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Everything posted by Skaromas

  1. From the recesses of a dark alley Compound watched the messenger deliver his master's announcement. A party. For me, Compound thought, Great, I thought I had escaped those things when I left Chivalry's court. Well it shouldn't be to bad, at least these wont be trying to replicate medieval England. What could go wrong. Looking around, Compound touched the wall of the building he was leaning against, and turned it to pure air. Then he walked through and made another hole through the floor, falling down into the dark recesses of a lower room.
  2. I'll be honest I have no clue but to me it seems counterintuitive that whilst you are affected by a speed bubble the metalminds and how they physically affect the feruchemist are not. I think that the storage of metalminds would be relative to the feruchemist, as they are connected spirtually, but honestly I dont think we have any actual information on how it would work, whether investiture and how it functions in the case of feruchemy is affected by them.
  3. Okay but don't pulsers slow down time in a bubble around them, surely you would fill you metalminds in more time. I mean the idea is really powerful but you got your metals confused i think. Anyway for me I would choose A-tin F-Bendalloy. Tin cause its pretty useful, and I just really like F-Bendalloy
  4. “I should have known this wouldn’t be easy,” Ace sighed before tossing a few coins at Torch, he had traded some of his supplies for them, “Thank you regardless Torch, but I must be going.” He turned and walked out the building, thinking on the best way to attract their attention. There has to be an easy way to find them, He thought, The best way would be to locate myself near areas influenced by powerful epics. But where would I find something like that? I guess I’ll just have to ask around more. He sighed and shook his head, before walking through the slums towards some more informants he knew would be ready to provide information to a rebel like him. Compound stalked through the city, it was hard to not stalk through the streets in his dark clothing and mask. He watched and waited, and watched and waited, it was rather dull. He had thought that his little show of power would gather the interest of one of the powerful epics of the city, but no, nobody seemed to care apart from those epics that scattered and that bird who flew off. He sighed to himself and settled down for some more waiting and watching.
  5. Ace strode through the slum-like alleys of the city, eventually coming across the collapsed building where he had set up his meeting with an informant before tracking Compound. He waited until he saw a shadowed form enter the ruin before advancing. When he reached the building he ducked through the mostly collapsed door and peered through the building’s dark interior. Inside was a man, short, fat and wearing the tattered remains of a suit, his informant, Torch. “Torch, I am here for the information I requested,” Ace said, “What have you got for me.” Torch straightened himself, and said “Well, you requested knowledge of the EAEC and any potential operations they would have in the city. I cannot tell you much about them other than the knowledge that most people know, where they operate and what they do.” “Alright, the second question is more important to me anyway.” “Well you see, this information was very difficult to get hold of, I trust you will pay well for this, else I am ruined.” “Out with it man, do the EAEC have any dealings in the city, and if so where would I be most likely to find them?”
  6. Ace watched as David, no as Compound, exited the building through one of the back walls, he was wearing his mask, it meant that Compound meant business. He thought on that for a moment, he couldn't run anymore, each time David had found them he did so quicker, they were running out of places to hide, and time to find more was even scarcer. Somehow he knew only one of them would leave Berlin alive, one of them was going to fall, and it would be by the other’s hand. He heard a sound behind and spun, but it was just one of the few sickly birds that called this roof home. He reached into his bag and pulled out the thing he had risked his life for: the crown. He held it towards the light, watching as it sparkled. Then he threw it, it spun as it fell, the light glinting off its surface as it tumbled and returned to his hands. What am I to do? He thought, I dont have my team, I dont have money, and I have to face an epic with nothing but a gun just to stop one other epic conquering more of England. He shook his head, he knew that three of those problems he had caused himself; He had sent his team away, back to the UK to protect them, and had given them most of his equipment and money. He knew that there was an organisation who operated in much of northern and western Europe, he just hoped they were operating in this city right now, and that he'd be able to find them. He walked up the roof to the broken skylight and jumped through, thinking about the search ahead.
  7. Compound entered the small run-down building in which he had stayed the night he arrived at the city. Once inside he covered the door with a thin layer of iron, transformed from the air itself. He did this because even though he had checked to ensure he hadn’t been followed, any one of the people walking in the streets could be epics, and the rodents and birds that he had passed could have been controlled by epics, or be epics themselves. He turned and searched for his things, stuck inside a small internal column that he had added the day he arrived. He pulled out his stuff, and grabbed his more discreet change of clothing: a long black coat, a black shirt and black trousers. On top of that he pulled out a black leather mask, fashioned after those of medieval plague doctors, Chivalry had got it made for him to sell the ‘Dark Wizard’ aesthetic. He shook his head, then put the mask on and pulled up his hood. It was time to get accustomed to the city. He used his powers to turn a segment of the wall into air, or well oxygen as that was easier, and stepped through, entering an alley beside the building. He turned the wall back into stone, and looked down the alley. No one was there, good. He stepped forward and created a ladder against the wall which he climbed. Now standing on top of the building Compound could see much of the city, and picked a point near the centre where he could watch, and wait for one of the two leading epics to call upon him.
