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Everything posted by Benkinsky

  1. "fuel" Feruchemy as in fueling the storing? I have a whole theory on how you could use AonDor to compound, but that's cheating the Tapping part of Feruchemy, not the Storing. For storing some things come to mind, like having Stormlight to heal you while you store health, stuff like that. Which brings me to a thought that is tangentially related. Wonder if you could store health and be a very effective user of the Disease-Magic on Ashyn due to that.
  2. @Faerie BraidsI don't think you need to spoilerproof Yumi anymore, just TSM and KWT at the moment. Either way, how do you mean? Like, the Hion lines? @Dofurion honestly yeah the Mist is a great call. There was already superstition about the Mist "taking" people, though more around the Mistwraiths, and the Mist is atleast partially made of Investiture, aaand now we have the Ascendant's fields up there... a Mistspren isn't far fetched. It probably would have had to be partially Vin's cognitive shadow, or so, since she was a splinter, so we probably missed the first chance for it to exist, but yeah. A spren hanging out up there? You'd probably need to be a Coinshot or Mistborn to bond it lol
  3. Hey all! I once made a post and then recently realized I never posted it here, sooo I'm finally remedying that. Spren and their cousins (Seon, Skaze, Spirits/Nightmares...) exist on many different planets in the Cosmere. However, Roshar is so far the only one with some truly unique Spren. I'm talking Godspren, Unmade, Cusicesh. We don't yet know what the Unmade are, but we know that the Godspren are basically 1 of Honor, 1 of Cultivation, 1 of both. And Cusicesh (spoiler for the very new KWT interlude) Now, imagine if other shards also had Godspren, and other things/entities/concepts in the Cosmere also had spren in the way that Uthirithu has the Sibling and the Iriali might have Cusicesh. Here's a few ideas I had, I would looove to hear more from other people! Sel Elantris would definitely have a Spren. Urithiru has/is one, and it's a giant Fabrial. Elantris is a Giant Aon. 100% Elantris would have a spren and I bet lots of people would worship it. There would definitely be Folklore that It directs the Shaod, and that you can sway it somehow. I'm unsure whether the ElantrisSpren would also be Devotion's Godspren or if that would be a seperate one. If Devotion could even have one anymore, that is. If it can't, there would very likely be a Dorspren, roaming around on Sel, probably changing character depending on where it is. Wait, do the rumours that the Dor is gaining rudimentary sentience mean that the Dor is becoming a kind of Shard-Spren? if a Godspren of Dominion existed, it would probably have ended up as a part of Shu-Dereth, worshipped somehow. I can imagine it being atrracted to Courts and Monarchs and other kinds of Rulers. A mythical creature associated with power and rulership, like a Lion/Dragon chimera or something. It would be a horrible omen for your dynasty if the Dominion-Godspren leaves the area of your capital. I imagine it might have an effect similar to emotional Allomancy, similar to what Vin describes feeling in the Lord Ruler's presence. Scadrial Ruin's Spren would very likely like somewhere in the Pits of Hathsin, or in the biggest most active Volcano. The only reasons for it not to be by the Pits would be because Ruin wants to hide his perpendicularity. Some kind of Fire/Ash being, think Ragnaros The Firelord, embodying a very local aspect of Ruin, the Volcanos, would make a lot of sense. While during Era 1, people didn't know that the Ashfalls were intended as something protective, they were still as iconic to Scadrial as the Highstorms are to Roshar. The Stormfather and its distant cousin, the... Ashfather? Ashbringer? Wait, that's a WoW sword. I'm sure there would be a really cool name, and a terrifying creature that it belongs to. Another thing I could imagine is that it is attracted to death, and before Marsh, is basically Scadrial's Grim Reaper. A ghostly creature who likes to follow the Kolloss, looms around before and after battles, or who just appears where people die. Preservation's Spren, in a timeline where Fuzz wasn't slowly dying, maybe in the thousand years before the last thousand pre WoA, could be similar to the Nightwatcher, residing somewhere relatively known, and maybe have the ability to "lock" certain things or aspects. Folklore would have many theories for why it can't prevent Death. Honestly, Lift's wish to not change would probably be so perfect for Preservation's Spren. There might be myths about a being like that existing until a thousand years ago, when the Lord Ruler inherited its powers. I assume the two Scadrian Shards would have a Dual-Spren too, because their pact is so important for Scadrial as a planet. Although they are the only ones who know about it, which might mean there is no cognitive representation of it. Either one or two spren, one for the pact and one for Scadrial itself, which they created together. The Scadrialspren, for lack of a better name, would have powers related to Feruchemy, since that is an innately Scadrian power and one that Preservation and Ruins children can have. Maybe there's a rite for Woldbringers to travel to it before their death and "give" their remaining stores to it, most importantly all the knowledge in their copperminds. I assume we would have seen this Spren in Era 1, with Harmony Meeting it at some point and still wouldn't have understood he was the Hero of Ages. Then, upon his ascension, he would be able to tap into all the knowledge the Scadrialspren held, or he would have gotten that earlier. Honestly, thinking about it now, the Volcanoes serve a nice mixed purpose, Preserving life on Scadrial by showering it in the scarred remains of deadly fire. I think a Dual-shard Godspren residing in the biggest Volcano on Scadrial is probably my favourite idea of these. Single Shard planets Autonomy's Spren is probably a plural, one for each Avatar? or are Pajti and the Sand Lord already kind of a Godspren of Autonomy? kind of seems like it. The way Dusk and supposedly other trappers think of the Islands, especially "Father" Patji, wouldn't surprise me for them to have Spren. Other than that, I'm out of ideas for this one, but I'd love to hear some! Ambition's Spren might be what