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Experience last won the day on April 6

Experience had the most liked content!

About Experience

  • Birthday 10/31/2003

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  • ICQ

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  • Member Title
    sorry, not sorry
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  • Interests
    Everything Brandon Sanderson, Piano, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Piano, Running(especially Cross Country, but also track), Piano, RP-ing, piano, saying yay, piano, writing, piano, board games, piano, 17th Shard, piano

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  1. Update: 30 days without my phone starts today. I'll still be on here somewhat on my laptop, but activity will be inconsistent during this time. 

    Y'all are awesome!

  2. Film Ideas:

    - The Robot vs. Humans stereotype, but the 'Robots' are just people that live with VR headsets all the time now.

    - A world where there is a way to travel for short periods of time to an alternate dimension where you basically live through a scenario in someone's shoes. Like mind meld and it's like they are making the same choices that the same person was making so that they can perfectly understand what someone went through. 

    1. Slowswift


      - I'm pretty sure there's a Star Trek episode about that.

      - Wouldn't be surprised if there was a Star Trek episode about that.

    2. Experience


      I wouldn't be surprised either

  3. Trogdor the Burninator!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Experience
    3. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Gotta preach the word of Strongbad.

    4. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      *whispers* and Teen Girl Squad

  4. I'm legitimately thinking about going 30 days without internet, as the detox is much needed to help me kind of reset as I'm averaging 10-12 or even more hours online everyday. 

    The only thing that is making me think twice really is that I won't be on hear at all during that time. Which...I know I can do it, but I really wanted to do the next hunger games and some SE and random interactions with y'all are always the best. 

    I mean...it is only 30 days, then I'll be back...for a few weeks before I'm gone for two months...and then college. Sigh. Hard choices, but I think I need to do this... we'll see ig.

    1. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      It'd probably do some good, yeah. Whatever you need to focus and get in tune with the spirit.

  5. What is the timeline looking like for the next hunger games? Like aboutish start time?
  6. Film Idea: Called Forever Death, and centers around a breakup that the main character has/had, and explores the idea that breakup's are like death because you're not with your partner anymore, but it's not a Forever Death because there's the chance of returning.

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