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  1. Kiya


    I'm definitely loving it! And walking away with plenty to mull over. Ham's questions are always fun to think through haha. Stormlight Archive is definitely going on the list!
  2. Kiya


    Thank you!! It's my real name XD
  3. Kiya


    Really loving it. I'm a huge Lord of the Rings fan and have read some other fantasy, but I'm enjoying how quick-paced this one is. Super engaging and exciting, and doing a great job of covering all bases and potential plotholes. Hmm, good question. I don't know if I can pick one! I'm really enjoying watching each character develop. I like that Vin is beginning to see the humanity in the nobility and is questioning Kelsier's total hatred of them. It's super intriguing watching a character's black-and-white morality get questioned--especially in sci-fi/fantasy, I feel like there's usually a group of villains/ultimate evil that needs to be eradicated, but this is more complex.
  4. Kiya


    Hi all! I've heard a lot about the whole Cosmere universe and then some, but I've just started reading Mistborn for the first time ever. About halfway through. Trying to avoid spoilers, but I think I've heard a chunk of them from friends already.
  5. Totally random opinion, but all I can picture in my head for Vin is Lily-Rose Aslandogdu. Y'all have to watch the Save the Children video that stars her--her acting is unreal, especially for her age. Knowing how long productions take, I think she would make a lot more sense. She'd actually be closer to Vin's real age, and would grow with the series. I think a lot of the other actresses that have been suggested are too adult, curvy, sexy, etc. to play Vin, especially initially. The first book strongly emphasizes how small, thin, and scrappy she is, and how easily she can hide herself. She's grown up being starved and beaten--an amazing powerful healthy curvy woman doesn't seem anywhere close to the right fit. I think this actress's sharp features and super-focused stare work really well for Vin. Plus all the hinting in the first book of Vin being like the daughter Kelsier never had--a Natalie Portman or even Summer Glau would not be close to believable as his daughter figure. I think the next closest suggestion I've seen is maybe Brianna Hildebrand or definitely Mckayla Twiggs.
  6. I am dead-set on Lily-Rose Aslandogdu (I would just Google-search her name, or watch the Save The Children video that stars her) as Vin. I figure by the time they start filming she would be the right age.
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