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  1. The title says it all I believe, what would happen if a shardblade cut through a hemalurgic spike. Would it disconnect one's spirit from the spike making it just metal with no power or would it cut the spike in half and have two spikes with either half the power or both having the same amount of power. Someone's probably already asked this before but I'm curious if there is a definite answer. Thanks.
  2. So I got my girlfriend to finally start reading Branderson, she just finished Well of Ascension and has asked me, if they don't have colored plants, how do they dye/color their clothes? I cannot remember for the life of me the answer to that question! If anyone could give me an answer I'd be delighted, she loves the books but she thinks she's found a plot hole, I don't think it is but can't remember what the answer is. Thanks.
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