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    of the order of Composters
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  1. Hi, I haven’t been reading this conversation, but I think Roshar would win with no evidence to back it up, hope that helps
  2. Hey Benduluke, I really enjoyed Identity Weaver and was wondering if there would ever be more? Quicksilver really called out to me as a character, and frankly, he was just cool. I even shared this story with a couple friends and they really enjoyed it too! You left us all on such a cliffhanger as well, and it would be so sad if it just ended there :/ No pressure to continue if you don’t want to, of course I’ve got some honest advice/tips for the future: We all thought that the spren should’ve come back, as they seem to disappear soon after they were both introduced. Having them discuss and chat with Quicksilver would open up a new dynamic. Another thing we noticed was that the Guard captain seemed to be a bit flirty with Quicksilver—did you intend for a little something to be there? Either way I loved the story and would also love to see more! It was a fun story, and we all really enjoyed it. Hope that brightens your day as much as it did ours!
  3. An idea I’ve seen tossed around once or twice before that’s been growing on me is Kaladin and Venli, not gonna lie. From what we saw in RoW, and both’s general attitudes and personalities. I guess it just seems like there’s something there in my opinion. If not as romantic partners, then as friends for sure. The bigger part of this, though, is that I really want Brandon to explore a human/singer romance, and this is maybe my perfect excuse. Besides, if anyone of the main cast would be with a singer, it would be Kaladin, don’t lie
  4. If I’m honest, I saw the Chouta stand infiltration from a mile away. The fact that the Fused were going to get into Urithiru by hiding in Chouta stands was pretty well foreshadowed in the previews. I was not expecting the tax evasion plot line though, and the redemption of Leshwi and Lezian into happy Chouta salespeople. Good subversion from Brandon, I think. What were y’all’s thoughts on that?
  5. Ok, but you can’t lie, Rlain’s dance battle for the fate of the Listeners was pretty great. I was not expecting him to start breakdancing in the middle of the highstorm, that’s for sure. Looking back though, the foreshadowing was all there. Brandon got us again!
  6. From the Kickstarter update: So it sounds like sometime early next year, slightly delayed but nothing crazy, thankfully.
  7. It actually looks like it’ll be coming out sometime next week. Brandon talked about it in the lastest Kickstarter update. Basically, the book’s-done, and now it’s going through copy edits and stuff so it’s ready for release. On reddit, Peter has said it’s likely to be out after Tuesday next week, and that it’ll be released as soon as its done. So, now we wait I guess? Honestly late October was a pretty ambitious deadline, with editing and stuff as it is, especially considering Brandon basically doubled his projected word count for it haha.
  8. Remember perfectly, except better. Actually though, people have theorized that it could make a second copy of a coppermind, but Brandon has been pretty tight lipped about it so who knows.
  9. Thanks all! Feeling welcome, maybe too welcome I would say I saw this coming, but predicting the future is of the Voidbringers, so... As for what Misting/Ferring I would be, probably copper as a Misting and electrum as a Ferring just because storing determination sounds really cool, even if we don't really know how it works. My Twinborn combo would probably be Copper compounding, just because that sounds pretty rad.
  10. Sounds good! They all sort of run together in my head, but my favorite one I've read recently was the idea that
  11. I haven't actually ever looked over there, @Invocation, I mostly stalked theories and stuff, but I might check it out.
  12. Totally @Invocation got mad respect for the guy. Joined the skaa rebellion, rebelled against the skaa rebellion when they rebelled against the orders of Kelsier. Yeah, I've basically read everything except Elantris, the one book me or my library doesn't have. I would like to read it, but I just haven't been able to slip it in.
  13. That's the weirdest thing though @Honorless, it marked by post as spam for a new user until I removed the tags. Totally Stoneward, mostly because I'm super stubborn haha. @Invocation yeah I totally thought it would be taken, but no, the best Cosmere character was available haha.
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