we no wknow as the Evil. Although I have a better theory on that by now. Endowment's Spren could be somewhere on the Planet that we haven't seen yet. Like with the Elantrisspren, Folklore might confuse it and Endowment, like how Cultivation and the Nightwatcher are so close, assuming that it is the Endowmentspren that returns people. It's name would veerry likely be colour-related, and I imagine it shifting through rainbow colours like how Cusicesh shifts faces, or affect colours around it like how Susebron does. Endowment's Spren is a big candidate for the most powerful of the Godspren, having been Endowed with a lot of power, and probably having recieved guidance from her mother the same way the Nightwatcher does. Whether Endowment would genuinely teach it to return people, like how close Cultivation and the Nightwatcher are, or if Endowment would give it a seperate ability, I don't know. Maybe it would just be Nightwatcher Lite (Daywatcher? :D), just endowing you with a boon without a curse. A cooler idea than that: Awakening is an End-Neutral System, right? Maybe the Daywatcher (patent pending) could give you boons, but in exchange for a lot of breath or something else. The more breath you bring, the more powerful your boon. Some people would pilger there to exchange their own breath for something, or maybe go with the collected 10-100 Breaths of their family or village for something bigger. Basically, you become "Awakened" somehow, Endowed with a gift. It would definitely have immense amounts of Investiture/Breath to use and be the best awakener ever. The wildest idea I have for Endowment's Godspren is that it uses itself to Awaken, either jumping from (dead) host to host, or it's a Bondsmith-like Bond where you have a Breath even stronger than a Divine Breath. Whimsy, Mercy, Valor, Virtuosity and Invention I know too little about to theorize. Finally, an addition to this post that wasn't originally in it: Canticle (Sunlit Man Spoilers) Alright, that's it so far. Would love to hear other ideas for cousins of the Stormfather, Nightwatcher and Sibling
  4. I see that. Mapping the world, exploring and giving names to everything, certainly aligns somewhat with Dominion. Man, now I'm remember the theory on Trell's Kandra being those creatures from Fjordell myth, that was such a cool theory. Ohhh those are good quotes, thank you for finding those. I'll also add this one that @alder24 found: From what we've gathered, I can imagine something like this: Whether by Ambitions design or just with how it developed, Threnodians are born with innate investiture similar to breath, just different. Ambition instead of Endowment. Regarding this difference, I'd imagine that rather than being "freely handed" their investiture, Ambition wants her humans to DO something with it. Just maybe not during life, necessarily. This investiture could become your Cognitive Shadow, and if you had good plans and aspirations, your cognitive shadow will be more inclined to do cool things after death. What that something that Ambition wants them to do is? No idea. [TSM:] The primordial religion that later influences/becomes Cazzism forms around this. The passage into death becomes an important part of Threnodite culture. This post-death project is what the "mountain of souls" is either for, or is referred to as. Maybe the "Mountain of souls" is just the representation of afterlife, but also refers to an actual group/collection of Cognitive Shadows. Now, there is one big problem: Ambition dies. Ripped apart, no mind to guide the power anymore, no singular power either. The Threnodites still get born with their "breath". Let's call it Light (which is funny, because you need Light to cast a shadow. Get it? Hehe). One chunk of Ambitions investiture gets imprinted with these beliefs, or merges with some shadows (see stormfather/Tanavast's CS), or SOMETHING else. That's not that unlikely, seeing how a widespread religion with a belief in an afterlife concept might very well manifest some version of that in the Cognitive Realm. The plan is gone. Whatever the "mountain of souls" was supposed to achieve, it doesn't know that anymore. Uli Da did. But it either still remembers its directive OR gets that from the collective beliefs: Collect Cognitive Shadows. We've seen something very similar in Yuumi. The engineers behind the Father Machine are long dead, but it still does its job, fueling itself as it does: Collect spirits. (That's honestly so close that it almost discourages me from believing this theory, because it's so similar, but let's run with it.) If Shades are the corrupted version of whatever Threnodites used to become before Ambitions death, that doesn't matter much for the mountain. It just collects. Amalgamates. More, and more, and more. For the project. For the project. Honestly, the "mountain of souls" (or whatever that refers to) goes haywire after its boss gets killed and just amalgamates everything around it in both the physical and cognitive realm? That's evil. It could very well be The Evil. I'm going to be honest here, if something like that happened to me or my ancestors before we fled the planet and traveled somewhere else, I would also absolutely make sure my children and their children make sure to do the proper rites and rituals when someone dies. Whether you left pre-Evil and just believe that to be important, or post-Evil and are terrified of something like that happening again in your new home, you have good incentive to pass on your beliefs and practices. Sounds solid to me. In an even crazier note, I also like that thought cause it could be another knot between Kelsier's story and Ambition/Threnody. There's already a lot of thoughts I have on that that I've written down in another post, so if you wanna, read that there
