on the bottom and honor at the top, you can see a clear gradient from surges more of honor to surges more of Cultivation. Transportation and Division are the only ones at the same point in that gradient, because they’re in the middle. This also gives a clear gradient (This time with no ties) of Radiant orders. Bondsmiths, Windrunners, Stonewards, Skybreakers, Willshapers, Elsecallers, etc. All the way down to Truthwatchers. Note that the order second closest to Honor bonds Honorspren, and the order second closest to Cultivation bonds Cultivationspren. Of all surges, why are Cohesion and Division the first pair that Brandon mentions? If the circle of surges was not originally a circle in Brandon’s mind, but a line from Adhesion to Progression, Division and Cohesion end up right next to each other. Windrunners get a burst of power whenever they swear an oath. Brandon has said that it’s because of their proximity to Bondsmiths. I always assumed that meant that Stonewards also got the power, but now they might not necessarily; Windrunners are closer to Honor than Stonewards.
  18. I wouldn’t be so sure that that was shardplate. And Radiant is less about bypassing a truth as she is about not having to deal with the way people treat her, as a radiant.
  19. How many points would the following Nightwatcher boon and curse be for a character? The character is a Dysian Aimian. The boon is that there is no longer a limit on how many hordelings he can have. He is only limited by how many he can feed. When he has too many hordelings for one mind to control, he creates new “minds” out of specialized brain hordelings. The new minds are not self aware, they can only control hordelings with only general commands from the character’s true mind. General commands such as, “gather food” or “explore this area.” When an unexpected event happens, the subservient minds will have extreme trouble adapting until the master mind has time to give a new command. The hordelings that make up the master mind are always hidden so it doesn’t get damaged. The curse is that the hordelings can no longer communicate instantly across large distances. Commands from the master mind to subservient minds must be given by hordelings buzzing. The subservient minds can only commands individual hordelings by buzzing. I can have long chains of hordelings buzzing at each other in order to pass messages along, but that takes time. Subservient minds have to choose between being close to their hordelings, and having quicker communications; or being farther away and therefore a much less likely target for enemies. Other characters, when encountering this character’s hordelings, can follow the buzzing sounds all the way back to subservient minds or the master mind, but this character can always sacrifice hordelings by cutting them off from communication. edit: @Voidus
  20. Hemalurgy specifically requires flowing blood. Connection manipulation does not (most likely). So I doubt it will also require bind points.
  21. I don’t remember where, but I’m pretty sure there’s a wob that says that they are good against things like lashings. That implies that it burns away everything, not just what you have powers for.
  22. It’s best when it’s a quote from a book they haven’t read, because then they think you’re more witty than you are. TPBM is currently juggling oranges and washing the dishes at the same time.
  23. I shall give you the boon of every hour of sleep counting twice toward your wakefulness. Your curse shall be that every such hour shall be filled with nightmares of having every curse listed in this form thus far. Shall I forbear? I wish for control over every surge.
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