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    It was the Wind

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  1. So, it seems like a ton of people just really, really hate Lirin. I am one of those people. I mean, he thinks that his way is the only way, and everyone else is a bad person. When Kaladin gets relieved from duty, Lirin is all "I told you it was the right way". Then, he basically disowned Kaladin after he killed that Regal to protect Teft. I just don't like Lirin. What about you guys?
  2. I honestly feel bad for Odium... I would be scared out of my mind if I had to face Kaladin. Even if you are the Shard of Hatred, (Passion, whatever) you stand NO CHANCE of beating Kal. I really hope Kaladin finds Tarah.
  3. The Way of Kings anytime, with Words of Radiance a close second. I just love how Brandon does Kaladin. I do not think much of the Mistborn novels. I do not like the ending.
  4. An interesting college lecture. I don't think that that can even happen.
  5. Yeah, he fought two of them for a brief time with only Stormlight and a Shardplate helmet-glove.
  6. Ha! Thanks. Hmm. Well, I guess I like Kaladin and Szeth because they can both fly and are super awesome Shardweapon-weilding pseudo immortals. I like Hoid because he is so flippant and funny, and he is obviously in every Cosmere book.
  7. It looks like it grants all ten surges. But then, how did Amaram know how to use them? Maybe Yelig-Nar also grants mastery of the surges, somehow? I do not know. He seems dangerous.
  8. Thank You! I have read Arcanum Unbounded. I like Raoden too.
  9. I think that that could be possible. There is supposed to be another book in the future that is not in any specific series, but is still Cosmere, right? So maybe the characters could mend Adonalsium.
  10. I hope he does not become Radiant. Some people need to not be demigods, after all. If he does turn out to be a Radiant, then I think that he would become a Truthwatcher. I think that he would have access to Regrowth, but I just cannot think of an old, balding man slipping about like an Edgedancer. XD
  11. I hope this does not happen. I do not like Lirin, I do not want Kaladin to be a surgeon again. I know that it is interesting to some people, just not to me. Please do not make Syl a scalpel, Kal.
  12. I like Lift, also. She would have been my 5th, behind Kelsier.
  13. Oh, and I have also read Reckoners.
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