  5. Hi! I hadn't know, glad you were tagged! glad to have you here too 1. yup and 2. I hadn't paid attention to those, but yeah. This is a more superficial connection, but Kiin was a ship's captain - which are priests in the Truths of the Bennet. Wonder if Elantris 2 or 3 will show us that Kiin follows some sort of spiritual school or religion that is common among sailors. If so, we should return to this thread hehe That said, from how I understand, the whole map-making thing is only really relevant on Sel since the Dor is in the cognitive Realm. I doubt that Devotion and Dominion intended for maps to be part of their magics, or atleast I would be surprised. That characteristic of selish magic is post-shard-death, I think. That said, Sazed would have loved to tell Shai about the Bennet, I bet. The Valla, I think we might be misunderstanding something here. From how I understand it, we know that the religion continued to "thrive" (that is, survive during the Final Empire) for a bit even after the leaders were dead, not that dead leaders are necessarily part of its religious/spiritual teachings. Of course, we don't know yet WHY this religion was better at continuing its activity than others. Maybe the reason for that is something we'll learn about later, and could have something to do with another shard. Maybe Ire activity is part of what created the Truths of the Bennet? Less one of the shards and rather some old Elantrian (seeing how the Ire were already off-world during Elantris and Elantris is hundreds of years before TFE) doing some research on Scadrial, and becoming a holy figure. Which wouldn't be surprising with the glowing skin and magic abilities that Scadrians don't know. And "you should make good and accurate maps" is certainly the kind of mission I would give my mortal followers if I expect to come back to this planet from time to time and know that I need maps to be powerful there. Plus, ship captains are the kind of people you want for that job. Thank you! And thank you for your very extensive research, those were a bunch of interesting WoBs i hadn't known. I still want to hold onto the Cazzi theory for now, though you make some very solid points. The window is small for Ambition to pop into Scadrial and meddle there, but it exists. Do we have confirmation that Shades only appeared after the Evil or rather after the Death of Ambition? We know from Wabreaker that apparently Awakening wasn't even discovered for hundreds of years, so while it wasn't a thing humans did, the setup for it technically already existed. What I'm trying to say is that maybe Ambition had some designs for magic regarding Death Rites of Passage to become a cognitive shadow, and since she died and was splintered, those designs mutated and went haywire and that resulted in the Evil and the shades? I think it's odd that Shades are apprently only on that continent, wonder how similar the reason for that is to why on Sel magic differs by place. Localized chunks of investiture or something like that. thanks for finding the Whimsy quote too, I agree that mentioning her by name means nothing. I mean, Ialai knew the names of some planets cause the Sons of Honor did, but that doesn't mean much either, so yeah. Sel / Scadrial certainly seems to be worth thinking about, both cause there might have been some trade there, two religions cooooould have something to do with Selish shards or atleast agents who are from that planet, aaaand cause investiture-scientists probably would discover parallels between their magic systems (cough cough read my AonDor Compounding theory cough cough). You don't happen to know where we got that info from? so we could check it again? Taldain would make sense since we already know Autonomy/Trell connections, but Sel would certainly be interesting.
  6. Something to add to the Cazzi part specifically. u/Kingsdaughter613 pointed out on Reddit that the names of the planets in the Threnody system (Threnody, Elegy, Monody and even the moon Coronach) are names for death laments, a poem for the dead and a funeral song respectively. Which matches with the idea of Death chants well.
  7. Hello! A topic that I'm quite interested in is Ancient (pre-Rashek) Scadrial. There are a few bits and pieces that we know, and I wonder if those are going to become relevant in the future. I wanted to open this thread to collect both a) knowledge we already have and especially b) theories based on that. So for starters, here's a few facts. Scadrial is one of only two planets we have seen that were not there before the Shattering. Scadrial was created by Ruin and Preservation together, as were the Humans on it (after the Yolish Blueprint, basically). Rashek's Ascension put a huge change to how Culture developed on Scadrial, including the almost-elimination of all the ancient Religions that Sazed documented. As of Mistborn Era 2, Rashek's Ascension was about 1300 years ago. The First Desolation and Oathpact are both over 6000 years old (or like 10 000? I'm not sure about that rn), and Era 2 is shortly after KWT. From what I can piece together, that means there were over 6000 years of history on Scadrial that we know almost nothing about. "But Benkinsky, that was before The Final Empire, and that's already 300 years back and Scadrial has moved on." I hear you say, Strawman that you are. So here's a few reminders for why we should be interested in this time: Ancient Terris could become more relevant still now that Terris Culture is more intermingled with the rest of Scadrial. Trell/Autonomy was in some way connected to one of the Religions of Ancient Scadrial. It was apprently deliberately created by Autonomy to be there for them to co-opt once she'd need to. We know that in this pre-Rashek time, Scadrial was visited by multiple other shards (https://wob.coppermind.net/events/316-general-signed-books-2018/#e9386). We even have confirmation that Odium has influence on scadrial (https://wob.coppermind.net/events/69-shadows-of-self-release-party/#e6141) I wonder what else will happen relating to these visits that we have already seen hints for. Yes, the Religions Sazed documented already served a plot purpose by letting him rebuild Scadrial after the Catacendre, buuut like with Trellagism, I assume some of them might have future implications too. I would like to hear what you guys think which Shards might have an interest in Scadrial and why. We already know Autonomy was concerned about Scadrials technological development, but what about others? Let's look at a few religions we know and shards they might correspond to. Ambition: I'll start with the one religion that interests me the most: Cazzi(sm). "The Cazzi are a people familiar with death, and death chants are among their beliefs. These chants are believed by the Cazzi to help free the spirits of the dead from their corpses, allowing them to return to the "mountain of souls"." Death is part of multiple shardic influences - not just Hemalurgy. I'm thinking especially