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Everything posted by nbozb

  1. Yes, I’d love to see that! I mean, I love following the humans, but looking at a society that’s lost so much of its history and culture forging a new direction, looking at the culture clashes between listeners and the people who were parshmen, and more? That sounds amazing.
  2. Yes, I found the Venli flashbacks super interesting, and honestly, I love Venli. I think that she’s a great character and I’d love to see a lot more of her in the future, but tbh I don’t think we’re going to get much more of her.
  3. Totally agree with the first paragraph, I’d love to see that (even though it would be satisfying for him to fall into a volcano...) I don’t know how much I agree with Shallan’s kill list, but Dalinar’s kill list is bounds above Moash - he burned a village, killing so many innocent people (including his wife, and probably kids as old as his grand-nephew). He was a warlord that reveled in blood. If Dalinar can come back, Moash can. I guess I’m fine with whatever happens. If Moash dies horribly, great! If Moash gets a slow, painful redemption arc, sign me up!
  4. Yeah, maybe I just have less sympathy for him because in general, I don’t really care about food taste. As long as it’s not horrible, I’ll eat it. I guess that if he really does care, it would be awful to not be able to eat it... ok, I’ll jump on the bandwagon. Sucks to be Hoid in this case
  5. This is a good thing! Because obviously the situation would be very different if this happened. However, he doesn’t have a very rare digestive disorder, or has to eat meat for religious purposes, or has protein deficiencies, so the situation isn’t changed by any of these things. This I can concede to... good point!
  6. There is a large difference between being basically made for the order (eg Kaladin) and being able to become a radiant in one (eg Sigzil). Adolin is not far away from being an Edgedancer, as the_archduke pointed out, definitely not to the point that his values don’t align with the order’s in any interpretation. While he may fit other orders better, he still fits the Edgedancers enough, and he’s in a radiant spren hotspot with an Edgedancer spren he’s already really close to. It would feel clunky and weird if Sanderson made him a Stoneward.
  7. Yes, it really must suck for Hoid. I feel so bad for him. It’s not as though vegetarians exist or anything....
  8. While many of our main characters seem like they are built for the order, not every radiant needs to be this way.
  9. I see him as more of a stoneward right now, but I feel like his journey will be to be an edgedancer.
  10. Just gotta point out: When any other book character is against abolishing slavery vs when Dalinar and Navani are against abolishing slavery, the fans’ reaction are very different.
  11. There is a WOB that says this. Of course, he's a researcher. He's also pretty great at sword fighting. I don't really think that he's going to help out Navani and Jasnah, he seems to want to stay away from that whole mess. Besides, he's not really much of a collaborator now.
  12. I really like that even though Dalinar has taken responsibility for his actions, the lives he tore apart are still addressed, through people like Lirin and the Mink. It's pretty easy to ignore everything that he's done, especially since almost all the characters that we care about have been either not really affected, or positively affected by him. (Of course, another major factor was the fact that Dalinar's bloody history was introduced in book three).
  13. I thought that the whole spren thing was just a white lie on Venli's part.
  14. I disagree. Radiants seem to come in all different shape and sizes, with moralities that don't align perfectly with all the other orders. And Radiants aren't perfect. I think he's still in the running for being a Radiant.
  15. Shoot, this is hard. I'll kiss Kaladin, marry Adolin (he's a sweetheart), and kill Shallan. KMK: Spensa, Vin, Vivenna
  16. I couldn't find the words to explain how I felt about Lirin and Dalinar, but this is it. I don't blame Lirin at all about how he thinks of Dalinar. Kaladin on the other hand... I can see where he's coming from, but really Lirin? I still love Lirin though - I didn't expect to like him nearly as much as I do, but I really do enjoy his viewpoints, and his character. He makes some very valid points.
  17. They both weren't a fan of people in power (Kelsier with the nobles and Kaladin with the lighteyes).
  18. I mean, I totally agree with that. That's true. I assumed it would be after one or two training sessions with Kelsier. If it was Vin before that, I'd give the victory to Kal.
  19. Vin is one of the most naturally talented allomancers, well, ever. Besides, she's got a rudimentary knowledge of a magic system, while Kaladin doesn't. He's going to probably have a little bit of hesitation or shock, just realizing that this is happening. Also, Vin would kill Kaladin ruthlessly, while killing young girls isn't really Kaladin's style. I mean, he'd probably do it, if he had to, but I'm guessing it would take a bit of hesitation. Also, since there's nothing about the battleground in op's post, I'm guessing that Vin would just assassinate Kaladin in his sleep. Vin trumps Kaladin in round one.
  20. Yes, exactly. Windrunners seem to follow their own personal code on what is right, but that can be flexible, and biased. Skybreakers, on the other hand, trust what they consider to be a more 'objective' code. Of course, there are downsides to following the letter of the law, but that's why we have so many different orders.
  21. Yes. I tried to start a Way of Kings read aloud with my family, where I'd read maybe a chapter or two every day. That didn't last a chapter. I've recommended the Mistborn books to a few of my friends to start off, but they're not really that interested haha. It's fine though, they still humor me by taking the Knight Radiants quiz and stuff haha
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