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  1. I saw the whole Dream thing mentioned when I was scrolling through, so I know it was already at least brought up, but when I saw this thread my immediate thoughts were: Odium kills everyone with Moash as his champion, the last fight being between Moash and Kaladin, Moash being the victor. Then, Moash wakes up. We find out that most of the events of the story are just events invented by his mind, because he's severely sick with something he picked up while being a Caravan guard, and he's presently being bled to death in Taravangian's hospital, and he had never even been made a Bridgeman, all the events that had transpired since his grandparents passed were nothing but a fever dream, and Kaladin is the doctor overseeing his 'treatment', he finally fades into death while Taravangian and Gavilar are walking through discussing changes they need to make to more effectively harvest Death Rattles. The end.
  2. I'm with you there. As it is, just to be able to afford the hardcovers I had to try and squeeze in plasma donation appointments to get the funds before the Kickstarter runs out. I wish I could afford the Swag boxes, but there's no way that'll happen.
  3. I like that idea. I'd agree the people of Roshar's way of referring to everything(Like Magic = Surgebinding, etc) means it might not be an actual spren of any variety. I had not explictly thought of Kandra when I read it but now that it was pointed out I'm inclined to agree - weren't the True Bodies used in Era 1 shaped similarly?
  4. Just to jump in with my thoughts: I assumed during/immediately after reading that the Commands are what Adonalsium used to .. fully tap into his powers. Kind of like Rebar when used in building. You can do a lot with concrete, but you can do MORE with rebar and concrete. I would also assume they were originally part of Adonalsium - being used to Shatter him doesn't necessarily say otherwise; a good in world example is Larkin and Stormlight. All they would have to do to use it against him would be to have some understanding of how to tear the power out of him, and then utilize it. My current guess would be that they were part of him and they managed to suck out the power and use it to supercharge whatever weapon they used on him. Also, I think the Command is Change as well. Is it wrong that thinking that makes me think of the Obama Change posters, and makes me think of it as the Obama Command? (Yes. I know that's stupid, but I never claimed my brain is anything but stupid)
  5. For some reason the tattoo mention went completely and 100% over my head. I'm assuming part of it is as @Neithan said - I didn't suspect him either because he was in service to Rysn before the trip was even scheduled. All in all, I'm thrilled at what we learned but I want MORE lol. I'm sure everyone is on the same page with that bit though. Just two weeks to go, really need to buy me a copy lol.
  6. Soooo.. was I the only one playing Spot the Aimian and failed horribly for an embarrassingly long amount of time? I didn't make the connection despite the tattoos being referenced until just before Rysn figured it out.
  7. Weren't they referenced before, when Rysn was asking about hers? I thought they'd said there were three, and neither of the others got near the size of Chiri.
  8. That would be why I didn't find it. I only looked up when Tension was used, and then double checked it with Pewter. x-x I'll learn one of these days how to use Arcanum better lol. If he has to be using it as part of his spiritual bit, I'm not sure I'd really equate it with Pewter though.
  9. I'm curious about the Tension and Pewter thing as well... I looked through Arcanum but I couldn't find anything linking the two. All I found was references to it being linked to surface tension, and making things rigid. It makes me think of the Hira Hira no Mi from One Piece(Diamante's Devil Fruit) Which, if it functioned similarly could be pretty interesting. https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Hira_Hira_no_Mi
  10. @jamesbondsmith If Moash took it, I don't think he would need to be 'overwhelmed' I think he'd just lean into it. Dunno if Brandon would go the "overwhelmed" route though, I'm sure its been done several times but ya never know.
  11. Maybe part of my problem myself is that I already know the twist and general outlines of the plot? Well. Thinking about it that might not help - but that generally does not deter me from a book. I find myself rolling my eyes every single time I read a Vivenna point of view, and Siri only mildly less so. The only one I really enjoy is Lightsong, but Vasher holds my interest pretty good. I particularly liked the squirrel. That had me laughing more than was probably appropriate lol.
  12. I was going to avoid them but that failed. I managed to wait until we were at 7 before I gave in. I'd say you can always speed up your read using them - I dunno how quickly you read, but if you could read all of them in let's say a week, you could start reading them then. And then when the book comes out there won't really be a pause(Maybe a few days if you misjudge it, but still) Gets you a jump start on reading the entire thing without any real pause. I'm planning to start an SA reread next month, but I'm thinking it's going to be only rereading chapters I particularly enjoy.(The Battle at the Tower, among others) I already read them once this year, finished that up Mid-June.
  13. I think that depends on a lot of factors. He doesn't, for example, have to be on Roshar at the START of the arc for it to be Roshar based. Questioner (paraphrased) How is Ashyn Earth-like given its orbit? It should be even less habitable than Roshar. Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased) The Rosharan system was manufactured for a specific purpose. The position of the moons isn’t stable and even the continent itself might eventually vanish. Stuttgart signing (May 17, 2019) Why Roshar was built or what the System's intended purpose could very well draw him back to Roshar if he found out something elsewhere. The purpose behind it could make it very cosmere-wide effects on the outcome as well. I do know it has also been theorized that Odium has some kind of ally in the form of another Shard, which means it could be a pair of Antagonists in the back end, as well. I'm hoping that the 'specific purpose' ends up being very important down the line and we find out all about it.
  14. Okay. I looked at the confirmation page when I paid last night - apparently I left it open. There was no shipping information at all listed, but it WAS listed in the e-mail they sent me to confirm. I tried to edit what I got(Since I was a few dollars short on shipping, cuz I got the bumper sticker too.) and it had absolutely nothing listed. I don't know if I was logged in or not when I did the addon initially, since I had to login separately to try to review. I hit cancel on the order page from last night(I have no idea if it worked since it was open so long might have timed out from their end, dunno how that works) and redid the addon(Which was different slightly than the first time) anyone know of a way to confirm that JUST the book was added? I can't seem to find a way to confirm the first one was cancelled, I DID send a question to support but there may be a slow response, due to high volume yadda yadda yadda. I'm a bit impatient since it's only a couple days from going through and I've not money to cover the first one, let alone both. Edit: I have no idea what happened, or why it finally appeared now but not earlier, but the second order linked to my account and I removed it. Woo.
  15. Sooo... Not sure what forum would be best for this. I managed to scrounge together enough money to upgrade my backing from a purely digital Dawnshard to the Hardcover. Does the 15 dollars also include the shipping costs? Or is that added later? I couldn't find an answer for this and I was curious, because if it's added after I may need to scrounge s'more lol.
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