of Shades. While there is so far no proof of Death chants having magic properties, we know from RoW that tones can play a big role in some magic interactions, and we have seen multiple instances of people returning to life after death. The most prominent ones are maybe the Returned and Lifeless, both of which happens with Endowments Investiture. But we also have Nazh saying something like "you can't just become a shade. There are important Rites to that." a Death Chant that helps "free the spirits of the dead from their corpses", doesn't that sound an awful lot like a Rite for a person who died and becomes a shade? hmm? hmmmm? There could be some sort of command in the chants too. The Lord Ruler modeled the lives of the Skaa after the Cazzi. The Skaa were scared to go into the Mists because of the Mistwraiths. The people of the Forest of Hell are scared to go into the forest because of the Shades. Mistwraiths are weird not-dead creatures, amalgamations of body parts. Mountains of body, in a way. I think the Cazzi religion is connected to whatever Threnody was like pre-Evil, and these death chants are an offspring of that culture or have the same root. Ambition must surely have been interested in the CREATION OF A PLANET BY TWO SHARDS, right? That's ambitious as hell. Tin helmet on: Maybe the Cazzi religion even tells us a bit about the evil. The "Mountain of souls" as some sort of spiritual concept for a magical entity, one that gets out of hand after Ambition dies, and that's what the Evil is? Endowment or Virtuosity Two ancient religions, Dadradah and Astalsi are "branches of the same ancient religion", and Dadradah especially is "influenced by Nalthian ideas (...) but doesn't originate there". https://wob.coppermind.net/events/389-munchen-signing/#e12673 ; https://wob.coppermind.net/events/316-general-signed-books-2018/#e10923. These religions are concerned with (Dadradah) artistic expression and (Astalsi) Bad Luck and colours respectively. This leads me to think of two different shards, and the mention of Bad Luck sounds like some variation on Fortune. Two reasons why I think these religions might be more than just religions, and have something to do with actual realmatic concepts and/or shards. Endowment, though she doesn't seem like the type to be overly concerned with the rest of the Cosmere. Of course, that's now. Maybe during the early centuries she was still looking around, and that ancient religion might have been based on what Endowment got up to post-Shattering, with Austrism, Dadradah and Astalsi all stemming from this. the destinction between specific shades of colour has relevance on Nalthis for those of certain Hightenings. I wonder what the ancient religion was concerned about. Virtuosity. For similar reasons. Why Colour and Art appear in Warbreaker a lot, Virtuosity is the artist shard. Virtuosity definitely seems like the kind of shard who didn't settle for a long time post-Shattering (Adonalsiums, that is), and roaming around to see different places is an artsy thing to do. I would not be surprised if this ancient religion that Dadradah and Astalsi are branches of has something to do with Virtuosity Whimsy I'm blanking here. We know that the Set knew about Whimsy's existence, and if i recall correctly then someone noticed that while Wayne is walking around Elendel and whistling a certain tune that comes naturally to him and he has never heard before or something like that, the word whimsical is used multiple times to describe him and how he feels. if anyone knows more or could remind me what exactly the Set know? I don't really know where to go with this but it certainly seems like Whimsy is more likely to appear somewhere down the line than any of the married Rosharan or Selish shards, who were busy with each other probably. Odium We have confirmation that Odium specifically has some influence on Scadrial. https://wob.coppermind.net/events/69-shadows-of-self-release-party/#e6141. Kelsier has an irrational hatred of nobles, that could be connected. I remember while reading thinking to myself "it's weird that Ruin looses his grip on the Koloss and Steel Inquisitors when they go into bloodlust" until I read SA and met The Thrill/Nergaoul. Very similar. At first, i figured that because Odium was the shard of Passion/Hatred, that meant that this area was his domain and that's why Ruin loses power there, but that's not really how it works. Still, emotional allomancy is important for hemalurgic constructs. Maybe Odium sowed a few seeds on Scadrial? Preservation and Ruin were so busy with each other that they might have missed something, maybe not something as big as an Unmade but something lesser. Something for Odium's influence to push Scadrial in a conflict-ridden direction? I mean, either it would lead to a future foe for Odiums spacefaring conquerer army, which is great, orr it could even lead to another warring planet for Odium to recruit from once he was done on Roshar? Cultivation I doubt that Cultivation was busy with other planets when she and Honor went to Roshar, which already existed and was, for some reason, already important to Adonalsium. Then again, Cultivation is exactly the sort of intent that would lead someone to planet seeds early on for future use, like Autonomy did. Plant seeds, you say? Interesting choice of words. "HaDah is a religion from Classical Scadrial, and has been extinct for a thousand years. HaDah is a religion in the south which worships an agricultural god. Sazed gives Jed a HaDah funeral after learning from Teur that he was killed by the Deepness. The HaDah funeral ceremony involves taking a branch and driving it into the bottom of the grave next to the corpse's head, such that once the grave is full, only the tip of the branch breaches the surface." That's all we know about HaDah, and I personally doubt that it's one of the likelier religions to become relevant, buuuut if it did I bet it would be because of Cultivation. We know Odium and atleast one other shard have had some influence or interest in Ancient Scadrial. That could just be Autonomy, who is also confirmed, but I think it won't be. The combination of the ONLY (so far) shard-made planet soon after the Shattering paired with two shards who are VERY busy with each other definitely invited some attention. What do you think, who else might have had an interest in Scadrial, and in what way?
