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Everything posted by ProfetessaOscura

  1. Corwin finished nursing his wound. He stood up, only slightly wobbly. "Ready to go? I could go for tacos."
  2. “Ain’t nothing can grab me or tie me,” he said stubbornly, “not anymore.” He stared after Cadenza for a minute as they were leaving, then back at Finn. “You all just expect everyone to be normal and happy and trusting like you lot. Sans the ‘normal,’ I guess. But I just don’t think any of you lot would understand, even if I trusted you to actually listen.”
  3. Corwin turned a glare on Cadenza and Finn. "Was I clear enough?" His shoulders shook slightly, like he was still a little scared, in spite of himself.
  4. ((This is just Corwin's meme, isn't it..?))
  5. "Oh, go write an essay if it's such a big standpoint for ya," he drawled, "I said what I said."
  6. "What do you think happened back there?" he asked, "Not teamwork? Just cuz I'm in an army doesn't mean I can't have basic boundaries."
  7. "Ya deaf or something?" he sat down, planting his butt in the pavement. "I said no."
  8. "Sure, but you don't know that until you're vulnerable," he said, "And I'm fine. Honest."
  9. "It's not my parents or anything. I just- I just knew some bad doctors is all. I can take care of myself. Honest."
  10. "Course not. I just said they didn't care about me."
  11. Corwin grimaced. “I don’t care. Like I said, I’m a street kid. They didn’t care about me, so I don’t care about them.”
  12. “Then say that you told me so to my coffin,” he grimaced, exasperated. He kept wrapping his arm, nice and snug.
  13. Corwin flinched. “Look. I’ll be okay. I can take care of myself. Honest.” He started patching himself up with his sleeve, as if to prove it.
  14. Corwin pulled his arm free of Janice abruptly, as if she’d just tried to cuff a shackle to it. “Leave me alone!” He shouted, directly in her face. He shrank back, stunned at his own words, at his anger. “I’m sorry. I’ll be fine. Just no doctors. I’m okay.”
  15. There was some kind of manic frenzy in Corwin’s eyes, a cold sweat on his skin. He didn’t seem able to stop laughing, his skin in goosebumps. “No thanks,” he said.
  16. He disappeared into the mouth of an alley some twenty feet ahead. Jeez, he was quick, like a little rat.
  17. Corwin bolted, feet slapping against pavement, laughing loudly.
  18. “Well, you’re certainly-“ he cut off sharply, jaw dropping. “What… in the world…”. He lifted a finger, pointing behind Cadenza.
  19. "Then you go see a doctor," he said, sticking his tongue out.
  20. “Yeah, but they’re expensive and busy with real emergencies. Who wants some stupid snot nosed kid who beat himself up to commandeer all the experts?”
  21. “Mud dries up pretty quick and blocks the bleeding. Then you wrap it up snug. Didn’t you ever get in a street fight?”
  22. “Really,” Corwin enthused, “I’ll slap some mud and a bandage on! I’ll be good! Right as rain!”
  23. ((In game time, fight probably took like 5 minutes. Plus, Vespyr is in charge of one city, not nations or villages or the world. He’s trying to mount a defense, and the Queen’s attack has only proved him right, that there is a force out there that wants to end humanity. In all likelihood, more will flock to his ranks, funding will increase, etc. Fear is a great motivator, and she just gave the world perfect reason to fully back an offensive front.))
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