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  1. Uuh my bad I forgot the characters are from different time lines and I ment major characters not the main characters but I really wish they'd meet even if some are gray and while others are in their prime but that's just my opinion..ooh and I don't think Adolnasium needs a vessel
  2. I know it is a long way of but I keep thinking that the novels will end with the convergence of adolnasium and hopefully the major characters
  3. I have read all the major book series of the Cosmere and am kinda in the mood for reading more so if anyone could list me all the short stories and their respective series that would realy be helpful
  4. We just hear or read that glys is a truthwatch spren but we never hear what type he is. Like Syl is in regards a windrunner spren but she is actually an honorspren. So I would like to know your thoughts on this matter coz it's been on my mind for a while or maybe I just missed it
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