  8. A bit ago I thought about Hemalurgy a bit, realizing that while it's quite scary in theory, most magic systems have some kind of built in limit. Physical space for Selish Arts, Bonds for Aviars and Spren, etc. But one of the few "magic systems" that seem to have little limits like that is: Shades. Now, it seems thematically fitting that two of the most gruesome magical parts of the Cosmere seem to be able to work together. Work together how, you say? Well, here's the thought I want to put out there: I theorize that you could become functionally immortal using some combination of Hemalurgy and Threnodian Shade mechanics. I don't fully know how it would work, but: - becoming a Cognitive Shadow is the "easiest" way to become kind of immortal, atleast by age. - The one Shade in Silence's Basement is a special case, different from the ones in the forest somehow atleast. Plus, Nazh mentions that becoming a shade does or atleast can involve rites and rituals. We have also seen the shades on Canticle, so there seems to be more sentience and such possible for a Shade than the ones in the Forests of Hell exhibit. - Threnodians seem to have the "ability" to turn into invested things after death. Shades on Threnody, Sunhearts on Canticle. This is what you could spike off them. I'm not sure what the smartest order of operations would be, but I think there is definitely the possibility out there for some mad person to do one of or a combination of these things: - Make a spike from yourself, one that can work as a blessing. Die to a Shade's touch. Have someone spike the Shade you turn into. - Spike a Threnodian to earn the ability to become a Shade after death. Do some stuff like putting your memories into a breath and storing that, die and become a Shade, get the breath given to you. And become an ageless Shadow Monster with more awareness and memories. I'm sure we'll learn more about the interaction between these magic systems because the Night Brigade canonically uses both. I would be interested to hear what you all think the best ways could be to become a sentient Shade. I think the idea of Breath being involved has a lot of merit, personally. We saw from Hoid that you can store Investiture in breaths and not just in copper, and Ruin and others talk about Cognitive Shadow Kelsier as being not Kelsier, but his Memory and memories hanging around. The Admiral can somehow command Shades around. We've seen two similar things: Susebron wordlessly awakening and giving commands, and the Cinder King commanding the Charred. I would not be confused if Night Brigade soldiers get invested with some mix of Ambitions Investiture, a command, Hemalurgic spiking and whatever else that makes sure they hang around as Shades that listen to commands from the Admiral.
  9. I hope this is the right forum for this question? If not, I'm happy to be redirected. In short: I study English and History in a Master of Education programm, and will write my Master's thesis in the winter semester. Since I'll be spending a considerable amount of time obsessing over a topic, I thought I would pick one I'm happy to obsess about anyway: Sanderson's writing. Together with my professor, I picked three possible ideas, one of which I am coming here for. I was hoping that the collective brain of the 17th shard could help me pinpoint some storylines, chapters, interactions, etc. that would fall under my topic, so I get a better idea for what I'm working with than I could have myself, so I can figure out if this is the topic I want to persue. What is the topic? Broad: Hierarchy in Brandon Sanderson's Cosmere to better explain: I will ask and examine questions such as How to Class/Race/Caste relations work in the Cosmere worlds? , How are these hierarchies structured? , how are hierarchies kept up/enforced, where and how can they bend and under which circumstances? , how do these hierarchies affect... ...the story? the character? the world? How does magic influence the hierarchies in the Cosmere? Is it an enabler, a tool, a subverter, etc? I'll give a few examples of what I'm already thinking of including: The Skaa and the Nobles in TFE era Scadrial. a "bred" worker race. The revolution, uprisings. Inquisitors as enforcers, including punishing those who venture outside of their class like Vin's father. Vin's bastardness. Blood-relations being responsible for magic potential. Zane, a bastard, being used by Straff because of his powers as a Mistborn. Atium as a means of financial control, which also makes House Venture the most powerful. Lighteyes/Darkeyes on Roshar. Kaladin, the model minority character. Kaladin stepping out of line with "and for my boon" and being punished. Lighteye-supremacy as the result of Radiant ancestry. Magic - the Knights Radiant - subverting the caste system. Kaladin's family in Hearthstone and Roshone. The slaves and bridge crews. I don't have very many specific scenes in mind for this part, sadly. "Parshmen" on Roshar. Well, yeah. another Slave Race. Which we later learn is magically forced on them. Yikes. Here, "Shen"/Rlain especially Singer society vs Voidbringer society (once the Fused are back). The "lower" ranks literally providing bodies for the Fused. Also not sure how much there is to write about other than that aspect, though. Elantrians. Magic as a random picker of who gets to be part of the immortal elite, but also Elantrians giving back and providing. Dilafs hatred for them caused by expectations for their reality-bending abilities. Sel: The hiararchy in Fjordell. We don't have many sources here sadly, but The Chain is definitely an interesting aspect for how hierarchies are utilized and justified. Emperor's Soul: The hierarchy being reinstated/propped up because the ruling class uses supposedly forbidden tools (Shai's magic) Nalthis: Giving breath to the gods to keep them alive in the hope of getting something in return one day. These are ideas of what I could include that I came up with. If you can think of other aspects, storylines etc. that might fit the topic, I would be very grateful to hear about them! Ideally, I would have 2-4 books i could focus on in the end, for exmaple The Final Empire and The Emperor's Soul and [This is where i hope to put whichever SA books has the most stuff on my topic], but I will include examples and parts from everything that has anything to do with my topic. Thank you for your help!
  10. that looks insanely cool! Very well done by the artist!
  11. Oh, that's a very intriguing idea. Basically "sacrificing" something to get the constant stream of investiture. Only, Allomancy would be a bad candidate methinks, since Allomancers already have access to investiture wherever they are as long as they have metals. But say, for example, AonDor (and I'm not just shilling this because of my own pet Compounding theories) or another Selish Magic like Bloodsealing or Soulstamping. Something that needs Investiture to work, but doesn't have access to that. Or Surgebinding outside of the reach of the Highstorm. Anything that's limited in this way would be interested in an alternate source of Investiture-fuelling. "Storing" weight or speed or sense or whatever but instead of storing those attributes, using that Investiture to power your end-positive magic sounds cool. Though, If i understand Feruchemy correctly, you would really permanently sacrifice that, as you said. Even Scadrians have very little innate investiture, I believe. We don't have a unit yet, don't know the amount of breaths that is worth, but like, you usually get that back with Feruchemy later. No doing that with Surgebinding of Bloodsealing, so that weight/speed/whatever is just gone.