  8. Compound walked into the square that held the central tower; it acted as a meeting place for the two epics that ran this city, according to his information, though these meetings often evolved into fights in the local area. It was a tall white structure, and used to be TV Tower, back when people had the luxury to use TVs. At its top was a large spherical contraption that had once been a viewing platform. Lines of blue-green energy coursed along the metal frame that had been affixed to the tower, the powers of the epic who maintained electricity in the city, Discharge. The two epics leading the city claimed that the tower was for meetings only, but in actuality it served as the power source for the city, with Discharge being Imprisoned at the top generating the energy. It was a punishment for his rebellion a few years back, unnecessary mercy in Compound’s eyes. Discharge had tried to push his territory into the middle of the city, which caused both leading epics to stop squabbling over power and both go over and remove him from the city's power structure, imprisoning him at the top of the tower and making him a glorified generator. The square was a prime place for newly arrived epics to announce themselves, and the only place in the city where many lesser epics gathered to discuss matters and form alliances, the closest thing epics had to friendships, under the eyes of the city’s two rulers. Compound walked forward, slowly pushing his powers into the ground beneath his two feet, transforming the cobbles into the most attention grabbing material he could; gold. Where he stepped everything within a metre was transformed to pure gold, the street, the furniture he passed, even the stray litter that could be found occasionally, it all became gold. He had to have made a noticeable entrance, because several epics turned to him, and started whispering to the people around them. “I have come to announce my presence to this city and its leader,” Compound shouted at the top of his voice, he scanned the crowd, "I am the epic known as Compound, and I will pledge allegiance to whichever of the leading epics calls on me first," and with that he turned and strode back into the narrow streets of the city.
  9. Compound walked along the streets, his hand pressed lightly against the wall behind him. Where they touched the wall, the bricks and stone within a few centimetres transformed to pure copper. He walked the streets for a few minutes, getting a feel for the people of the city, it was so different from London, where he had gained his powers three years back. He reached the end of the street he was on, a narrow one that had surely existed for centuries. When he stopped daydreaming he raised his eyes to focus on the nearest group of people, a small gathering of teens. He walked towards the group, his eyes set on the apparent leader, a tall boy of maybe eighteen years. "You there," Compound said, his voice cold and quiet compared to most epics, "Where can I find the leadership of this city?" He saw the teenage boys cower before his gaze, the boy he addressed looking side to side in the hope that he was not being talked to. After a few seconds of deliberation the boy said, "Uh, in the central tower, you cant miss it. Its right there," he pointed to the tower rising above the middle of the city. "I should have known, thank you mortal," Compound said as he walked off, sights set on the central tower.
  10. I would definetly participate in a new Reckoners RPG set on any continent, though i think setting it away from north America would be interesting and allow for some good ideas.
  11. I'm going to participate in this even though its over two years not used. 1. My first power would be a limited form of forcefield creation, basically allowing myself to create magic armour out of forcefields that is incredibly durable and is impervious to most forms of ordinary weaponry. This first power would also allow me to make weapons out of forcefields (mostly medieval weapons). My secondary power would be enhanced charisma, basically making me someone others would follow. 2. My weakness would be doubt, anyone who doubts my influence or powers would weaken him greatly. To mitigate this I would spread rumours of how powerful and great he so that it is easier to dispel the doubt in anyone who tries to challenge him. 3. My epic name would be Chivalry (I came up with this name, liked it and so built the powerset around it) 4. My evil would manifest as me beleiving it is my right to rule over the people around me like a medieval king, holding court and doing all the classic medieval corrupt king stuff. Oh an my costume would be a a replica of what a medieval king would wear, naturally.
  12. Callsign: Herald Changed to fit the sort of rule of having it start with same sound as your first name.
  13. Raoden, I liked his character and his arc of discovery, Sarene was alright and her arc is also interesting but Hrathen I just found dull and a character whose chapters (after reading the book once) I just skipped on my first reread.
  14. Bendalloy, because I could just eat a lot and not get fat.
  15. I find it more likely that it is a normal fork, because why would someone make a fork out of Atium of Malatium?
  16. For meaning Aan (i like truth and knowledge )or Rao (sounds cool and has a nice if vague meaning), in terms of anything Are (unity) or Rii (wealth) because those are what id use to make my own name. After looking at the definitions I laughed at my names meaning in Aons as it was Iadon's entire plan for Arelon during his life, unity because of wealth.
  17. to all the people who said it wouldn't have been large enough, I suspect it wouldn't change the history of the animal and the box only the box because otherwise you would get chunks of history for many objects just lost whenever a soul stamp is removed, the soul stamp only affects the object it changes the history of's history and only the parts detailed in the soul stamp, and because their was probably nothing saying, animalscan get in you in the change (other than the boxes size but that isn't saying animals can now get inside this box its just making it bigger) so it depends on the material e.g. cardboard would break, would or metal would end up in pet juice.
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