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Realmatic Shadow

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    Not Quite Human

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  1. "I am intelligent and articulate!" - Syl As for a more serious quote that has actually impacted me personally: "Accept the pain, but don't accept that you deserve it" - Hoid
  2. It is overthinking it, but others have certainly seen the resemblance
  3. I know Brandon has said he wants to save the Heralds and their POV for the back 5 books, but I could totally see there being a few interludes and/or chapters from them throughout the book beginning to establish the characters of the ones we've not meet yet, and give somewhere to build from with their viewpoints later in the series
  4. Haven't we already seen Kaladin drawing in and using Light before he swore the First Ideal? I think it is more likely that, with her sort-of there bond with Testament and all the Cryptics gathered around her, that she was still able to draw in and use Light to a small degree, but not enough for any true Lightweaving or anything. For the most part I agree with this, though I'd place "I killed my spren" as 4th to Pattern, if it is even actually a Truth. It could also be the precursor realization that leads her to speak what is properly her third Truth to either of them, instead of an actual Truth on its own. Her actual Truth could be "I regret killing Testament" or something, where her remembering and coming to terms with the fact she did kill Testament is a step in the process, for example. This would explain why Brandon didn't specifically say if it was or wasn't a Truth, but him calling the whole situation 'pretty complicated' makes me think this might be a little too simple of an answer...
  5. From what I've seen of others with misprint copies, if you get in touch with the Sanderson Store you could get a replacement copy.
  6. Oops, thanks! Removed the spoiler entirely, because wasn't really necessary in context.
  7. oh I'm just an idiot, ignore me lol. But yeah, in the Cognitive there is no day-night cycle, it is eternally daytime, though there is likely a cycle similar to it that the spren and other cognitive entities would notice and operate by. I do feel that, due to the jumbled nature of the subastrals of Shardworlds, Taldain's subastral wouldn't end up with a perfect 50/50 split between the Dayside and Darkside skies, and in the inbetween stages you may see the sky in a "broken" pattern. Side theory: The only reason it appears permanently daytime in the Cognitive on most Shardworlds is because of human perception of day as the 'normal' state of the world, whereas Taldain in its unique situation as a tidally locked planet would have a different view of that based off of where you live on the planet, that would affect the subastral there, and people may view it as a 'broken sky' simply because it isn't permanently day on the whole subastral. All of this is theory, but I do feel that the reason behind the permanent day is likely correct.
  8. The planet of Taldain is tidally locked between the two stars in its system, which means that one side of the planet will always face towards the brighter star (the Dayside of the planet) and the other side will always face towards the minor star in the system (Darkside).
  9. I feel something this whole thread is having a little trouble remembering is the reason that you can't forcefully remove someone's Breaths: Identity. The Identity the Breath is bound to restricts who can command it, but we have seen these Identity restrictions on Investiture be ignored by Shards previously, so I don't think it would be too far out of course for Todd to be able to destroy or remove those Breaths, regardless of the laws of BioChroma that stop people from stealing each others Breath. An important distinction I would like to make is also that Todd didn't steal the Breaths, he excised them. I think it is more indicative of him corrupting and removing them, though his relative inexperience with his Shard's power meant that he was not able to do this without damaging the memories stored inside them.
  10. very angry gender neutral 'they' sounds Also on the actual topic here, I think that outside of the Windrunners, each order's oaths are accepted by their bonded spren, with the Windrunners being quite the exception because of how closely they are associated with Honor, and the Stormfather (and apparently his Bondsmith as well now) being in charge of accepting those oaths. So by that logic the voice we heard accepting Venli's oath at the end of the book was Timbre, with this being one of the very few (or I think maybe the only) scene we've seen where she speaks directly, instead of using the rhythms and the general impressions Radiants get from their spren. I would be curious if any of the Bondsmith spren and Bondsmiths can accept the Windrunner oaths, or if that is a Stormfather exclusive thing (with him being the most Honor aligned god-spren). Would they then also be able to accept the oaths of any order, or is that something that can only be done for the Windrunners?
  11. 32. Not allowed to refer to Adonalsium as 'daddy ady' or any derivative thereof. Even if it humorous
  12. ... Yet another amazing detail I didn't notice until it was pointed out to me.
  13. We have WOB that the perception a Cognitive Shadow has of themselves affects how they appear (with the Returned pointed to as an obvious example of this). Though it would be interesting if this was instead the Investiture that Honor gave them to maker them Shadows starting fade away/disappear, causing their bodies are starting to catch up to their true age even slightly, in a similar way to how TLR 'rubber banded' to his true age when his Atium-minds were removed.
  14. It could be that her bond with Pattern wasn't quite established enough for her to hear the screams, but I find that a little unbelievable. I'm more of the mind that, due to their bond being far enough along for her to be able to summon Testament as a Blade, when summoned after she was killed she didn't scream. It could also be that, in those moments where she did summon that specific Blade, she was living in the Truths she had spoken with Testament, and thus at least somewhat living to her oaths at the time.
  15. You've got to wait for a Mod to come along and move it for you. Saying you would like to know how should be enough that they move it for you I think that this is Ishar being able to read the Connections in the Spiritual Realm, and use those to pre-empt what people will do. Atium works on a similar principle, so it is correct to consider this two forms of Investiture having similar effects (like Pewter in Allomancy and Feruchemy affecting strength, though in different manners).
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