  12. Koravelliumium? Avastium? Koravelliumium? Koravellium Avastium? We know the naming conventions, but adding -ium to someone named Koravellium feels funny. Anyway, I can see skills. Age - Ruin is a pretty obvious connection. It's natural decay of your body. So what would be natural cultivation? Hm. Growing, honing. The large part of skill aquisition happens in young age, like language learning, and later in life skills have to be trained much more actively (and by you rather than your parents and teachers). I could still see something like Growth, whatever that would be. It might mean that you lose proficency at skills while storing, to later basically cheat years of training. If it's not just physical, you might behave like an emotionally unstable teenager for while while storing. But I like the idea of storing skills, like, Kaladin storing Growth would not know how to properly use a spear to block attacks, only stabbing randomly. While a less trained Soldier tapping Growth might be able to fight a Shardbearer, knowing how to strike in certain angles with their weapon even if they've only had it for a few weeks.
  13. Hell yeah! Exactly, right? Endowment is already the Shard that most freely gives away her power. As in, you can just leave Nalthis with a breath, there's no condition there. You were endowed with it. It's not a huge leap to imagine more being possible. For example, connection. Say there's a Ghostblood or 17th shard agent who was born on Nalthis. They want to go out into the Cosmere, someone else from the Organisation has to take their place. They manage to store their Connection to Nalthis in a breath, and give it away to the newcomer, so they'll be able to speak all the languages and correctly interpret Gestures and stuff.
  14. agreed. Wakefulness as a Feruchemical power is similarly not that interesting combat- or epic-fantasy-wise, but sooo useful for everyday people. Though the flowers of edgli might be easier to cultivate or farm than for example Atium. Nalthis being basically the source and inventor of Antibabypillen would be such a funny bit of lore. Minor Nitpick here @bmcclure7 what is Terizastium supposed to be? We can speculate on a few of the other metals being called Koravelliumium or Avastium, Edglium, Bavadinium, and we know Sazedium is called Ettmetal on scadrial. But who is Terizastium? Honor? My speculations for some: Tanavastium: I wonder if you can "store" something like Conviction/Faith/Oaths. Feruchemy already has Determination, but I wonder if you could store an oath, break it, and then tap again without losing your bond. Otherwise, I speculate Tanavastium to be something like self control too. Mercy's Godmetal storing Empathy sounds crazy, and plausible. Having Inquisitor-like warriors who store their empathy is freaky. If they're unkeyed metalminds, it could even be a torture method to force someone to feel all that. Bavadinium: either something like independence, where you're very in need of help and guidance while storing and don't feel constrained at all while tapping it, but that's quite boring. I would love if it was similar to Aviars and A-Copper, like storing Connections to shards and higher powers, basically becoming invisible, independent in a way. And later you can tap it, to increase attention on yourself.
  15. There's also Rall Elorim. Did we know about it already by WoR? We still don't know much, we just know it's the City of Shadows, which sure sounds like it could have created a secret society. Especially if the theory about Ba-Ado-Mishram being located in Rall Elorim is correct, it would make sense that the old Knights Radiant created some kind of secret group to keep that secret, similar to the Sleepless protecting the Dawnshard.
  16. We're thinking in the same direction! While yeah, imbuing your boots is suboptimal compared to just tapping steel, you could give someone else your boots. Or Armguards. Or wakefulness. etc. I imagine giving away your strength or other physical attributes to someone would be similar to how you feel while you're storing. You get those attributes back when your breath returns. I agree that Nalthis has a lot of potential, and we've already seen that seemingly, more Nalthians are cosmere-aware than others. Traders roaming around in Shadesmar, the Five Scholars being worldhoppers... I think if a few Worldbringers visited Nalthis, there would be a lot of potential for cooperative discovery there. Unless it is specifically groups that consider this kind of thing heresy. While Dadradah ( https://coppermind.net/wiki/Dadradah ) didn't originate on Nalthis, we know it has some influence. Ancient connections. Maybe Nalthis will become an Ally of Scadrial in the Space Age. I for one would love that. Nicrosil compounding could be so powerful for Awakening, or for wielding weapons like Nightblood that eat Investiture like noone's business.
  17. Yeah, something like that definitely sounds plausible, right? Something between unkeyed Metalminds, Breath, and even Kandra Blessings. Where the breath doesn't just give life, but additional attributes if you know how to do it. Maybe even up to things like sentience (which Divine Breaths can give), or, since Feruchemists can store and tap Connection and Connection has some funky applications, as we've seen with Ishar and Dalinar, you could even give away stuff like Nahel Bonds? Would be freaky. Give Identity to something. Endow your breath with speed, and then awaken your boots. Etc.
  18. Apologies if this has been posted already and I didn't find it, or if this is so obvious it doesn't warrant its own post. I was talking to a friend who recently read Warbreaker, and I had this thought when we talked about the potential that Awakening had that is still underused. And while the obvious one is Type Four (Five) Invested Entities, I think RoW showed us a glimpse of another potential application of Breath: Storing Attributes What we saw at the end of RoW in the Meeting between Hoid and TOdium was Hoid losing memories that he had stored in Breaths. In Breaths, or As Breaths. So, who's to say that that's only possible with Memories? You probably see where I'm going with this. (And why I think it might have been posted already) Feruchemy and Awakening are both End-Neutral systems. And while their applications are different, they both are End-neutral because of the closed loops they utilize. In Awakening, you give your breath to something or someone, which endows them with the powers associated with it. They can utilize your breath, no more than what you've given. In Feruchemy, you store attributes in your metalminds. Specific Metals allow for the storage of specific attributes. You can later get these attributes back, no more than what you've given. Now, Feruchemy uses the kinds of metals as keys. Depending on what metal you (can) use, you store different attributes. From how I understand it, Feruchemists use their innate investiture, which is somehow imprinted with the attributes. Attributes in form of Investiture, to be used later. Now, we've seen Hoid do this with Breath. Storing Memories in a different form of Investiture. Of course, Hoid had a lot of time to practice and figure things out, but I think this is an angle of BioChromatic Breath that we might see more of in the future. Storing Attributes and giving these to others. We've seen something similar with Unkeyed Metalminds, where I could store wakefulness, strength, speed etc. and give it to you to tap. For Breath, the difficulty is just figuring out how to store attributes in Breath. I don't know if you need to be a Feruchemist too for that, if you need a specific command or whatever. But once you figure that out, it could be as simple as My life to yours, my Strength become yours. My life to yours, my Memories to yours. My life to yours, my Health to yours. etc. etc. What do you think? Is this possible? How difficult would it be? Does it make sense to expect more of this in the future or will just Worldhoppers like Hoid be able to figure it out?
