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The Skybreakers

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Everything posted by The Skybreakers

  1. I agree- it can't be a coincidence that Kaladin got the same nickname twice, in completely different places, and after his old friends had died
  2. Ooh- do you think dalinar could "revive" honours remnants, so that *someone* can ascend, and then they can trap Odium again...
  3. I always imagined he was angry at the Storm father, well, scared, kinda, because while he knew the stormfather existed, he never knew he could do this- Tbh this theory is looking pretty fragile after reading the others
  4. Interesting, Though I don't see an instance where the radiants will be there for the singers... Kaladin helped them for a few weeks and he couldn't protect elhokar because of it- the other radiants may decide, or be advised, to stay away from all that so they can keep their goal in mind. and not break down in the middle of battle
  5. I agree. I can imagine though, radiants slowly influencing the singers, and then when it comes to a battle they announce that they will give freedom to any singer who joins them. It'd have to be done in a way that the singers wouldn't know they were being influenced, or that they even feel like joining the alethi. It'd have to be like a split second decision as they decide that the alethi guarantee freedom far more
  6. I can imagine spren would build a city there, as in the Cognitive Realm, oathgates are two giant spren. It'd be hard to lose 20 giant spren on 10 big platforms... Though how do they fit? I envision the oathgates as bigger than they are in the Physical Realm... So would you see 1 huge platform, with the spren at different points?
  7. So Brandon Sanderson is definitely going to go into detail with this. At the end of OB, the standing of all (big) kingdoms and alethkar includes: Azish- in the coalition, but not fully until they can trust the alethi to keep their armies Thaylens- greatful to the alethi for saving their city, but Fen may or may not be bitter about it. I can see the thaylens and the alethi presenting a unified front in any political battles coming. Vedens- ..hard to say... Dalinar won't trust Taravangian as much, given adolins (correct) suggestion that he's with odium. Given that the veden government (as we've seen so far ) are massively influenced by the followers of the diagram, who work for odium. The shin- no idea. They happen to be a corrupted government so... My prediction is that instantly the coalition will begin planning a new place to attack, as the voidbringers have lost their momentum, and are regrouping the coalition have a perfect chance to grab a kingdom (alethkar?) Afterwards they will start stabilising the coalition. dalinar and alethkar would become sperate. Jasnah will simply not let him take any of her power... Not agressively... Just... Jasnah like.... Dalinar will now represent the Radiants, talking on their behalf, not the behalf of the kingdom, where alethkar's next action is depends on if kholinar gets taken back. The major factions in the coalition I can predict are azir's faction - opposing dalinar and the Radiants but still wanting the benefit of the world (probably the Makabaki kingdoms and azir in this one) And of course dalinar's faction, support of the Radiants, and of course wanting the benefit of the world. (Alethkar and thaylena, as one of them has a radiant at its head, who happens to be related to dalinar) It's hard to say where Jah keved will stand in all this... But I'm guessing somewhere in between the two
  8. I doubt that Szeth will try that hard to clear his name, except to say that it was another life
  9. I would add it, but as people can't change their answers, the poll would be unfair
  10. Currently most people seem to want a non-radiant main character, but personally I'd prefer him to be one, or something close.
  11. Um... Well... I seem to have become a windrunner...
  12. To be honest, I don't really want adolin to become a wholesale radiant, it's just good to have a main character that doesn't have powers for once, though I'm still in for anything such as fixing mayalarin and maybe gaining 1st ideal powers of an edge dancer.. Though yeah I'll be happy either way
  13. So it's mentioned that Odium is on braze. Braze being the planet next furthest from the Rosharan star. It is also mentioned odium is trapped in bonds he cannot break. The problem is that Odium can't use his full power with these bonds. Odium is definitely very powerful - enough to shatter Honour and send cultivation into hiding- but how much exactly can he do? He maintains much power with his army, and can still appear like he is on (planet) Roshar Once again, if this discussion happened before please enter a link
  14. I have to say, this is of course personal preference Though the difference in battle strategy is windrunners are very much scouts (adhesion and gravitation) , while Skybreakers (having division as well as gravitation) Now comes to the oaths, we can all agree that the Skybreakers imitate nale, who is -or was- justice. The Skybreakers follow an external code, no matter how fundimentally flawed. The windrunners imitate jezrien himself, the king of heralds. How this works in differencr to the other orders, who follow their leaders personalities, the windrunners are not leaders or kings, but rather scouts as I mentioned earlier. The windrunners, follow their own code, what they think is right, which can also be flawed, as nale said himself that men are flawed. There may actually be some kind of moral clash between Kaladin and Szeth later on. Though I am a fan of the Skybreakers (hence the username) there isn't really a better option
  15. Thanks, though in Warbreaker 'vasher' a specifies that they do not know much of breath, and I know other theories that stormlight is simply hundreds of breaths, maybe in Warbreaker if someone was to reach (X) heightening they may somehow find the ability to soulcast. This theory wa powered by how Nightblood still consumed stormlight but (it seems to be) a slower rate Though that's a wierd idea, my point is that anything relating to breaths we can't be entirely sure about, as they don't know about breaths themselves, in Warbreaker they also find that the returned Are also unknown to them. Though I do not know much of past conversations so I can't be entirely sure this hasnt already been disproved.
  16. I was rereading today and found something strange in the book. at the part when Shallan fights off the unmade Re-Shephir she theorises that the unmade was searching for something it lost. Now this matches close to how the inquisitors and koloss where described. Trying to find what they had lost in themselves. I'm not too sure why this would be of massive importance, but it suggests odium - or another being on roshar - knows how to use Hemulargy. This could lead on to something In future on roshar, though I can't yet figure it out
  17. If it was me I would probably choose Azir , I would chose a vorin nation but their restrictions on men reading are too much
  18. Note: I am a bit new to this, if there was already a discussion on this please send a link So I was re-reading Oathbringer today and had a sudden realisation that we dont know all of the Orders Surges. all we really know are the surges of those in the book, and we dont know some of the second surges (eg. Lightweaver has the surges of Illusion and Transformation, but what about Dustbringers?) What I have been able to peice together (Note: I did this earlier in like 15 mins, so If you see something wrong please tell me) Windrunner: Surges of Gravitation and -(Not sure) Lightweaver: Surges of Illumination and Transformation Edgedancer: Surges of Transportation and -(Not sure) Dustbringer: Surges of Division and -(Not sure) Skybreaker: Surges of Gravitation and Division Bondsmith: Do they even have surges? are they just all of them? So basically any theories, etc.? Also if someone has all of the Orders Glyphs that would be great
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