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  1. Hey, remember that bit where the lord ruler tried to eradicate the keepers? It was to keep them from A: breeding with Allomancers. And B: discover his use of Feruchemy, like u said they might also i loved what someone said before about F pewter increasing amount of muscle strands, and A pewter increasing the strength of the muscle strand alendi mentions the feruchemists doing stuff like moving boulders, and we see Sazed do crazy things in his fight with the Koloss. Now add A pewter to that giant, it might not add a whole ton of extra strength seeing as how A pewter adds a definitive amount of strength. But imagine negating the sluggishness we see in Sazed, and increased endurance! And agility! so no, maybe not the Hulk, but throwing cars would be no problem, and their increased skin strength and added muscle weight would make them a b*tch to take down for any Allomancers, be they a Pewterarm or a coinshot
  2. I understand that I am very late to this discussion, Recently discovered my love for the cosmere Anyways, seems to me like the effects of compounding pewter would be enormous. It is stated in "The Well of Ascension" by Ham that burning pewter enhances ones own strength, and thus if two pewter arms were both flaring their pewter that it would essentially negate the effects of the allomancy. We see in the same book that sazed becomes near the size of one of the larger koloss, and is able to crush skulls and many other bones with shear muscle, I'm sure you all remember that bit quite well, it was fairly gruesome. Now imagine being able to have that strength for nigh unlimited amounts of time, and then enhance that strength with allomantically burning pewter, any health concerns with the level of strength achieved by sazed, witch apear to be none, would be negated by allomancy, and the strength would almost double, you would basically be the hulk
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