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  1. Typos for The Way of Kings Prime pg numbers and lines according to the PDF as recovered on 8/27/2020 Edit: my own typo. Edit 2: formatting pg 12 last line change raise to raised The king, however, simply raise a forestalling hand. (stylistic) pg 20 7th line from bottom replace "of them" with "the men" (similar repetition, but increased space between them) Very few men on the entire field had been killed by spears—yet nearly all of them wielded them. pg 22 line 28 (or 12th from bottom) change steeping to stepping “What?” Aredor asked incredulously, steeping up to his younger brother’s side. pg 31 line 3 change siad to said “Ask your king,” he siad sharply, and continued past her. stylistic pg 65 suggest inserting "it" between "wanted" and "to", suggest "Although" instead of "Yet" Yet, the piece of her that scoffed at superstition—institutionalized or not—wanted to offer what comfort it could. She remained quiet 67 line 20 change "keep" to "have kept" She turned toward him—he had sacrificed much. “Nelshenden, I am sorry to keep you out of the end of the war.” 71 line 12 change "at it" to "as it" something in Taln’s mind that immediately began adjusting for the language difference, at it had done so often before. 77 line 13 change "to her" to "of her" She was very clever—moreover, she was dedicated to understanding and fulfilling what was expected to her. 79 line 15 change "such" to "as such" Tethren was a Prince of House Rienar in Jah Keved, but he was a younger son, and such often oversaw their family’s business negotiations. 84 line 7 change "returning" to "returned" Eventually, people returning to their feasting. pg 98 line 14 change to tendency from Jasnah simply had a tenancy to . . . overreact. pf 98 last line change has to had Barely protected from storms, sleeping practically in the open, without proper amenities or enough water even for regular bathing. It has been miserable. Even worse, it had been boring. pg 180 line 14 change they to them I’ve found that men rarely like to be told what they can’t do. So, I just let they try it. 217 line 1 change lean to learn Merin shook his head. “Vasher wants me to lean how to jump up to my 244 line 3 change bother to brother “He has to go, Bother Lhan,” 249 line 1 change his to this pg 248 last line included for context 248 Elhokar sighed, turning to the crowd. “I have some business that needs 249 to be attended to before his competition begins,” he said unnecessarily to 281 line 3 change folder to folded Jasnah folder her arms, tapping her foot in frustration. 305 line 32 (or line 8 if counting from bottom) insert “ballad” between “a” and “building” You prefer a building subtlety to a sudden and obnoxious crescendo. You make plans for your future, and make allegiances with skill.” 327 line 19 change build to built Though the Kholinar palace was only one story tall, it had been build on a slight cleft in the land, 346 line 3 change made to make “If you leave me behind, I’ll just follow you and made a nuisance of myself. 471 line 22 change fell to feel “I fell like I should recognize you, old man,” Ahven noted carefully 487 line 32 change spend to spent even those who weren’t accustomed to military discipline had spend their lives working in fields 489 line 9 to 10 insert of between fall and highstorms They would only begin growing again with the steady fall highstorms 499 line 14 change “aren't unarmed” to “aren't armed” OR “are unarmed” They kept hitting you to keep you down. Men fear Shardbearers, even when they aren’t unarmed. 508 line 10 remove it between called and the During the days of the Epoch Kingdoms it had been called it the Conversion. Continuity 509 line 14 change millenia to centuries Taln nodded slowly, regarding her. She was so young, barely into her thirties. He had seen as many millennia pass as she had seen decades, 512 line 9 insert not between Ahven and left (after seeing dust on the walls) Had Ahven left orders for servants to clean the unoccupied wings? Stylistic 514 line 8 change manageable to unmanageable “It’s only bread, soldier. I doubt you’ll find that it makes your prisoners too healthy to be manageable.” 526 line line 20 change the 2nd to and replace with do “To whom to your loyalties belong?” 529 line 4 change solders to soldiers Jek’s men—a group of ten solders Stylistic 523 line 9 change for to of Now Lhan was paying the debts for his curiosity Stylistic 537 line 28 change ranked to outranked Meridas was still the top nobleman in the group—but everyone knew that deities ranked aristocrats. 553 line 26 change lay to laid Dalenar lay a hand on Echathen’s arm, and shook his head slightly. 581 line 10 insert the between of and army's There was no way to keep news of army’s pursuit quiet, not with Nachin and his family in camp. 581 line 12 change a to an before anxiety bringing with it a anxiety that wasn’t dulled even by the fim marching speed Meridas instituted 582 last line insert be between will and likely “Trade? No, I think Aneazer will likely to consider us a threat. 