  19. How'd you guess thanks! I really liked that in SA with Damnation corresponding to Braize, but the Tranquiline Halls don't really have an equivalent. I like playing with that idea, especially since Valor's version of it has a lot of "you guys better put in the hours to get there, otherwise..." although that got lost in translation a bit. An extra interesting aspect is also based on that Mengiland is a physical place. Yes, Unkaar is a planet, larger and far away from the sun, being prepared by Valor and Brilliances to host humanity. On one hand though, it's not like there's Urithiru level cities there already. They'll still have to make the planet their own. And on the other, while Unkaar has been part of Valor's plans for hundreds, thousands of years, this story would take place at the beginning of the space age. So who knows whether the Ones Above, IRE, or others haven't also already found Unkaar. Imagine reaching Valhallah and there's some other people there that noone's ever seen.
  20. Aww thank you to both of you! I'm happy you find it cool Trust me, that would be soooo cool It's still fun to play around with Cosmere ideas ^^ but man, would that be insane. Aww hell yeah, thanks. Happy to hear you've enjoyed it any particularly favourite bits, or anything that intrigued you the most? Would be interesting to know. There are a few existing characters already that I have in mind that didn't fit into this post yet, hopefully you'll meet those in future Chapters once I get around to those. Those characters may or may not include a certain hawk faced someone...
  21. Welcome to Benkinsky decides he wants to post his ideas somewhere before he gets sidetracked again. What is this? On a meta sense, it's what I thought of when we learned the names of shards that we haven't seen yet in RoW. I thought about how I imagined a world with Valor in presence, or in this case, Valor and Mercy. I know there's probably not another dishardic planet, and technically, Ilsaad isn't dishardic in that sense. Obviously, I don't think this is how we'll see Valor, but I just love the Cosmere framework so much and had a ton of fun inventing a planet shaped by the Shards Valor and Mercy. I will split this first post in three, and leave it up to you in what order you want to look at it. If you want to just jump into the story, start with the second part, Chapter 1. If you want the worldbuilding laid out for you, start with those. And if you want to go for the Arcanum Unbounded feel, start with the essay. Alright, that's the preface, enjoy. I look forward to questions and feedback and whatnot Essay on the Ilsaadi System: Blurb: Chapter 1 Ars Arcanum Worldbuilding/behind the scenes/Ilsaad as the Cosmere at large meets it. Actual spoiler/plot-relevant revelations. I think this is the longest post I've ever made anywhere. Hope you enjoyed it!
  22. (Emphasis mine.) Okay, hear me out: What if it's the Nightwatcher? Or something connected to it or Cultivation? From this deathrattle alone, we know a few things, and a few are unclear. Definitive things that point towards the Nightwatcher: I mean, you see the emphasis. "He holds us in his palm... playing a tune that no man can hear" The gender/race thing has already been mentioned here, so I'll just say that although the Nightwatcher is refered to as "she", there's some wiggle room here, for the Black Piper to be either a spawn of the Nightwatcher, the Nightwatcher itself, or some other cultivation-related entity. "Playing a tune that no man can hear" Probably relates to rythms. There's a bunch of pointers towards Honor's Rythm being inherent to humans of Roshar, through the heartbeat and whatnot. But do we know whether Cultivation's rythm is? "holds us in his palm" sounds like an entity that has a lot of power and control over the whole of "us" (Humanity or Rosharan population as a whole). That fits Cultivation. the tune is Cultivation's influence on everything, barely visible and especially to humans, but still very present. In another note, I'm sceptical of Cultivation. I bet there's a lot of things that she's done that we don't know about. We know Odium and Honor's actions, but so little of what Cultivation has been up to for thousands of years apart from occasionally blessing people that are very important. Baseline theory: This deathrattle is about the Nightwatcher, misunderstood or seen as male. Crackpot version: The Black Piper as a seperate Entity, connected to Cultivation, that we haven't yet seen or don't know that we have. If Sja-Anat can enhance Spren, i think Cultivation could absolutely grow/cultivate another being. Maybe the Black Piper is a new Godspren, or maybe the Black Piper is the end goal of the Nightwatcher, to mature into it. Source: https://coppermind.net/wiki/Nightwatcher#Origin I think "he watches" and "playing a tune no man can hear" could point towards the Black Piper being a seperate entity that already exists or will exist in the future, that watches humans and learns from that to one day hold a great deal of influence. Maybe the Black Piper is the failsafe for if Odium wins and leads humanity off of Roshar, that the Black Piper's influence can help them resists or he will lure a part of them to stay, having studied them for milennia to prepare for his Job once the big Honor/Odium conflict is resolved, one way or another.
