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The New Rashek

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  1. Just saying, Pattern says that he is not sure why Shallan has to draw the thing she makes an illusion of, so maybe you should change that
  2. Granted, you are now a goat. Your bane is that you always are like you are storing steel feruchemy I want to be an allomantic pulser (uses cadmium)
  3. Correction, i meant that if you used duralumin on a knight radiants' abilites
  4. What would happen if you "Compounded" duralumin and a Knight Radiants' abilities?
  5. What would be some of the uses of aluminum allomancy?
  6. I feel like he shouldn't become a Radiant, mainly because then the entire (alive) Kholin family will be made of radiants
  7. According to a knight radiant quiz i took, i'm a truthwatcher
  8. Granted, but instead you fall over at those times I want to be a slider
  9. Kaladin, but I also really like Raoden
  10. I just joined today and i wanted everyone to know!
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