584 line 14 remove a between is and something “You have to admit,” Lhan said, “it is a something of an accomplishment Stylistic 585 line 14 insert as between world and he his determination to see the world he wanted to, rather than as it really was. 591 4th line from the bottom of the page change arrive to arrived Only because I left one of my men here to watch in case news arrive! 598 line 22 change sparely to sparsely The rooms were sparely furnished, 602 line 28 change passed to past the first time had seen the ocean had been when the Aleth armies marched passed the Point of the Sea of Chomar 604 line 11 insert to after come OR change come to be Renarin shrugged. “This was the right place to come, Merin. 610 line 29 change hadn't to hasn't We do as our king commands,” he said. “As of yet, he hadn’t commanded—which left us a little confused at what to do with you.” 612 line 12 change solders to soldiers “How many officers?” Merin asked. “A couple per ship? And how many of your own solders walk the decks? Tensets.” Continuity: 624 line 7 change faceplate to face (Merin does pick up or wear the helm, that is removed by the shardbearer) The young Shardbearer in silver jumped forward, trying to thrust through Merin’s faceplate. 632 line 3 change regulated to relegated Jasnah’s place in the group had been regulated to that of the protected and coddled woman 632 line 13 insert in after it (she would have to fold it in with...) she did not doubt that going to the Holy City was going to be dangerous. Her men could not face a trained enemy on its own—she would have to fold it with more seasoned troops once they reached Elhokar’s main army. 634 line 34 change instance to insistence For the first time, she realized how grateful she was for Taln’s instance upon her practical clothing. Stylistic 636 last line change this to these (this people is used plurally again on page 637 paragraph 4 but the singularity there, seems stronger without the echo on this line) You killed this people, Jasnah. I will save them. Stylistic 637 line 2 remove the from between most and people They have food, which is more than can be said of most the people in this winds-cursed land.” 651 line 5 insert what between do and Elhokar The only option was to do Elhokar had not. 651 line 13 change but it took, to: but if it takes We’ll try a retreat, but it took us too long to disengage. They’ll give chase, and they’ll catch us. After that . . .” 654 line 9th from the bottom insert the between of and men Most of men would escape—assuming 655 line 16 change "ride them by" to "ride by them" There were sudden cries from the field nearby as the wounded realized that this time Dalenar would not ride them by without thought. 655 line 23 insert left between men and behind The youth on the saddle behind Dalenar held to his Plate with rigid hands as the men behind watched their lord abandon them. 666 line 10 remove "under" from between "acts" and "in" If a man acts in his own name, he is a tyrant. If he acts under in the name of ‘The Kingdom,’ he is hailed as monarch. 684 line 4 change crumbed to crumbled Stone crumbed to dust, which in turn blew of with the winds and mixed with the crom minerals to harden into rock once again. 686 line 7th from bottom change an to any There don’t seem to be an answers. Stylistic 696 line 2 remove all from between "men" and "a" his stewards. If the army somehow survived the next few weeks, he vowed to raise the men all a rank or two. 696 line 19 change seen to see AND insert "the" between "of" and "Veden" “I got close enough to the main body to seen glyphseals from all three of Veden Houses. I recognized a couple of the faces, too.” Stylistic 740 line 12 insert "would" between "more" and "masculine-cut" AND remove “would” after featers Jasnah now had a group of trained lady’s maids to attend her—no more masculine-cut clothing and unprimped features would mar her image. 748 line 13 change regulated to relegated Apparently, she had been regulated to a somewhat perfunctory position in the Herald’s Army; and if there was one thing Jasnah Kholin loathed, it was being ‘perfunctory.’ 749 lines 24 to 26 rearrange clauses Change to Whether or not it makes him look mad ---- claiming to be a Herald certainly... Original line Claiming to be a Herald—whether or not it makes him look mad—certainly has gained him a lot of authority in this group.” 760 line 30 consider adding a hyphen to change ununinformed to un-uniformed The haphazard arrangement of tables, mixed with ruddy hearthlight and ununiformed servants, 776 line 4 insert "he" between "could" and "serve" but how could serve mankind if he himself were not stable? 794 last line change deal to dear Jasnah nodded, closing her eyes. Oh, my deal, poor Taln.
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