  23. We know that the survival shard isn't the Shard "Survival" though. The Survival shard is a shard that wanted to survive and has since realized that just hiding and surviving is not the best course of action. *you're. Care to explain further? Which planet do you mean, and why? i didn't consider Ruin and Preservation since I think it'll be a while until we get to see either of them alone again, if ever. And if you mean the Sunlit planet, then it wouldn't be very in character for ruin (or Preservation, for that sense) to have the destructive sunlight also help plants grow
  24. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a post like this already. I didn't find any, but if there are, mods feel free to move or delete this! So, i recently got around to reading the chapters we have so far of SP 1 2 and 4. And while one of them namedropped a Shard, the other two are still out, so I wanted to spark the conversation about which Shard's influences we're seeing here. Tess and the emerald sea: The different seas, the sorceress... Many people expect Aethers here, from what I've gathered. I haven't read Aether of Night, but it seems that the Aethers on this planet, if there are any, relate to the 12 moons somehow and are seperate from the OG Aethers? Which aren't from any shard as far as we know? Or are they? The sorceress sounds like she could fit Dominion, but tbh almost any Fantasy Villain could fit Dominion. If there's knowledge here that I missed and can be discussed openly, I'd be happy to hear it! Someone mentioned Pragmatism sounding like a shard name, and i wouldn't be surprised if Pragmatism would be a shard that coopts anothers system. Yumi and the Nightmare Painter: Virtuosity. Interesting! Both manifestations of the investiture seem fun, and I already love spirits. Can't wait to think about whether you could Bond them somhow else. It seems that the gift that Yumi has is not genetic, but it is rare. Similar to the Shaod, just randomly chosen? I wonder if it's something super weird, like, your genes have to be an interesting pattern. It seems that basically anyone can become a Nightmare Painter if they have the artistic talent for it, so that makes me wonder whether Yumi's gift could be learned too, I guess we'll see. And we'll see if the planet has these two sides or if there's more distinct versions of Virtuosity Magic. And whether you can take Spirits offworld! The Sunlit Man: The big one. Already multiple worlds being namedropped and appearing, Roshar, Scadrial, Taldain, Threnody... The people here are descendants of Threnodians/they are Threnodians. But is the magic? Nomad compares the sun giving power with Taldain, but we know this is a seperate system. @Miltank_drink wondered if the sun is the grave of a highly invested person or the site of a splintering. That would be super interesting! I don't think we've had the first part yet, but someone like a Godking giving up their life or being killed to set free their Investiture in a form like this would be insanely cool and also a great mythos for the world. The people on this world are certainly brave and ambitious, so Valor or Ambition being involved wouldn't surprise me either. I assume not all of Ambitions Investiture is near/on Threnody, but it's probably mostly in the same system. Makes you wonder which way round things happened. Did Ambitions power settle here too, investing the sun, and that lead Threnodians to come here/discover this planet? Or did they leave the Homeland, and ended up on a planet invested by another power, be that a Shard, Avatar or the grave of someone from another world? If a giant elder spren bonded with a Shard's cognitive shadow can dispense investiture, who's to say there's not a giant elder invested being (Spirit, Spren, Splinter, whatever) bonded to/making up the sun and perpetually burning and imbuing this planet. To funnel my thoughts and open discussion, here's a few shards I thought of here: Cultivation: Plants blooming within a day, then burning up again. Would have to be in a future where Cultivation is not fully busy on Roshar. Then again, we don't know she is during SA anyway. Valor: The pit fights, and Invested People being those that proved themselves in trial and get rewarded for it with power, that could be Valor. Living here certainly needs some bravery. I wonder if some Threnodians were searching for other powers to combat or reign in Ambitions volatile power, and found this planet. We (the readers) know that Odium wants Roshar as a training ground, i would not be surprised if Valor had a planet or multiple planets like these that they see as a proving ground. Maybe the Threnodians hoped to prove themselves, become chosen by Valor, and then return to the Threnodian system with it, Anchoring it there somehow? Maybe I'm speculating too much. Ambition: They're from Threnody. Ambitions is dead and chunks of it are in different places. Who's to say this small planets burning hot sun isn't from Ambitions power or invested with it? It could be a system fairly close to Threnody, but not the same system. Dominion? I don't know how that would work, but the Cinder King certainly seems dominant. If the IRE can exist outside Sel somehow, who's to say this planet doesn't have some influence from Dominion (and Devotion?). The Ember Knights with their red glowing embers, obedience to the Cinder King, winning in a trial, those all have themes of Dominion and Devotion too. Makes you wonder if the Ember Knights are Svrakiss, taking over bodies... Autonomy: She likes to put Avatars in places. Her main planet is locked between daytime and nighttime, and for sure the people on this planet have to live autonomously if you want to put it like that. Cities made up of individual parts that can break out of them, never resting, never settling to grow farms. So, what do others think, what shards could be involved in the worlds and magics we've been exposed to here?
  25. As @Treamayne said, it would be important to know what you've read so not to spoil you, however I can already say: (apart from that 'agism' and 'atium' do not sound alike to me at all except for the a at the start and m at the end) you're breaking the word up differently than how it is formed. It's Leras + -ium, which is an ending for metals (like Aluminium or calcium) Scadrial is older than any of the religions on it. Your argument makes it sound like Atium was somehow an older word than Lerasium (which, granted, it could be, but the metals are both the same age), and that... could you rephrase what your argument is? That because the Trellism is right and Preservation and Ruin were the same, Leras and Ati were the same person too, and that's why they removed part of the name? I think it's a lot simpler tbh. There's a god that people believe in, Trell. There used to be a religion that believed in Trell, but they called it different. Like how some Christian groups will always name Jesus first as their God and Lord, while others will name God. It's the same being, but they talk about it differently. The fact that Lerasium and Atium sound similar is because they have the same ending, and that's because godmetal names are formed like that. (Sorry if this text comes across as harsh, it really isn't meant that way!)
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